#!/bin/bash ### ghacks-user.js updater for Mac/Linux ## author: @overdodactyl ## version: 1.0 ghacksjs="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ghacksuserjs/ghacks-user.js/master/user.js" cd "`dirname $0`" echo -e "\nThis script should be run from your Firefox profile directory.\n" if [ -e user.js ]; then echo "Your current user.js file for this profile will be backed up and the latest ghacks version from github will take its place." echo -e "\nIf currently using the ghacks user.js, please compare versions:" echo " Available online: $(curl -s ${ghacksjs} | sed -n '4p')" echo " Currently using: $(sed -n '4p' user.js)" else echo "A user.js file does not exist in this profile. If you continue, the latest ghacks version from github will be downloaded." fi echo -e "\nIf a user-overrides.js file exists in this profile, it will be appended to the user.js.\n" read -p "Continue Y/N? " -n 1 -r echo -e "\n\n" if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then if [ -e user.js ]; then # backup current user.js bakfile="user.js.backup.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M")" mv user.js "${bakfile}" && echo "Your previous user.js file was backed up: ${bakfile}" fi # download latest ghacks user.js echo "downloading latest ghacks user.js file" curl -O ${ghacksjs} && echo "ghacks user.js has been downloaded" if [ -e user-overrides.js ]; then echo "user-overrides.js file found" cat user-overrides.js >> user.js && echo "user-overrides.js has been appended to user.js" fi else echo "Process aborted" fi