Transférer les fichiers vers 'symboles'

This commit is contained in:
Jouski 2021-02-24 18:09:49 +01:00
parent a22620cc9a
commit 9e1b64791a
3 changed files with 36 additions and 0 deletions

symboles/toilets.svg Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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viewBox="0 0 14 14">
style="fill:none;stroke:none;visibility:hidden" />
d="m 6.25,0 0,14 1.5,0 0,-14 -1.5,0 z M 2.5,1 C 1.671573,1 1,1.6715729 1,2.5 1,3.3284271 1.671573,4 2.5,4 3.328427,4 4,3.3284271 4,2.5 4,1.6715729 3.328427,1 2.5,1 z m 9,0 C 10.671573,1 10,1.6715729 10,2.5 10,3.3284271 10.671573,4 11.5,4 12.328427,4 13,3.3284271 13,2.5 13,1.6715729 12.328427,1 11.5,1 z m -10,4 c -0.599722,0 -1,0.568545 -1,1 0,0.5273339 1.25,1.496636 1.25,2 C 1.75,8.555974 0,9 0,11 l 1.75,0 0,3 1.5,0 0,-3 L 5,11 C 5,9 3.25,8.529509 3.25,8 3.25,7.470492 4.5,6.5513036 4.5,6 4.5,5.5925147 4.075273,5 3.5,5 l -2,0 z M 10,5 C 9.472666,5 9,5.4804699 9,6 c 0,1 1.75,4.016073 1.75,5 l 0,3 1.5,0 0,-3 C 12.25,10.035543 14,7 14,6 14,5.446616 13.551304,5 13,5 l -3,0 z"
id="toilets" />


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symboles/toilettes.svg Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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symboles/wetland.svg Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 154 KiB