2022-06-24 17:14:37 +02:00

671 lines
17 KiB

"""Pauli operators and states"""
from sympy import I, Mul, Add, Pow, exp, Integer
from sympy.physics.quantum import Operator, Ket, Bra
from sympy.physics.quantum import ComplexSpace
from sympy.matrices import Matrix
from sympy.functions.special.tensor_functions import KroneckerDelta
__all__ = [
'SigmaX', 'SigmaY', 'SigmaZ', 'SigmaMinus', 'SigmaPlus', 'SigmaZKet',
'SigmaZBra', 'qsimplify_pauli'
class SigmaOpBase(Operator):
"""Pauli sigma operator, base class"""
def name(self):
return self.args[0]
def use_name(self):
return bool(self.args[0]) is not False
def default_args(self):
return (False,)
def __new__(cls, *args, **hints):
return Operator.__new__(cls, *args, **hints)
def _eval_commutator_BosonOp(self, other, **hints):
return Integer(0)
class SigmaX(SigmaOpBase):
"""Pauli sigma x operator
name : str
An optional string that labels the operator. Pauli operators with
different names commute.
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum import represent
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.pauli import SigmaX
>>> sx = SigmaX()
>>> sx
>>> represent(sx)
[0, 1],
[1, 0]])
def __new__(cls, *args, **hints):
return SigmaOpBase.__new__(cls, *args, **hints)
def _eval_commutator_SigmaY(self, other, **hints):
if self.name != other.name:
return Integer(0)
return 2 * I * SigmaZ(self.name)
def _eval_commutator_SigmaZ(self, other, **hints):
if self.name != other.name:
return Integer(0)
return - 2 * I * SigmaY(self.name)
def _eval_commutator_BosonOp(self, other, **hints):
return Integer(0)
def _eval_anticommutator_SigmaY(self, other, **hints):
return Integer(0)
def _eval_anticommutator_SigmaZ(self, other, **hints):
return Integer(0)
def _eval_adjoint(self):
return self
def _print_contents_latex(self, printer, *args):
if self.use_name:
return r'{\sigma_x^{(%s)}}' % str(self.name)
return r'{\sigma_x}'
def _print_contents(self, printer, *args):
return 'SigmaX()'
def _eval_power(self, e):
if e.is_Integer and e.is_positive:
return SigmaX(self.name).__pow__(int(e) % 2)
def _represent_default_basis(self, **options):
format = options.get('format', 'sympy')
if format == 'sympy':
return Matrix([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
raise NotImplementedError('Representation in format ' +
format + ' not implemented.')
class SigmaY(SigmaOpBase):
"""Pauli sigma y operator
name : str
An optional string that labels the operator. Pauli operators with
different names commute.
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum import represent
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.pauli import SigmaY
>>> sy = SigmaY()
>>> sy
>>> represent(sy)
[0, -I],
[I, 0]])
def __new__(cls, *args, **hints):
return SigmaOpBase.__new__(cls, *args)
def _eval_commutator_SigmaZ(self, other, **hints):
if self.name != other.name:
return Integer(0)
return 2 * I * SigmaX(self.name)
def _eval_commutator_SigmaX(self, other, **hints):
if self.name != other.name:
return Integer(0)
return - 2 * I * SigmaZ(self.name)
def _eval_anticommutator_SigmaX(self, other, **hints):
return Integer(0)
def _eval_anticommutator_SigmaZ(self, other, **hints):
return Integer(0)
def _eval_adjoint(self):
return self
def _print_contents_latex(self, printer, *args):
if self.use_name:
return r'{\sigma_y^{(%s)}}' % str(self.name)
return r'{\sigma_y}'
def _print_contents(self, printer, *args):
return 'SigmaY()'
def _eval_power(self, e):
if e.is_Integer and e.is_positive:
return SigmaY(self.name).__pow__(int(e) % 2)
def _represent_default_basis(self, **options):
format = options.get('format', 'sympy')
if format == 'sympy':
return Matrix([[0, -I], [I, 0]])
raise NotImplementedError('Representation in format ' +
format + ' not implemented.')
class SigmaZ(SigmaOpBase):
"""Pauli sigma z operator
name : str
An optional string that labels the operator. Pauli operators with
different names commute.
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum import represent
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.pauli import SigmaZ
>>> sz = SigmaZ()
>>> sz ** 3
>>> represent(sz)
[1, 0],
[0, -1]])
def __new__(cls, *args, **hints):
return SigmaOpBase.__new__(cls, *args)
def _eval_commutator_SigmaX(self, other, **hints):
if self.name != other.name:
return Integer(0)
return 2 * I * SigmaY(self.name)
def _eval_commutator_SigmaY(self, other, **hints):
if self.name != other.name:
return Integer(0)
return - 2 * I * SigmaX(self.name)
def _eval_anticommutator_SigmaX(self, other, **hints):
return Integer(0)
def _eval_anticommutator_SigmaY(self, other, **hints):
return Integer(0)
def _eval_adjoint(self):
return self
def _print_contents_latex(self, printer, *args):
if self.use_name:
return r'{\sigma_z^{(%s)}}' % str(self.name)
return r'{\sigma_z}'
def _print_contents(self, printer, *args):
return 'SigmaZ()'
def _eval_power(self, e):
if e.is_Integer and e.is_positive:
return SigmaZ(self.name).__pow__(int(e) % 2)
def _represent_default_basis(self, **options):
format = options.get('format', 'sympy')
if format == 'sympy':
return Matrix([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
raise NotImplementedError('Representation in format ' +
format + ' not implemented.')
class SigmaMinus(SigmaOpBase):
"""Pauli sigma minus operator
name : str
An optional string that labels the operator. Pauli operators with
different names commute.
