#!/usr/bin/env bash ## ghacks-user.js updater for macOS and Linux ## version: 2.6 ## Author: Pat Johnson (@overdodactyl) ## Additional contributors: @earthlng, @ema-pe, @claustromaniac ## DON'T GO HIGHER THAN VERSION x.9 !! ( because of ASCII comparison in update_updater() ) readonly CURRDIR=$(pwd) sfp=$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 2>/dev/null || greadlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" 2>/dev/null) [ -z "$sfp" ] && sfp=${BASH_SOURCE[0]} readonly SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "${sfp}") ######################### # Base variables # ######################### # Colors used for printing RED='\033[0;31m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' BBLUE='\033[1;34m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' ORANGE='\033[0;33m' CYAN='\033[0;36m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color # Argument defaults UPDATE='check' CONFIRM='yes' OVERRIDE='user-overrides.js' BACKUP='multiple' COMPARE=false SKIPOVERRIDE=false VIEW=false PROFILE_PATH=false ESR=false # Download method priority: curl -> wget DOWNLOAD_METHOD='' if [[ $(command -v 'curl') ]]; then DOWNLOAD_METHOD='curl' elif [[ $(command -v 'wget') ]]; then DOWNLOAD_METHOD='wget' else echo -e "${RED}This script requires curl or wget.\nProcess aborted${NC}" exit 0 fi show_banner () { echo -e "${BBLUE} ############################################################################ #### #### #### ghacks user.js #### #### Hardening the Privacy and Security Settings of Firefox #### #### Maintained by @Thorin-Oakenpants and @earthlng #### #### Updater for macOS and Linux by @overdodactyl #### #### #### ############################################################################" echo -e "${NC}\n" echo -e "Documentation for this script is available here: ${CYAN}https://github.com/ghacksuserjs/ghacks-user.js/wiki/3.3-Updater-Scripts${NC}\n" } ######################### # Arguments # ######################### usage() { echo echo -e "${BLUE}Usage: $0 [-bcdehlnrsuv] [-p PROFILE] [-o OVERRIDE]${NC}" 1>&2 # Echo usage string to standard error echo -e " Optional Arguments: -h Show this help message and exit. -p PROFILE Path to your Firefox profile (if different than the dir of this script) IMPORTANT: if the path includes spaces, wrap the entire argument in quotes. -l Choose your Firefox profile from a list -u Update updater.sh and execute silently. Do not seek confirmation. -d Do not look for updates to updater.sh. -s Silently update user.js. Do not seek confirmation. -b Only keep one backup of each file. -c Create a diff file comparing old and new user.js within userjs_diffs. -o OVERRIDE Filename or path to overrides file (if different than user-overrides.js). If used with -p, paths should be relative to PROFILE or absolute paths If given a directory, all files inside will be appended recursively. You can pass multiple files or directories by passing a comma separated list. Note: If a directory is given, only files inside ending in the extension .js are appended IMPORTANT: do not add spaces between files/paths. Ex: -o file1.js,file2.js,dir1 IMPORTANT: if any files/paths include spaces, wrap the entire argument in quotes. Ex: -o \"override folder\" -n Do not append any overrides, even if user-overrides.js exists. -v Open the resulting user.js file. -r Only download user.js to a temporary file and open it. -e Activate ESR related preferences." echo exit 1 } ######################### # File Handling # ######################### # Download files download_file () { declare -r url=$1 declare -r tf=$(mktemp) local dlcmd='' if [ $DOWNLOAD_METHOD = 'curl' ]; then dlcmd="curl -o $tf" else dlcmd="wget -O $tf" fi $dlcmd "${url}" &>/dev/null && echo "$tf" || echo '' # return the temp-filename (or empty string on error) } open_file () { #expects one argument: file_path if [ "$(uname)" == 'Darwin' ]; then open "$1" elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then xdg-open "$1" else echo -e "${RED}Error: Sorry, opening files is not supported for your OS.