
705 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

from functools import total_ordering
from itertools import takewhile
import json
import os.path
import re
import sys
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List,
NamedTuple, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, Union)
import unicodedata
from kitty.boss import Boss
from kitty.cli import parse_args
from kitten_options_types import Options, defaults
from kitten_options_parse import create_result_dict, merge_result_dicts, parse_conf_item
from kitty.conf.utils import load_config as _load_config, parse_config_base, resolve_config
from kitty.constants import config_dir
from kitty.fast_data_types import truncate_point_for_length, wcswidth
import kitty.key_encoding as kk
from kitty.key_encoding import KeyEvent
from kitty.rgb import color_as_sgr
from kittens.tui.handler import Handler
from kittens.tui.loop import Loop
from kitty.clipboard import set_clipboard_string
except ImportError:
from kitty.fast_data_types import set_clipboard_string
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
ResultDict = TypedDict('ResultDict', {'copy': str})
AbsoluteLine = int
ScreenLine = int
ScreenColumn = int
SelectionInLine = Union[Tuple[ScreenColumn, ScreenColumn],
Tuple[None, None]]
PositionBase = NamedTuple('Position', [
('x', ScreenColumn), ('y', ScreenLine), ('top_line', AbsoluteLine)])
class Position(PositionBase):
Coordinates of a cell.
:param x: 0-based, left of window, to the right
:param y: 0-based, top of window, down
:param top_line: 1-based, start of scrollback, down
def line(self) -> AbsoluteLine:
Return 1-based absolute line number.
return self.y + self.top_line
def moved(self, dx: int = 0, dy: int = 0,
dtop: int = 0) -> 'Position':
Return a new position specified relative to self.
return self._replace(x=self.x + dx, y=self.y + dy,
top_line=self.top_line + dtop)
def scrolled(self, dtop: int = 0) -> 'Position':
Return a new position equivalent to self
but scrolled dtop lines.
return self.moved(dy=-dtop, dtop=dtop)
def scrolled_up(self, rows: ScreenLine) -> 'Position':
Return a new position equivalent to self
but with top_line as small as possible.
return self.scrolled(-min(self.top_line - 1,
rows - 1 - self.y))
def scrolled_down(self, rows: ScreenLine,
lines: AbsoluteLine) -> 'Position':
Return a new position equivalent to self
but with top_line as large as possible.
return self.scrolled(min(lines - rows + 1 - self.top_line,
def scrolled_towards(self, other: 'Position', rows: ScreenLine,
lines: Optional[AbsoluteLine] = None) -> 'Position':
Return a new position equivalent to self.
If self and other fit within a single screen,
scroll as little as possible to make both visible.
Otherwise, scroll as much as possible towards other.
# @
# .| . @| . .
# |.| |. |.| |. |.|
# |*| |*| |*| |*| |*|
# |. |.| |. |.| |@|
# . .| . @| .
# @
if other.line <= self.line - rows: # above, unreachable
return self.scrolled_up(rows)
if other.line >= self.line + rows: # below, unreachable
assert lines is not None
return self.scrolled_down(rows, lines)
if other.line < self.top_line: # above, reachable
return self.scrolled(other.line - self.top_line)
if other.line > self.top_line + rows - 1: # below, reachable
return self.scrolled(other.line - self.top_line - rows + 1)
return self # visible
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '{},{}+{}'.format(self.x, self.y, self.top_line)
def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Position):
return NotImplemented
return (self.line, self.x) < (other.line, other.x)
def __le__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Position):
return NotImplemented
return (self.line, self.x) <= (other.line, other.x)
def __gt__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Position):
return NotImplemented
return (self.line, self.x) > (other.line, other.x)
def __ge__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Position):
return NotImplemented
return (self.line, self.x) >= (other.line, other.x)
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Position):
return NotImplemented
return (self.line, self.x) == (other.line, other.x)
def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Position):
return NotImplemented
return (self.line, self.x) != (other.line, other.x)
def _span(line: AbsoluteLine, *lines: AbsoluteLine) -> Set[AbsoluteLine]:
return set(range(min(line, *lines), max(line, *lines) + 1))
class Region:
name = None # type: Optional[str]
uses_mark = False
def line_inside_region(current_line: AbsoluteLine,
start: Position, end: Position) -> bool:
Return True if current_line is entirely inside the region
defined by start and end.