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum import represent, Dagger
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.pauli import SigmaMinus
>>> sm = SigmaMinus()
>>> sm
>>> Dagger(sm)
>>> represent(sm)
[0, 0],
[1, 0]])
def __new__(cls, *args, **hints):
return SigmaOpBase.__new__(cls, *args)
def _eval_commutator_SigmaX(self, other, **hints):
if self.name != other.name:
return Integer(0)
return -SigmaZ(self.name)
def _eval_commutator_SigmaY(self, other, **hints):
if self.name != other.name:
return Integer(0)
return I * SigmaZ(self.name)
def _eval_commutator_SigmaZ(self, other, **hints):
return 2 * self
def _eval_commutator_SigmaMinus(self, other, **hints):
return SigmaZ(self.name)
def _eval_anticommutator_SigmaZ(self, other, **hints):
return Integer(0)
def _eval_anticommutator_SigmaX(self, other, **hints):
return Integer(1)
def _eval_anticommutator_SigmaY(self, other, **hints):
return - I * Integer(1)
def _eval_anticommutator_SigmaPlus(self, other, **hints):
return Integer(1)
def _eval_adjoint(self):
return SigmaPlus(self.name)
def _eval_power(self, e):
if e.is_Integer and e.is_positive:
return Integer(0)
def _print_contents_latex(self, printer, *args):
if self.use_name:
return r'{\sigma_-^{(%s)}}' % str(self.name)
return r'{\sigma_-}'
def _print_contents(self, printer, *args):
return 'SigmaMinus()'
def _represent_default_basis(self, **options):
format = options.get('format', 'sympy')
if format == 'sympy':
return Matrix([[0, 0], [1, 0]])
raise NotImplementedError('Representation in format ' +
format + ' not implemented.')
class SigmaPlus(SigmaOpBase):
"""Pauli sigma plus operator
name : str
An optional string that labels the operator. Pauli operators with
different names commute.
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum import represent, Dagger
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.pauli import SigmaPlus
>>> sp = SigmaPlus()
>>> sp
>>> Dagger(sp)
>>> represent(sp)
[0, 1],
[0, 0]])
def __new__(cls, *args, **hints):
return SigmaOpBase.__new__(cls, *args)
def _eval_commutator_SigmaX(self, other, **hints):
if self.name != other.name:
return Integer(0)
return SigmaZ(self.name)
def _eval_commutator_SigmaY(self, other, **hints):
if self.name != other.name:
return Integer(0)
return I * SigmaZ(self.name)
def _eval_commutator_SigmaZ(self, other, **hints):
if self.name != other.name:
return Integer(0)
return -2 * self
def _eval_commutator_SigmaMinus(self, other, **hints):
return SigmaZ(self.name)
def _eval_anticommutator_SigmaZ(self, other, **hints):
return Integer(0)
def _eval_anticommutator_SigmaX(self, other, **hints):
return Integer(1)
def _eval_anticommutator_SigmaY(self, other, **hints):
return I * Integer(1)
def _eval_anticommutator_SigmaMinus(self, other, **hints):
return Integer(1)
def _eval_adjoint(self):
return SigmaMinus(self.name)
def _eval_mul(self, other):
return self * other
def _eval_power(self, e):
if e.is_Integer and e.is_positive:
return Integer(0)
def _print_contents_latex(self, printer, *args):
if self.use_name:
return r'{\sigma_+^{(%s)}}' % str(self.name)
return r'{\sigma_+}'
def _print_contents(self, printer, *args):
return 'SigmaPlus()'
def _represent_default_basis(self, **options):
format = options.get('format', 'sympy')
if format == 'sympy':
return Matrix([[0, 1], [0, 0]])
raise NotImplementedError('Representation in format ' +
format + ' not implemented.')
class SigmaZKet(Ket):
"""Ket for a two-level system quantum system.
n : Number
The state number (0 or 1).
