482 lines
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482 lines
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"""An implementation of the OpenID Provider Authentication Policy
Extension 1.0, Draft 5
@see: http://openid.net/developers/specs/
@since: 2.1.0
__all__ = [
from openid.extension import Extension
import warnings
import re
ns_uri = "http://specs.openid.net/extensions/pape/1.0"
TIME_VALIDATOR = re.compile(r'^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ$')
LEVELS_NIST = 'http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-63/SP800-63V1_0_2.pdf'
LEVELS_JISA = 'http://www.jisa.or.jp/spec/auth_level.html'
class PAPEExtension(Extension):
_default_auth_level_aliases = {
'nist': LEVELS_NIST,
'jisa': LEVELS_JISA,
def __init__(self):
self.auth_level_aliases = self._default_auth_level_aliases.copy()
def _addAuthLevelAlias(self, auth_level_uri, alias=None):
"""Add an auth level URI alias to this request.
@param auth_level_uri: The auth level URI to send in the
@param alias: The namespace alias to use for this auth level
in this message. May be None if the alias is not
if alias is None:
alias = self._getAlias(auth_level_uri)
except KeyError:
alias = self._generateAlias()
existing_uri = self.auth_level_aliases.get(alias)
if existing_uri is not None and existing_uri != auth_level_uri:
raise KeyError('Attempting to redefine alias %r from %r to %r',
alias, existing_uri, auth_level_uri)
self.auth_level_aliases[alias] = auth_level_uri
def _generateAlias(self):
"""Return an unused auth level alias"""
for i in range(1000):
alias = 'cust%d' % (i, )
if alias not in self.auth_level_aliases:
return alias
raise RuntimeError('Could not find an unused alias (tried 1000!)')
def _getAlias(self, auth_level_uri):
"""Return the alias for the specified auth level URI.
@raises KeyError: if no alias is defined
for (alias, existing_uri) in self.auth_level_aliases.items():
if auth_level_uri == existing_uri:
return alias
raise KeyError(auth_level_uri)
class Request(PAPEExtension):
"""A Provider Authentication Policy request, sent from a relying
party to a provider
@ivar preferred_auth_policies: The authentication policies that
the relying party prefers
@type preferred_auth_policies: [str]
@ivar max_auth_age: The maximum time, in seconds, that the relying
party wants to allow to have elapsed before the user must
@type max_auth_age: int or NoneType
@ivar preferred_auth_level_types: Ordered list of authentication
level namespace URIs
@type preferred_auth_level_types: [str]
ns_alias = 'pape'
def __init__(self,
super(Request, self).__init__()
if preferred_auth_policies is None:
preferred_auth_policies = []
self.preferred_auth_policies = preferred_auth_policies
self.max_auth_age = max_auth_age
self.preferred_auth_level_types = []
if preferred_auth_level_types is not None:
for auth_level in preferred_auth_level_types:
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self.preferred_auth_policies or
self.max_auth_age is not None or
def addPolicyURI(self, policy_uri):
"""Add an acceptable authentication policy URI to this request
This method is intended to be used by the relying party to add
acceptable authentication types to the request.