return False
def line_outside_region(current_line: AbsoluteLine,
start: Position, end: Position) -> bool:
Return True if current_line is entirely outside the region
defined by start and end.
return current_line < start.line or end.line < current_line
def adjust(start: Position, end: Position) -> Tuple[Position, Position]:
Return the normalized pair of markers
equivalent to start and end. This is region-type-specific.
return start, end
def selection_in_line(
current_line: int, start: Position, end: Position,
maxx: int) -> SelectionInLine:
Return bounds of the part of current_line
that are within the region defined by start and end.
return None, None
def lines_affected(mark: Optional[Position], old_point: Position,
point: Position) -> Set[AbsoluteLine]:
Return the set of lines (1-based, top of scrollback, down)
that must be redrawn when point moves from old_point.
return set()
def page_up(mark: Optional[Position], point: Position,
rows: ScreenLine, lines: AbsoluteLine) -> Position:
Return the position page up from point.
# ........
# ....$...|
# ........ ....$...| ........|
# |....$...| |....^...| |....^...|
# |....^...| |........| |........
# |........| |........ |........
# ........ ........ ........
if point.y > 0:
return Position(point.x, 0, point.top_line)
assert point.y == 0
return Position(point.x, 0,
max(1, point.top_line - rows + 1))
def page_down(mark: Optional[Position], point: Position,
rows: ScreenLine, lines: AbsoluteLine) -> Position:
Return the position page down from point.
# ........ ........ ........
# |........| |........ |........
# |....^...| |........| |........
# |....$...| |....^...| |....^...|
# ........ ....$...| ........|
# ....$...|
# ........
maxy = rows - 1
if point.y < maxy:
return Position(point.x, maxy, point.top_line)
assert point.y == maxy
return Position(point.x, maxy,
min(lines - maxy, point.top_line + maxy))
class NoRegion(Region):
name = 'unselected'
uses_mark = False
def line_outside_region(current_line: AbsoluteLine,
start: Position, end: Position) -> bool:
return False
class MarkedRegion(Region):
uses_mark = True
# When a region is marked,
# override page up and down motion
# to keep as much region visible as possible.
# This means,
# after computing the position in the usual way,
# do the minimum possible scroll adjustment
# to bring both mark and point on screen.
# If that is not possible,
# do the maximum possible scroll adjustment
# towards mark
# that keeps point on screen.
def page_up(mark: Optional[Position], point: Position,
rows: ScreenLine, lines: AbsoluteLine) -> Position:
assert mark is not None
return (Region.page_up(mark, point, rows, lines)
.scrolled_towards(mark, rows, lines))
def page_down(mark: Optional[Position], point: Position,
rows: ScreenLine, lines: AbsoluteLine) -> Position:
assert mark is not None
return (Region.page_down(mark, point, rows, lines)
.scrolled_towards(mark, rows, lines))
class StreamRegion(MarkedRegion):
name = 'stream'
def line_inside_region(current_line: AbsoluteLine,
start: Position, end: Position) -> bool:
return start.line < current_line < end.line
def selection_in_line(
current_line: AbsoluteLine, start: Position, end: Position,
maxx: ScreenColumn) -> SelectionInLine:
if StreamRegion.line_outside_region(current_line, start, end):
return None, None
return (start.x if current_line == start.line else 0,
end.x if current_line == end.line else maxx)
def lines_affected(mark: Optional[Position], old_point: Position,
point: Position) -> Set[AbsoluteLine]:
return _span(old_point.line, point.line)
class ColumnarRegion(MarkedRegion):
name = 'columnar'
def adjust(start: Position, end: Position) -> Tuple[Position, Position]:
return (start._replace(x=min(start.x, end.x)),
end._replace(x=max(start.x, end.x)))
def selection_in_line(
current_line: AbsoluteLine, start: Position, end: Position,
maxx: ScreenColumn) -> SelectionInLine:
if ColumnarRegion.line_outside_region(current_line, start, end):
return None, None
return start.x, end.x
def lines_affected(mark: Optional[Position], old_point: Position,
point: Position) -> Set[AbsoluteLine]:
