222 lines
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222 lines
7.4 KiB
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
from sympy.core import symbols, Add, Dummy
from sympy.core.numbers import Rational
from sympy.polys import cancel, ComputationFailed, parallel_poly_from_expr, reduced, Poly
from sympy.polys.monomials import Monomial, monomial_div
from sympy.polys.polyerrors import DomainError, PolificationFailed
from sympy.utilities.misc import debug
def ratsimp(expr):
Put an expression over a common denominator, cancel and reduce.
>>> from sympy import ratsimp
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> ratsimp(1/x + 1/y)
(x + y)/(x*y)
f, g = cancel(expr).as_numer_denom()
Q, r = reduced(f, [g], field=True, expand=False)
except ComputationFailed:
return f/g
return Add(*Q) + cancel(r/g)
def ratsimpmodprime(expr, G, *gens, quick=True, polynomial=False, **args):
Simplifies a rational expression ``expr`` modulo the prime ideal
generated by ``G``. ``G`` should be a Groebner basis of the
>>> from sympy.simplify.ratsimp import ratsimpmodprime
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> eq = (x + y**5 + y)/(x - y)
>>> ratsimpmodprime(eq, [x*y**5 - x - y], x, y, order='lex')
(-x**2 - x*y - x - y)/(-x**2 + x*y)
If ``polynomial`` is ``False``, the algorithm computes a rational
simplification which minimizes the sum of the total degrees of
the numerator and the denominator.
If ``polynomial`` is ``True``, this function just brings numerator and
denominator into a canonical form. This is much faster, but has
potentially worse results.
.. [1] M. Monagan, R. Pearce, Rational Simplification Modulo a Polynomial
Ideal, http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
(specifically, the second algorithm)
from sympy import solve
debug('ratsimpmodprime', expr)
# usual preparation of polynomials:
num, denom = cancel(expr).as_numer_denom()
polys, opt = parallel_poly_from_expr([num, denom] + G, *gens, **args)
except PolificationFailed:
return expr
domain = opt.domain
if domain.has_assoc_Field:
opt.domain = domain.get_field()
raise DomainError(
"can't compute rational simplification over %s" % domain)
# compute only once
leading_monomials = [g.LM(opt.order) for g in polys[2:]]
tested = set()
def staircase(n):
Compute all monomials with degree less than ``n`` that are
not divisible by any element of ``leading_monomials``.
if n == 0:
return [1]
S = []
for mi in combinations_with_replacement(range(len(opt.gens)), n):
m = [0]*len(opt.gens)
for i in mi:
m[i] += 1
if all([monomial_div(m, lmg) is None for lmg in
return [Monomial(s).as_expr(*opt.gens) for s in S] + staircase(n - 1)
def _ratsimpmodprime(a, b, allsol, N=0, D=0):
Computes a rational simplification of ``a/b`` which minimizes
the sum of the total degrees of the numerator and the denominator.
The algorithm proceeds by looking at ``a * d - b * c`` modulo
the ideal generated by ``G`` for some ``c`` and ``d`` with degree
less than ``a`` and ``b`` respectively.
The coefficients of ``c`` and ``d`` are indeterminates and thus
the coefficients of the normalform of ``a * d - b * c`` are
linear polynomials in these indeterminates.
If these linear polynomials, considered as system of
equations, have a nontrivial solution, then `\frac{a}{b}
\equiv \frac{c}{d}` modulo the ideal generated by ``G``. So,
by construction, the degree of ``c`` and ``d`` is less than
the degree of ``a`` and ``b``, so a simpler representation
has been found.
After a simpler representation has been found, the algorithm
tries to reduce the degree of the numerator and denominator
and returns the result afterwards.
As an extension, if quick=False, we look at all possible degrees such
that the total degree is less than *or equal to* the best current
solution. We retain a list of all solutions of minimal degree, and try
to find the best one at the end.
c, d = a, b
steps = 0
maxdeg = a.total_degree() + b.total_degree()
if quick:
bound = maxdeg - 1
bound = maxdeg
while N + D <= bound:
if (N, D) in tested:
tested.add((N, D))
M1 = staircase(N)
M2 = staircase(D)
debug('%s / %s: %s, %s' % (N, D, M1, M2))
Cs = symbols("c:%d" % len(M1), cls=Dummy)
Ds = symbols("d:%d" % len(M2), cls=Dummy)
ng = Cs + Ds
c_hat = Poly(
sum([Cs[i] * M1[i] for i in range(len(M1))]), opt.gens + ng)
d_hat = Poly(
sum([Ds[i] * M2[i] for i in range(len(M2))]), opt.gens + ng)
r = reduced(a * d_hat - b * c_hat, G, opt.gens + ng,
order=opt.order, polys=True)[1]
S = Poly(r, gens=opt.gens).coeffs()
sol = solve(S, Cs + Ds, particular=True, quick=True)
if sol and not all([s == 0 for s in sol.values()]):
c = c_hat.subs(sol)
d = d_hat.subs(sol)
# The "free" variables occurring before as parameters
# might still be in the substituted c, d, so set them
# to the value chosen before:
c = c.subs(dict(list(zip(Cs + Ds, [1] * (len(Cs) + len(Ds))))))
d = d.subs(dict(list(zip(Cs + Ds, [1] * (len(Cs) + len(Ds))))))
c = Poly(c, opt.gens)
d = Poly(d, opt.gens)
if d == 0:
raise ValueError('Ideal not prime?')
allsol.append((c_hat, d_hat, S, Cs + Ds))
if N + D != maxdeg:
allsol = [allsol[-1]]
steps += 1
N += 1
D += 1
if steps > 0:
c, d, allsol = _ratsimpmodprime(c, d, allsol, N, D - steps)
c, d, allsol = _ratsimpmodprime(c, d, allsol, N - steps, D)
return c, d, allsol
# preprocessing. this improves performance a bit when deg(num)
# and deg(denom) are large:
num = reduced(num, G, opt.gens, order=opt.order)[1]
denom = reduced(denom, G, opt.gens, order=opt.order)[1]
if polynomial:
return (num/denom).cancel()
c, d, allsol = _ratsimpmodprime(
Poly(num, opt.gens, domain=opt.domain), Poly(denom, opt.gens, domain=opt.domain), [])
if not quick and allsol:
debug('Looking for best minimal solution. Got: %s' % len(allsol))
newsol = []
for c_hat, d_hat, S, ng in allsol:
sol = solve(S, ng, particular=True, quick=False)
newsol.append((c_hat.subs(sol), d_hat.subs(sol)))
c, d = min(newsol, key=lambda x: len(x[0].terms()) + len(x[1].terms()))
if not domain.is_Field:
cn, c = c.clear_denoms(convert=True)
dn, d = d.clear_denoms(convert=True)
r = Rational(cn, dn)
r = Rational(1)
return (c*r.q)/(d*r.p)