class TexError(Exception): def __init__(self, log, source, template_name=None): self.log = log self.source = source.splitlines() mo = self.message = or "No error message found." if"lineno"): lineno = int("lineno")) - 1 total = len(self.source) top = max(0, lineno - 5) bottom = min(lineno + 5, total) source_lines = list(enumerate(self.source[top:bottom], top + 1)) line, during = source_lines[lineno - top] self.template_debug = { "name": template_name, "message": self.message, "source_lines": source_lines, "line": line, "before": "", "during": during, "after": "", "total": total, "top": top, "bottom": bottom, } width = len(str(bottom + 1)) template_context = "\n".join( "{lineno:>{width}} {line}".format( lineno=lineno, width=width, line=line) for lineno, line in source_lines ) self.message += "\n\n" + template_context def __str__(self): return self.message def checkExoModelObject(obj): isPdf = False if (obj['pdf'] == None or (obj['calcul'] == False and obj['pdf'] == False)) else True isCsv = False if (obj['csv'] == None or (obj['calcul'] == False and obj['csv'] == False)) else True isWeb = False if (obj['web'] == None or (obj['calcul'] == False and obj['web'] == False)) else True return { 'isPdf':isPdf, 'isCsv':isCsv, 'isWeb': isWeb}