#!/bin/zsh # vi:spl=en alias xterm='xterm -bg black -fg white -fa Hack -fs 10' ## Mount dev folders # # Note: To be done first, so other actions can use mounted folders. # [[ -x $HOME/bin/mount_dev.zsh ]] && xterm -geometry 120x40 -title "Mount devices" -hold -e $HOME/bin/mount_dev.zsh ## Qubes Template # # sudo apt clean ## Start periodic actions # eval xterm -hold -e env $(cat ~/.config/environment.d/variables.conf) $HOME/bin/every-hour.zsh ## Wait for an Internet connection # while ! nm-online -t 5 ; do List=( $(nmcli connection show | grep wifi | cut -d' ' -f1) ) Menu=() for Name in $List; Menu+=( "$Name" "$Name" ) Conn=$(kdialog --menu "Aucune connexion active\nLaquelle choisir?" $Menu) if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then nmcli radio wifi on sleep 3 nmcli connection up $Conn else exit 1 fi done ## Activating services # # See: # - https://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home%3Anpreining%3Adebian-ubuntu-onedrive&package=onedrive # - https://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home%3Ajstaf&package=onedriver PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.asdf/bin Services=( 'firefox -P michel' 'off' '' 'firefox -P vedecom' 'off' '' 'firefox -P ''$oft''' 'off' '' 'asdf update; asdf plugin update --all' 'off' 'xterm' ) Menu=() count=0 for i in {1..$#Services..3} ; { (( count+=1 )) Command=${Services[$i]} Enable=${Services[$i+1]} Menu+=( ${count} ${Command} ${Enable} ) } Indexes=( $(kdialog --geometry 600x300 --checklist "Applications à démarrer" $Menu) ) for i in $Indexes ; { i=${i//\"/} i=$((3*i - 2)) Command=${Services[$i]} Option=${Services[$i+2]} case ${Option} in xterm) xterm -hold -e ${Command} & ;; *) ${=Command} & ;; esac }