${NC}" fi } readIniFile () { # expects one argument: absolute path of profiles.ini declare -r inifile="$1" declare -r tfile=$(mktemp) if [ $(grep '^\[Profile' "$inifile" | wc -l) == "1" ]; then ### only 1 profile found grep '^\[Profile' -A 4 "$inifile" | grep -v '^\[Profile' > $tfile else grep -E -v '^\[General\]|^StartWithLastProfile=|^IsRelative=' "$inifile" echo '' read -p 'Select the profile number ( 0 for Profile0, 1 for Profile1, etc ) : ' -r echo -e "\n" if [[ $REPLY =~ ^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$ ]]; then grep '^\[Profile'${REPLY} -A 4 "$inifile" | grep -v '^\[Profile'${REPLY} > $tfile if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then echo "Profile${REPLY} does not exist!" && exit 1 fi else echo "Invalid selection!" && exit 1 fi fi declare -r profpath=$(grep '^Path=' $tfile) declare -r pathisrel=$(grep '^IsRelative=' $tfile) rm "$tfile" # update global variable if [[ ${pathisrel#*=} == "1" ]]; then PROFILE_PATH="$(dirname "$inifile")/${profpath#*=}" else PROFILE_PATH="${profpath#*=}" fi } getProfilePath () { declare -r f1=~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/profiles.ini declare -r f2=~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini if [ "$PROFILE_PATH" = false ]; then PROFILE_PATH="$SCRIPT_DIR" elif [ "$PROFILE_PATH" = 'list' ]; then local ini='' if [[ -f "$f1" ]]; then ini="$f1" elif [[ -f "$f2" ]]; then ini="$f2" else echo -e "${RED}Error: Sorry, -l is not supported for your OS${NC}" exit 1 fi readIniFile "$ini" # updates PROFILE_PATH or exits on error #else # PROFILE_PATH already set by user with -p fi } ######################### # Update updater.sh # ######################### # Returns the version number of a updater.sh file get_updater_version () { echo $(sed -n '5 s/.*[[:blank:]]\([[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\)/\1/p' "$1") } # Update updater.sh # Default: Check for update, if available, ask user if they want to execute it # Args: # -d: New version will not be looked for and update will not occur # -u: Check for update, if available, execute without asking update_updater () { if [ $UPDATE = 'no' ]; then return 0 # User signified not to check for updates fi declare -r tmpfile=$(download_file 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ghacksuserjs/ghacks-user.js/master/updater.sh') if [[ $(get_updater_version "${SCRIPT_DIR}/updater.sh") < $(get_updater_version "${tmpfile}") ]]; then if [ $UPDATE = 'check' ]; then echo -e "There is a newer version of updater.sh available. ${RED}Update and execute Y/N?${NC}" read -p "" -n 1 -r echo -e "\n\n" [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Nn]$ ]] && return 0 # Update available, but user chooses not to update fi else return 0 # No update available fi mv "${tmpfile}" "${SCRIPT_DIR}/updater.sh" chmod u+x "${SCRIPT_DIR}/updater.sh" "${SCRIPT_DIR}/updater.sh" "$@" -d exit 1 } ######################### # Update user.js # ######################### # Returns version number of a user.js file get_userjs_version () { [ -e $1 ] && echo "$(sed -n '4p' "$1")" || echo "Not detected." } add_override () { input=$1 if [ -f "$input" ]; then echo "" >> user.js cat "$input" >> user.js echo -e "Status: ${GREEN}Override file appended:${NC} ${input}" elif [ -d "$input" ]; then FSAVEIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n\b' # Set IFS FILES="${input}"/*.js for f in $FILES do add_override "$f" done IFS=$SAVEIFS # restore $IFS else echo -e "${ORANGE}Warning: Could not find override file:${NC} ${input}" fi } remove_comments () { # expects 2 arguments: from-file and to-file sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*\/\/.