assert mark is not None
# If column changes, all lines change.
if old_point.x != point.x:
return _span(mark.line, old_point.line, point.line)
# If point passes mark, all passed lines change except mark line.
if old_point < mark < point or point < mark < old_point:
return _span(old_point.line, point.line) - {mark.line}
# If point moves away from mark,
# all passed lines change except old point line.
elif mark < old_point < point or point < old_point < mark:
return _span(old_point.line, point.line) - {old_point.line}
# Otherwise, point moves toward mark,
# and all passed lines change except new point line.
return _span(old_point.line, point.line) - {point.line}
ActionName = str
ActionArgs = tuple
ShortcutMods = int
KeyName = str
Namespace = Any # kitty.cli.Namespace (< 0.17.0)
OptionName = str
OptionValues = Dict[OptionName, Any]
TypeMap = Dict[OptionName, Callable[[Any], Any]]
def load_config(*paths: str, overrides: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> Options:
def parse_config(lines: Iterable[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
ans: Dict[str, Any] = create_result_dict()
return ans
configs = list(resolve_config('/etc/xdg/kitty/grab.conf',
os.path.join(config_dir, 'grab.conf'),
overrides = tuple(overrides) if overrides is not None else ()
opts_dict, paths = _load_config(defaults, parse_config, merge_result_dicts, *configs, overrides=overrides)
opts = Options(opts_dict)
opts.config_paths = paths
opts.config_overrides = overrides
return opts
def unstyled(s: str) -> str:
s = re.sub(r'\x1b\[[0-9;:]*m', '', s)
s = re.sub(r'\x1b\](?:[^\x07\x1b]+|\x1b[^\\])*(?:\x1b\\|\x07)', '', s)
return s
def string_slice(s: str, start_x: ScreenColumn,
end_x: ScreenColumn) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
prev_pos = (truncate_point_for_length(s, start_x - 1) if start_x > 0
else None)
start_pos = truncate_point_for_length(s, start_x)
end_pos = truncate_point_for_length(s, end_x - 1) + 1
return s[start_pos:end_pos], prev_pos == start_pos
DirectionStr = str
RegionTypeStr = str
ModeTypeStr = str
class GrabHandler(Handler):
def __init__(self, args: Namespace, opts: Options,
lines: List[str]) -> None:
self.args = args
self.opts = opts
self.lines = lines
self.point = Position(args.x, args.y, args.top_line)
self.mark = None # type: Optional[Position]
self.mark_type = NoRegion # type: Type[Region]
self.mode = 'normal' # type: ModeTypeStr
self.result = None # type: Optional[ResultDict]
for spec, action in self.opts.map:
self.add_shortcut(action, spec)
def _start_end(self) -> Tuple[Position, Position]:
start, end = sorted([self.point, self.mark or self.point])
return self.mark_type.adjust(start, end)
def _draw_line(self, current_line: AbsoluteLine) -> None:
y = current_line - self.point.top_line # type: ScreenLine
line = self.lines[current_line - 1]
clear_eol = '\x1b[m\x1b[K'
sgr0 = '\x1b[m'
plain = unstyled(line)
selection_sgr = '\x1b[38{};48{}m'.format(
start, end = self._start_end()
# anti-flicker optimization
if self.mark_type.line_inside_region(current_line, start, end):
self.cmd.set_cursor_position(0, y)
self.print('{}{}'.format(selection_sgr, plain),
self.cmd.set_cursor_position(0, y)
self.print('{}{}'.format(sgr0, line), end=clear_eol)
if self.mark_type.line_outside_region(current_line, start, end):
start_x, end_x = self.mark_type.selection_in_line(
current_line, start, end, wcswidth(plain))
if start_x is None or end_x is None:
line_slice, half = string_slice(plain, start_x, end_x)