@param policy_uri: The identifier for the preferred type of
@see: http://openid.net/specs/openid-provider-authentication-policy-extension-1_0-05.html#auth_policies
if policy_uri not in self.preferred_auth_policies:
def addAuthLevel(self, auth_level_uri, alias=None):
self._addAuthLevelAlias(auth_level_uri, alias)
if auth_level_uri not in self.preferred_auth_level_types:
def getExtensionArgs(self):
"""@see: C{L{Extension.getExtensionArgs}}
ns_args = {
'preferred_auth_policies': ' '.join(self.preferred_auth_policies),
if self.max_auth_age is not None:
ns_args['max_auth_age'] = str(self.max_auth_age)
if self.preferred_auth_level_types:
preferred_types = []
for auth_level_uri in self.preferred_auth_level_types:
alias = self._getAlias(auth_level_uri)
ns_args['auth_level.ns.%s' % (alias, )] = auth_level_uri
ns_args['preferred_auth_level_types'] = ' '.join(preferred_types)
return ns_args
def fromOpenIDRequest(cls, request):
"""Instantiate a Request object from the arguments in a
C{checkid_*} OpenID message
self = cls()
args = request.message.getArgs(self.ns_uri)
is_openid1 = request.message.isOpenID1()
if args == {}:
return None
self.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1)
return self
fromOpenIDRequest = classmethod(fromOpenIDRequest)
def parseExtensionArgs(self, args, is_openid1, strict=False):
"""Set the state of this request to be that expressed in these
PAPE arguments
@param args: The PAPE arguments without a namespace
@param strict: Whether to raise an exception if the input is
out of spec or otherwise malformed. If strict is false,
malformed input will be ignored.
@param is_openid1: Whether the input should be treated as part
of an OpenID1 request
@rtype: None
@raises ValueError: When the max_auth_age is not parseable as
an integer
# preferred_auth_policies is a space-separated list of policy URIs
self.preferred_auth_policies = []
policies_str = args.get('preferred_auth_policies')
if policies_str:
if isinstance(policies_str, bytes):
policies_str = str(policies_str, encoding="utf-8")
for uri in policies_str.split(' '):
if uri not in self.preferred_auth_policies:
# max_auth_age is base-10 integer number of seconds
max_auth_age_str = args.get('max_auth_age')
self.max_auth_age = None
if max_auth_age_str:
self.max_auth_age = int(max_auth_age_str)
except ValueError:
if strict:
# Parse auth level information
preferred_auth_level_types = args.get('preferred_auth_level_types')
if preferred_auth_level_types:
aliases = preferred_auth_level_types.strip().split()
for alias in aliases:
key = 'auth_level.ns.%s' % (alias, )
uri = args[key]
except KeyError:
if is_openid1:
uri = self._default_auth_level_aliases.get(alias)
uri = None
if uri is None:
if strict:
raise ValueError('preferred auth level %r is not '
'defined in this message' % (alias, ))
self.addAuthLevel(uri, alias)
def preferredTypes(self, supported_types):
"""Given a list of authentication policy URIs that a provider
supports, this method returns the subsequence of those types
that are preferred by the relying party.
@param supported_types: A sequence of authentication policy
type URIs that are supported by a provider
@returns: The sub-sequence of the supported types that are
preferred by the relying party. This list will be ordered
in the order that the types appear in the supported_types
sequence, and may be empty if the provider does not prefer
any of the supported authentication types.
@returntype: [str]
return list(
filter(self.preferred_auth_policies.__contains__, supported_types))
Request.ns_uri = ns_uri
class Response(PAPEExtension):
"""A Provider Authentication Policy response, sent from a provider
to a relying party
@ivar auth_policies: List of authentication policies conformed to
by this OpenID assertion, represented as policy URIs
ns_alias = 'pape'
def __init__(self, auth_policies=None, auth_time=None, auth_levels=None):
super(Response, self).__init__()
if auth_policies:
self.auth_policies = auth_policies
self.auth_policies = []
self.auth_time = auth_time
self.auth_levels = {}
if auth_levels is None:
auth_levels = {}
for uri, level in auth_levels.items():
self.setAuthLevel(uri, level)
def setAuthLevel(self, level_uri, level, alias=None):
"""Set the value for the given auth level type.
@param level: string representation of an authentication level
valid for level_uri
@param alias: An optional namespace alias for the given auth
level URI. May be omitted if the alias is not
significant. The library will use a reasonable default for
widely-used auth level types.
self._addAuthLevelAlias(level_uri, alias)
self.auth_levels[level_uri] = level
def getAuthLevel(self, level_uri):
"""Return the auth level for the specified auth level
@returns: A string that should map to the auth levels defined
for the auth level type
@raises KeyError: If the auth level type is not present in
this message
return self.auth_levels[level_uri]
def _getNISTAuthLevel(self):
return int(self.getAuthLevel(LEVELS_NIST))
except KeyError:
return None
nist_auth_level = property(
doc="Backward-compatibility accessor for the NIST auth level")
def addPolicyURI(self, policy_uri):
"""Add a authentication policy to this response
This method is intended to be used by the provider to add a
policy that the provider conformed to when authenticating the user.