*$//' -e '/^\/\*/,/\*\//d' -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' -e 's/);[[:space:]]*\/\/.*/);/' "$1" > "$2" } # Applies latest version of user.js and any custom overrides update_userjs () { declare -r newfile=$(download_file 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ghacksuserjs/ghacks-user.js/master/user.js') echo -e "Please observe the following information: Firefox profile: ${ORANGE}$(pwd)${NC} Available online: ${ORANGE}$(get_userjs_version $newfile)${NC} Currently using: ${ORANGE}$(get_userjs_version user.js)${NC}\n\n" if [ $CONFIRM = 'yes' ]; then echo -e "This script will update to the latest user.js file and append any custom configurations from user-overrides.js. ${RED}Continue Y/N? ${NC}" read -p "" -n 1 -r echo -e "\n" if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Nn]$ ]]; then echo -e "${RED}Process aborted${NC}" rm $newfile return 1 fi fi # Copy a version of user.js to diffs folder for later comparison if [ "$COMPARE" = true ]; then mkdir -p userjs_diffs cp user.js userjs_diffs/past_user.js &>/dev/null fi # backup user.js mkdir -p userjs_backups local bakname="userjs_backups/user.js.backup.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M")" [ $BACKUP = 'single' ] && bakname='userjs_backups/user.js.backup' cp user.js "$bakname" &>/dev/null mv "${newfile}" user.js echo -e "Status: ${GREEN}user.js has been backed up and replaced with the latest version!${NC}" if [ "$ESR" = true ]; then sed -e 's/\/\* \(ESR[0-9]\{2,\}\.x still uses all.*\)/\/\/ \1/' user.js > user.js.tmp && mv user.js.tmp user.js echo -e "Status: ${GREEN}ESR related preferences have been activated!${NC}" fi # apply overrides if [ "$SKIPOVERRIDE" = false ]; then while IFS=',' read -ra FILES; do for FILE in "${FILES[@]}"; do add_override "$FILE" done done <<< "$OVERRIDE" fi # create diff if [ "$COMPARE" = true ]; then pastuserjs='userjs_diffs/past_user.js' past_nocomments='userjs_diffs/past_userjs.txt' current_nocomments='userjs_diffs/current_userjs.txt' remove_comments $pastuserjs $past_nocomments remove_comments user.js $current_nocomments diffname="userjs_diffs/diff_$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M").txt" diff=$(diff -w -B -U 0 $past_nocomments $current_nocomments) if [ ! -z "$diff" ]; then echo "$diff" > "$diffname" echo -e "Status: ${GREEN}A diff file was created:${NC} ${PWD}/${diffname}" else echo -e "Warning: ${ORANGE}Your new user.js file appears to be identical. No diff file was created.${NC}" [ $BACKUP = 'multiple' ] && rm $bakname &>/dev/null fi rm $past_nocomments $current_nocomments $pastuserjs &>/dev/null fi [ "$VIEW" = true ] && open_file "${PWD}/user.js" } ######################### # Execute # ######################### if [ $# != 0 ]; then readonly legacy_lc=$(echo $1 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') # Display usage if first argument is -help or --help if [ $1 = '--help' ] || [ $1 = '-help' ]; then usage else while getopts ":hp:ludsno:bcvre" opt; do case $opt in h) usage ;; p) PROFILE_PATH=${OPTARG} ;; l) PROFILE_PATH='list' ;; u) UPDATE='yes' ;; d) UPDATE='no' ;; s) CONFIRM='no' ;; n) SKIPOVERRIDE=true ;; o) OVERRIDE=${OPTARG} ;; b) BACKUP='single' ;; c) COMPARE=true ;; v) VIEW=true ;; e) ESR=true ;; r) tfile=$(download_file 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ghacksuserjs/ghacks-user.js/master/user.js') mv $tfile "${tfile}.js" echo -e "${ORANGE}Warning: user.js was saved to temporary file ${tfile}.js${NC}" open_file "${tfile}.js" exit 1 ;; \?) echo -e "${RED}\n Error! Invalid option: -$OPTARG${NC}" >&2 usage ;; :) echo -e "${RED}Error! Option -$OPTARG requires an argument.${NC}" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done fi fi show_banner update_updater $@ getProfilePath # updates PROFILE_PATH or exits on error cd "$PROFILE_PATH" && update_userjs cd "$CURRDIR"