2018-01-09 16:03:46 +01:00
( function ( ) {
function reapply ( arr ) {
for ( let i = 0 , len = arr . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
switch ( arr [ i ] . type ) {
case 32 : // string
Services . prefs . setCharPref ( arr [ i ] . name , arr [ i ] . value ) ;
break ;
case 64 : // int
Services . prefs . setIntPref ( arr [ i ] . name , arr [ i ] . value ) ;
break ;
case 128 : // boolean
Services . prefs . setBoolPref ( arr [ i ] . name , arr [ i ] . value ) ;
break ;
default :
console . log ( "error re-appyling value for '" + arr [ i ] . name + "' !" ) ; // should never happen
function myreset ( arr ) {
for ( let i = 0 , len = arr . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
Services . prefs . clearUserPref ( arr [ i ] . name ) ;
let ops = [
'accessibility.force_disabled' ,
'browser.cache.offline.enable' ,
'browser.display.use_document_fonts' ,
'browser.formfill.enable' ,
'browser.link.open_newwindow.restriction' ,
'browser.search.suggest.enabled' ,
'browser.storageManager.enabled' ,
'browser.tabs.remote.allowLinkedWebInFileUriProcess' ,
'browser.urlbar.autoFill' ,
'browser.urlbar.autoFill.typed' ,
'browser.urlbar.oneOffSearches' ,
'browser.urlbar.suggest.searches' ,
'camera.control.face_detection.enabled' ,
'canvas.capturestream.enabled' ,
'dom.caches.enabled' ,
'dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled' ,
'dom.idle-observers-api.enabled' ,
'dom.IntersectionObserver.enabled' ,
'dom.popup_allowed_events' ,
'dom.popup_maximum' ,
'dom.push.connection.enabled' ,
'dom.push.enabled' ,
'dom.push.serverURL' ,
'dom.serviceWorkers.enabled' ,
'dom.storageManager.enabled' ,
'dom.vibrator.enabled' ,
'dom.webaudio.enabled' ,
'dom.webnotifications.enabled' ,
'dom.webnotifications.serviceworker.enabled' ,
'font.blacklist.underline_offset' ,
'full-screen-api.enabled' ,
'geo.wifi.uri' ,
'gfx.downloadable_fonts.woff2.enabled' ,
'gfx.font_rendering.graphite.enabled' ,
'gfx.font_rendering.opentype_svg.enabled' ,
'intl.accept_languages' ,
'javascript.options.asmjs' ,
'javascript.options.wasm' ,
'keyword.enabled' ,
'layout.css.font-loading-api.enabled' ,
'layout.css.visited_links_enabled' ,
'mathml.disabled' ,
'media.autoplay.enabled' ,
'media.getusermedia.screensharing.allowed_domains' ,
'media.getusermedia.screensharing.enabled' ,
'media.ondevicechange.enabled' ,
'network.auth.subresource-img-cross-origin-http-auth-allow' ,
'network.cookie.thirdparty.sessionOnly' ,
'network.http.altsvc.enabled' ,
'network.http.altsvc.oe' ,
'network.http.redirection-limit' ,
'network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy' ,
'network.protocol-handler.external.ms-windows-store' ,
'permissions.manager.defaultsUrl' ,
'plugin.default.state' ,
'plugin.defaultXpi.state' ,
'plugin.scan.plid.all' ,
'plugin.sessionPermissionNow.intervalInMinutes' ,
2018-01-09 16:20:06 +01:00
'privacy.trackingprotection.enabled' ,
2018-01-09 16:03:46 +01:00
'security.cert_pinning.enforcement_level' ,
'security.csp.experimentalEnabled' ,
'security.data_uri.block_toplevel_data_uri_navigations' ,
'security.family_safety.mode' ,
'security.mixed_content.block_display_content' ,
'security.mixed_content.use_hsts' ,
'security.OCSP.require' ,
'security.pki.sha1_enforcement_level' ,
'security.ssl.treat_unsafe_negotiation_as_broken' ,
'security.tls.enable_0rtt_data' ,
'security.tls.version.max' ,
'security.tls.version.min' ,
'security.xpconnect.plugin.unrestricted' ,
'signon.autofillForms' ,
'signon.formlessCapture.enabled' ,
'webchannel.allowObject.urlWhitelist' ,
/* known culprits */
'dom.workers.enabled' ,
'network.cookie.cookieBehavior' ,
'privacy.firstparty.isolate' ,
'privacy.resistFingerprinting' ,
if ( "undefined" === typeof ( Services ) ) {
alert ( "about:config needs to be the active tab!" ) ;
return ;
let aBACKUP = [ ] ;
let dummy = 0 ;
for ( let i = 0 , len = ops . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
if ( Services . prefs . prefHasUserValue ( ops [ i ] ) ) {
dummy = Services . prefs . getPrefType ( ops [ i ] ) ;
switch ( dummy ) {
case 32 : // string (see https://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/modules/libpref/nsIPrefBranch.idl#31)
dummy = Services . prefs . getCharPref ( ops [ i ] ) ;
aBACKUP . push ( { 'name' : ops [ i ] , 'value' : dummy , 'type' : 32 } ) ;
break ;
case 64 : // int
dummy = Services . prefs . getIntPref ( ops [ i ] ) ;
aBACKUP . push ( { 'name' : ops [ i ] , 'value' : dummy , 'type' : 64 } ) ;
break ;
case 128 : // boolean
dummy = Services . prefs . getBoolPref ( ops [ i ] ) ;
aBACKUP . push ( { 'name' : ops [ i ] , 'value' : dummy , 'type' : 128 } ) ;
break ;
default :
console . log ( "error detecting pref-type for '" + ops [ i ] + "' !" ) ;
// console.log(aBACKUP.length, "user-set prefs from our list detected and value stored.");
myreset ( aBACKUP ) ; // resetting all detected prefs
let myArr = aBACKUP
focus ( ) ;
if ( confirm ( "all detected prefs reset.\n\n!! KEEP THIS PROMPT OPEN AND TEST THE SITE IN ANOTHER TAB !!\n\nIF the problem still exists, this script can't help you - click cancel to re-apply your values and exit.\n\nClick OK if your problem is fixed." ) ) {
reapply ( aBACKUP ) ;
myreset ( myArr . slice ( 0 , parseInt ( myArr . length / 2 ) ) ) ;
while ( myArr . length >= 2 ) {
alert ( "NOW TEST AGAIN !" ) ;
if ( confirm ( "if the problem still exists click OK, otherwise click cancel." ) ) {
myArr = myArr . slice ( parseInt ( myArr . length / 2 ) ) ;
} else {
myArr = myArr . slice ( 0 , parseInt ( myArr . length / 2 ) ) ;
reapply ( aBACKUP ) ;
myreset ( myArr . slice ( 0 , parseInt ( myArr . length / 2 ) ) ) ; // reset half of the remaining prefs
reapply ( aBACKUP ) ; // re-apply all values
let output = "" ;
for ( let i = 0 , len = myArr . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
output = output + myArr [ i ] . name + "\n" ;
alert ( "narrowed it down to:\n\n" + output ) ;
myreset ( myArr ) ; // reset the culprit
} ) ( ) ;