self.cmd.set_cursor_position(start_x - (1 if half else 0), y)
self.print('{}{}'.format(selection_sgr, line_slice), end='')
def _update(self) -> None:
self.cmd.set_window_title('Grab {} {} {},{}+{} to {},{}+{}'.format(
getattr(self.mark, 'x', None), getattr(self.mark, 'y', None),
getattr(self.mark, 'top_line', None),
self.point.x, self.point.y, self.point.top_line))
self.cmd.set_cursor_position(self.point.x, self.point.y)
def _redraw_lines(self, lines: Iterable[AbsoluteLine]) -> None:
for line in lines:
def _redraw(self) -> None:
self.point.top_line + self.screen_size.rows))
def initialize(self) -> None:
self.cmd.set_window_title('Grab {}'.format(self.args.title))
def perform_default_key_action(self, key_event: KeyEvent) -> bool:
return False
def on_key_event(self, key_event: KeyEvent, in_bracketed_paste: bool = False) -> None:
action = self.shortcut_action(key_event)
if (key_event.type not in [kk.PRESS, kk.REPEAT]
or action is None):
def perform_action(self, action: Tuple[ActionName, ActionArgs]) -> None:
func, args = action
getattr(self, func)(*args)
def quit(self, *args: Any) -> None:
region_types = {'stream': StreamRegion,
'columnar': ColumnarRegion
} # type: Dict[RegionTypeStr, Type[Region]]
mode_types = {'normal': NoRegion,
'visual': StreamRegion,
'block': ColumnarRegion,
} # type: Dict[ModeTypeStr, Type[Region]]
def _ensure_mark(self, mark_type: Type[Region] = StreamRegion) -> None:
need_redraw = mark_type is not self.mark_type
self.mark_type = mark_type
self.mark = (self.mark or self.point) if mark_type.uses_mark else None
if need_redraw:
def _scroll(self, dtop: int) -> None:
rows = self.screen_size.rows
new_point = self.point.moved(dtop=dtop)
if not (0 < new_point.top_line <= 1 + len(self.lines) - rows):
self.point = new_point
def scroll(self, direction: DirectionStr) -> None:
self._scroll(dtop={'up': -1, 'down': 1}[direction])
def left(self) -> Position:
return self.point.moved(dx=-1) if self.point.x > 0 else self.point
def right(self) -> Position:
return (self.point.moved(dx=1)
if self.point.x + 1 < self.screen_size.cols
else self.point)
def up(self) -> Position:
return (self.point.moved(dy=-1) if self.point.y > 0 else
self.point.moved(dtop=-1) if self.point.top_line > 0 else
def down(self) -> Position:
return (self.point.moved(dy=1)
if self.point.y + 1 < self.screen_size.rows
else self.point.moved(dtop=1)
if self.point.line < len(self.lines)
else self.point)
def page_up(self) -> Position:
return self.mark_type.page_up(
self.mark, self.point, self.screen_size.rows,
max(self.screen_size.rows, len(self.lines)))
def page_down(self) -> Position:
return self.mark_type.page_down(
self.mark, self.point, self.screen_size.rows,
max(self.screen_size.rows, len(self.lines)))
def first(self) -> Position:
return Position(0, self.point.y, self.point.top_line)
def first_nonwhite(self) -> Position:
line = unstyled(self.lines[self.point.line - 1])
prefix = ''.join(takewhile(str.isspace, line))
return Position(wcswidth(prefix), self.point.y, self.point.top_line)
def last_nonwhite(self) -> Position:
line = unstyled(self.lines[self.point.line - 1])
suffix = ''.join(takewhile(str.isspace, reversed(line)))
return Position(wcswidth(line[:len(line) - len(suffix)]),
self.point.y, self.point.top_line)
def last(self) -> Position:
return Position(self.screen_size.cols,
self.point.y, self.point.top_line)
def top(self) -> Position:
return Position(0, 0, 1)
def bottom(self) -> Position:
x = wcswidth(unstyled(self.lines[-1]))
