from aioredis.util import wait_convert, _NOTSET, _ScanIter class SetCommandsMixin: """Set commands mixin. For commands details see: """ def sadd(self, key, member, *members): """Add one or more members to a set.""" return self.execute(b'SADD', key, member, *members) def scard(self, key): """Get the number of members in a set.""" return self.execute(b'SCARD', key) def sdiff(self, key, *keys): """Subtract multiple sets.""" return self.execute(b'SDIFF', key, *keys) def sdiffstore(self, destkey, key, *keys): """Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.""" return self.execute(b'SDIFFSTORE', destkey, key, *keys) def sinter(self, key, *keys): """Intersect multiple sets.""" return self.execute(b'SINTER', key, *keys) def sinterstore(self, destkey, key, *keys): """Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.""" return self.execute(b'SINTERSTORE', destkey, key, *keys) def sismember(self, key, member): """Determine if a given value is a member of a set.""" return self.execute(b'SISMEMBER', key, member) def smembers(self, key, *, encoding=_NOTSET): """Get all the members in a set.""" return self.execute(b'SMEMBERS', key, encoding=encoding) def smove(self, sourcekey, destkey, member): """Move a member from one set to another.""" return self.execute(b'SMOVE', sourcekey, destkey, member) def spop(self, key, count=None, *, encoding=_NOTSET): """Remove and return one or multiple random members from a set.""" args = [key] if count is not None: args.append(count) return self.execute(b'SPOP', *args, encoding=encoding) def srandmember(self, key, count=None, *, encoding=_NOTSET): """Get one or multiple random members from a set.""" args = [key] count is not None and args.append(count) return self.execute(b'SRANDMEMBER', *args, encoding=encoding) def srem(self, key, member, *members): """Remove one or more members from a set.""" return self.execute(b'SREM', key, member, *members) def sunion(self, key, *keys): """Add multiple sets.""" return self.execute(b'SUNION', key, *keys) def sunionstore(self, destkey, key, *keys): """Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.""" return self.execute(b'SUNIONSTORE', destkey, key, *keys) def sscan(self, key, cursor=0, match=None, count=None): """Incrementally iterate Set elements.""" tokens = [key, cursor] match is not None and tokens.extend([b'MATCH', match]) count is not None and tokens.extend([b'COUNT', count]) fut = self.execute(b'SSCAN', *tokens) return wait_convert(fut, lambda obj: (int(obj[0]), obj[1])) def isscan(self, key, *, match=None, count=None): """Incrementally iterate set elements using async for. Usage example: >>> async for val in redis.isscan(key, match='something*'): ... print('Matched:', val) """ return _ScanIter(lambda cur: self.sscan(key, cur, match=match, count=count))