
123 lines
5.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from kitty.conf.types import Action, Definition
definition = Definition(
'map', 'parse_map',
{'key_definitions': 'kitty.conf.utils.KittensKeyMap'},
['kitty.types.ParsedShortcut', 'kitty.conf.utils.KeyAction']
agr = definition.add_group
egr = definition.end_group
opt = definition.add_option
map = definition.add_map
# color options {{{
agr('color', 'Color')
opt('selection_foreground', '#FFFFFF',
Foreground color for selected text while grabbing.''')
opt('selection_background', '#5294E2',
Background color for selected text while grabbing.''')
egr() # }}}
# shortcuts {{{
agr('shortcuts', 'Keyboard shortcuts')
long_text = '''
Exit the grabber without copying anything.'''
map('Quit', 'quit q quit')
map('Quit', 'quit Escape quit', long_text=long_text)
long_text = '''
Copy the selected region to clipboard and exit.'''
map('Confirm', 'confirm Enter confirm', long_text=long_text)
long_text = '''
Cancel selection and move the cursor around the screen.
This will scroll the buffer if needed and possible.'''
map('Move left', 'move Left move left')
map('Move right', 'move Right move right')
map('Move up', 'move Up move up')
map('Move down', 'move Down move down')
map('Move page up', 'move Page_Up move page up')
map('Move page down', 'move Page_Down move page down')
map('Move first', 'move Home move first')
map('Move first nonwhite', 'move a move first nonwhite')
map('Move last nonwhite', 'move End move last nonwhite')
map('Move last', 'move e move last')
map('Move top', 'move Ctrl+Home move top')
map('Move bottom', 'move Ctrl+End move bottom')
map('Move word left', 'move Ctrl+Left move word left')
map('Move word right', 'move Ctrl+Right move word right', long_text=long_text)
long_text = '''
Scroll the buffer, if possible.
Cursor stays in the same position relative to the screen.'''
map('Scroll up', 'scroll Ctrl+Up scroll up')
map('Scroll down', 'scroll Ctrl+Down scroll down', long_text=long_text)
long_text = '''
#: Extend a stream selection.
#: If no region is selected, start selecting.
#: Stream selection includes all characters between the region ends.'''
map('SelectStream left', 'select_stream Shift+Left select stream left')
map('SelectStream right', 'select_stream Shift+Right select stream right')
map('SelectStream up', 'select_stream Shift+Up select stream up')
map('SelectStream down', 'select_stream Shift+Down select stream down')
map('SelectStream page up', 'select_stream Shift+Page_Up select stream page up')
map('SelectStream page down', 'select_stream Shift+Page_Down select stream page down')
map('SelectStream first', 'select_stream Shift+Home select stream first')
map('SelectStream first nonwhite', 'select_stream A select stream first nonwhite')
map('SelectStream last nonwhite', 'select_stream Shift+End select stream last nonwhite')
map('SelectStream last', 'select_stream E select stream last')
map('SelectStream top', 'select_stream Shift+Ctrl+Home select stream top')
map('SelectStream bottom', 'select_stream Shift+Ctrl+End select stream bottom')
map('SelectStream word left', 'select_stream Shift+Ctrl+Left select stream word left')
map('SelectStream word right', 'select_stream Shift+Ctrl+Right select stream word right', long_text=long_text)
long_text = '''
Extend a columnar selection.
If no region is selected, start selecting.
Columnar selection includes characters in the rectangle
defined by the region ends.'''
map('SelectColumnar left', 'select_columnar Alt+Left select columnar left')
map('SelectColumnar right', 'select_columnar Alt+Right select columnar right')
map('SelectColumnar up', 'select_columnar Alt+Up select columnar up')
map('SelectColumnar down', 'select_columnar Alt+Down select columnar down')
map('SelectColumnar page up', 'select_columnar Alt+Page_Up select columnar page up')
map('SelectColumnar page down', 'select_columnar Alt+Page_Down select columnar page down')
map('SelectColumnar first', 'select_columnar Alt+Home select columnar first')
map('SelectColumnar first nonwhite', 'select_columnar Alt+A select columnar first nonwhite')
map('SelectColumnar last nonwhite', 'select_columnar Alt+End select columnar last nonwhite')
map('SelectColumnar last', 'select_columnar Alt+E select columnar last')
map('SelectColumnar top', 'select_columnar Alt+Ctrl+Home select columnar top')
map('SelectColumnar bottom', 'select_columnar Alt+Ctrl+End select columnar bottom')
map('SelectColumnar word left', 'select_columnar Alt+Ctrl+Left select columnar word left')
map('SelectColumnar word right', 'select_columnar Alt+Ctrl+Right select columnar word right', long_text=long_text)
long_text = '''
Keys to enable vim-like modal selecting.'''
map('SetMode visual', 'set_mode v set_mode visual')
map('SetMode block', 'set_mode Ctrl+v set_mode block')
map('SetMode normal', 'set_mode Ctrl+LeftBracket set_mode normal', long_text=long_text)
egr() # }}}
agr('behavior', 'Behavior') # {{{
opt('select_by_word_characters', '',
Characters considered part of a word when moving by words.
By default, those are taken from main Kitty config.''')
egr() # }}}