def __new__(cls, n):
if n not in [0, 1]:
raise ValueError("n must be 0 or 1")
return Ket.__new__(cls, n)
def n(self):
return self.label[0]
def dual_class(self):
return SigmaZBra
def _eval_hilbert_space(cls, label):
return ComplexSpace(2)
def _eval_innerproduct_SigmaZBra(self, bra, **hints):
return KroneckerDelta(self.n, bra.n)
def _apply_operator_SigmaZ(self, op, **options):
if self.n == 0:
return self
return Integer(-1) * self
def _apply_operator_SigmaX(self, op, **options):
return SigmaZKet(1) if self.n == 0 else SigmaZKet(0)
def _apply_operator_SigmaY(self, op, **options):
return I * SigmaZKet(1) if self.n == 0 else (-I) * SigmaZKet(0)
def _apply_operator_SigmaMinus(self, op, **options):
if self.n == 0:
return SigmaZKet(1)
return Integer(0)
def _apply_operator_SigmaPlus(self, op, **options):
if self.n == 0:
return Integer(0)
return SigmaZKet(0)
def _represent_default_basis(self, **options):
format = options.get('format', 'sympy')
if format == 'sympy':
return Matrix([[1], [0]]) if self.n == 0 else Matrix([[0], [1]])
raise NotImplementedError('Representation in format ' +
format + ' not implemented.')
class SigmaZBra(Bra):
"""Bra for a two-level quantum system.
n : Number
The state number (0 or 1).
def __new__(cls, n):
if n not in [0, 1]:
raise ValueError("n must be 0 or 1")
return Bra.__new__(cls, n)
def n(self):
return self.label[0]
def dual_class(self):
return SigmaZKet
def _qsimplify_pauli_product(a, b):
Internal helper function for simplifying products of Pauli operators.
if not (isinstance(a, SigmaOpBase) and isinstance(b, SigmaOpBase)):
return Mul(a, b)
if a.name != b.name:
# Pauli matrices with different labels commute; sort by name
if a.name < b.name:
return Mul(a, b)
return Mul(b, a)
elif isinstance(a, SigmaX):
if isinstance(b, SigmaX):
return Integer(1)
if isinstance(b, SigmaY):
return I * SigmaZ(a.name)
if isinstance(b, SigmaZ):
return - I * SigmaY(a.name)
if isinstance(b, SigmaMinus):
return (Integer(1)/2 + SigmaZ(a.name)/2)
if isinstance(b, SigmaPlus):
return (Integer(1)/2 - SigmaZ(a.name)/2)
elif isinstance(a, SigmaY):
if isinstance(b, SigmaX):
return - I * SigmaZ(a.name)
if isinstance(b, SigmaY):
return Integer(1)
if isinstance(b, SigmaZ):
return I * SigmaX(a.name)
if isinstance(b, SigmaMinus):
return -I * (Integer(1) + SigmaZ(a.name))/2
if isinstance(b, SigmaPlus):
return I * (Integer(1) - SigmaZ(a.name))/2
elif isinstance(a, SigmaZ):
if isinstance(b, SigmaX):
return I * SigmaY(a.name)
if isinstance(b, SigmaY):
return - I * SigmaX(a.name)
if isinstance(b, SigmaZ):
return Integer(1)
if isinstance(b, SigmaMinus):
return - SigmaMinus(a.name)
if isinstance(b, SigmaPlus):
return SigmaPlus(a.name)
elif isinstance(a, SigmaMinus):
if isinstance(b, SigmaX):
return (Integer(1) - SigmaZ(a.name))/2
if isinstance(b, SigmaY):
return - I * (Integer(1) - SigmaZ(a.name))/2
if isinstance(b, SigmaZ):
# (SigmaX(a.name) - I * SigmaY(a.name))/2
return SigmaMinus(b.name)
if isinstance(b, SigmaMinus):
return Integer(0)
if isinstance(b, SigmaPlus):
return Integer(1)/2 - SigmaZ(a.name)/2
elif isinstance(a, SigmaPlus):
if isinstance(b, SigmaX):
return (Integer(1) + SigmaZ(a.name))/2
if isinstance(b, SigmaY):
return I * (Integer(1) + SigmaZ(a.name))/2
if isinstance(b, SigmaZ):
#-(SigmaX(a.name) + I * SigmaY(a.name))/2
return -SigmaPlus(a.name)
if isinstance(b, SigmaMinus):
return (Integer(1) + SigmaZ(a.name))/2
if isinstance(b, SigmaPlus):
return Integer(0)
return a * b
def qsimplify_pauli(e):
Simplify an expression that includes products of pauli operators.
e : expression
An expression that contains products of Pauli operators that is
to be simplified.
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.pauli import SigmaX, SigmaY
>>> from sympy.physics.quantum.pauli import qsimplify_pauli
>>> sx, sy = SigmaX(), SigmaY()
>>> sx * sy
>>> qsimplify_pauli(sx * sy)
if isinstance(e, Operator):
return e
if isinstance(e, (Add, Pow, exp)):
t = type(e)
return t(*(qsimplify_pauli(arg) for arg in e.args))
if isinstance(e, Mul):
c, nc = e.args_cnc()
nc_s = []
while nc:
curr = nc.pop(0)
while (len(nc) and
isinstance(curr, SigmaOpBase) and
isinstance(nc[0], SigmaOpBase) and
curr.name == nc[0].name):
x = nc.pop(0)
y = _qsimplify_pauli_product(curr, x)
c1, nc1 = y.args_cnc()
curr = Mul(*nc1)
c = c + c1
return Mul(*c) * Mul(*nc_s)
return e