@param policy_uri: The identifier for the preferred type of
@see: http://openid.net/specs/openid-provider-authentication-policy-extension-1_0-01.html#auth_policies
if policy_uri == AUTH_NONE:
raise RuntimeError(
'To send no policies, do not set any on the response.')
if policy_uri not in self.auth_policies:
def fromSuccessResponse(cls, success_response):
"""Create a C{L{Response}} object from a successful OpenID
library response
(C{L{openid.consumer.consumer.SuccessResponse}}) response
@param success_response: A SuccessResponse from consumer.complete()
@type success_response: C{L{openid.consumer.consumer.SuccessResponse}}
@rtype: Response or None
@returns: A provider authentication policy response from the
data that was supplied with the C{id_res} response or None
if the provider sent no signed PAPE response arguments.
self = cls()
# PAPE requires that the args be signed.
args = success_response.getSignedNS(self.ns_uri)
is_openid1 = success_response.isOpenID1()
# Only try to construct a PAPE response if the arguments were
# signed in the OpenID response. If not, return None.
if args is not None:
self.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1)
return self
return None
def parseExtensionArgs(self, args, is_openid1, strict=False):
"""Parse the provider authentication policy arguments into the
internal state of this object
@param args: unqualified provider authentication policy
@param strict: Whether to raise an exception when bad data is
@returns: None. The data is parsed into the internal fields of
this object.
policies_str = args.get('auth_policies')
if policies_str:
auth_policies = policies_str.split(' ')
elif strict:
raise ValueError('Missing auth_policies')
auth_policies = []
if (len(auth_policies) > 1 and strict and AUTH_NONE in auth_policies):
raise ValueError('Got some auth policies, as well as the special '
'"none" URI: %r' % (auth_policies, ))
if 'none' in auth_policies:
msg = '"none" used as a policy URI (see PAPE draft < 5)'
if strict:
raise ValueError(msg)
warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2)
auth_policies = [
u for u in auth_policies if u not in ['none', AUTH_NONE]
self.auth_policies = auth_policies
for (key, val) in args.items():
if key.startswith('auth_level.'):
alias = key[11:]
# skip the already-processed namespace declarations
if alias.startswith('ns.'):
uri = args['auth_level.ns.%s' % (alias, )]
except KeyError:
if is_openid1:
uri = self._default_auth_level_aliases.get(alias)
uri = None
if uri is None:
if strict:
raise ValueError('Undefined auth level alias: %r' %
(alias, ))
self.setAuthLevel(uri, val, alias)
auth_time = args.get('auth_time')
if auth_time:
if TIME_VALIDATOR.match(auth_time):
self.auth_time = auth_time
elif strict:
raise ValueError("auth_time must be in RFC3339 format")
fromSuccessResponse = classmethod(fromSuccessResponse)
def getExtensionArgs(self):
"""@see: C{L{Extension.getExtensionArgs}}
if len(self.auth_policies) == 0:
ns_args = {
'auth_policies': AUTH_NONE,
ns_args = {
'auth_policies': ' '.join(self.auth_policies),
for level_type, level in self.auth_levels.items():
alias = self._getAlias(level_type)
ns_args['auth_level.ns.%s' % (alias, )] = level_type
ns_args['auth_level.%s' % (alias, )] = str(level)
if self.auth_time is not None:
if not TIME_VALIDATOR.match(self.auth_time):
raise ValueError('auth_time must be in RFC3339 format')
ns_args['auth_time'] = self.auth_time
return ns_args
Response.ns_uri = ns_uri