
56 lines
1.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-06-13 17:27:51 +02:00
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:ft=conf:foldmethod=marker
#: Colors {{{
# selection_foreground #FFFFFF
# selection_background #5294E2
#: Colors for selected text while grabbing.
#: }}}
#: Key shortcuts {{{
# map q quit
#: Exit the grabber without copying anything.
# map Enter confirm
map y confirm
#: Copy the selected region to clipboard and exit.
map h move left
map l move right
map k move up
map j move down
map Ctrl+b move page up
map Ctrl+f move page down
map 0 move first
map _ move first nonwhite
map $ move last nonwhite
map g move top
map G move bottom
map b move word left
map w move word right
#: Move the cursor around the screen.
#: This will scroll the buffer if needed and possible.
#: Note that due to https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty/issues/5469, the ctrl+d
#: shortcut will only work with kitty >= 0.26.2
map Ctrl+y scroll up
map Ctrl+e scroll down
#: Scroll the buffer, if possible.
#: Cursor stays in the same position relative to the screen.
map v set_mode visual
map Ctrl+v set_mode block
map Ctrl+Left_Bracket set_mode normal
map Escape set_mode normal
#: Change the selecting mode.
#: }}}