y = min(len(self.lines) - self.point.top_line,
self.screen_size.rows - 1)
return Position(x, y, len(self.lines) - y)
def noop(self) -> Position:
return self.point
def _select_by_word_characters(self) -> str:
return (self.opts.select_by_word_characters
or (json.loads(os.getenv('KITTY_COMMON_OPTS', '{}'))
.get('select_by_word_characters', '@-./_~?&=%+#')))
def _is_word_char(self, c: str) -> bool:
return (unicodedata.category(c)[0] in 'LN'
or c in self._select_by_word_characters)
def _is_word_separator(self, c: str) -> bool:
return (unicodedata.category(c)[0] not in 'LN'
and c not in self._select_by_word_characters)
def word_left(self) -> Position:
if self.point.x > 0:
line = unstyled(self.lines[self.point.line - 1])
pos = truncate_point_for_length(line, self.point.x)
pred = (self._is_word_char if self._is_word_char(line[pos - 1])
else self._is_word_separator)
new_pos = pos - len(''.join(takewhile(pred, reversed(line[:pos]))))
return Position(wcswidth(line[:new_pos]),
self.point.y, self.point.top_line)
if self.point.y > 0:
return Position(wcswidth(unstyled(self.lines[self.point.line - 2])),
self.point.y - 1, self.point.top_line)
if self.point.top_line > 1:
return Position(wcswidth(unstyled(self.lines[self.point.line - 2])),
self.point.y, self.point.top_line - 1)
return self.point
def word_right(self) -> Position:
line = unstyled(self.lines[self.point.line - 1])
pos = truncate_point_for_length(line, self.point.x)
if pos < len(line):
pred = (self._is_word_char if self._is_word_char(line[pos])
else self._is_word_separator)
new_pos = pos + len(''.join(takewhile(pred, line[pos:])))
return Position(wcswidth(line[:new_pos]),
self.point.y, self.point.top_line)
if self.point.y < self.screen_size.rows - 1:
return Position(0, self.point.y + 1, self.point.top_line)
if self.point.top_line + self.point.y < len(self.lines):
return Position(0, self.point.y, self.point.top_line + 1)
return self.point
def _select(self, direction: DirectionStr,
mark_type: Type[Region]) -> None:
old_point = self.point
self.point = (getattr(self, direction))()
if self.point.top_line != old_point.top_line:
self.mark, old_point, self.point))
def move(self, direction: DirectionStr) -> None:
self._select(direction, self.mode_types[self.mode])
def select(self, region_type: RegionTypeStr,
direction: DirectionStr) -> None:
self._select(direction, self.region_types[region_type])
def set_mode(self, mode: ModeTypeStr) -> None:
self.mode = mode
self._select('noop', self.mode_types[mode])
def confirm(self, *args: Any) -> None:
start, end = self._start_end()
self.result = {'copy': '\n'.join(
for line in range(start.line, end.line + 1)
for plain in [unstyled(self.lines[line - 1])]
for start_x, end_x in [self.mark_type.selection_in_line(
line, start, end, len(plain))]
if start_x is not None and end_x is not None
for line_slice, _half in [string_slice(plain, start_x, end_x)])}
def main(args: List[str]) -> Optional['ResultDict']:
def ospec() -> str:
return '''
(Internal) Starting cursor column, 0-based.
(Internal) Starting cursor line, 0-based.
(Internal) Window scroll offset, 1-based.
args, _rest = parse_args(args[1:], ospec)
tty = open(os.ctermid())
lines = (sys.stdin.buffer.read().decode('utf-8')
.split('\n')[:-1]) # last line ends with \n, too
sys.stdin = tty
opts = load_config()
handler = GrabHandler(args, opts, lines)
loop = Loop()
return handler.result
except Exception as e:
from kittens.tui.loop import debug
from traceback import format_exc
WindowId = int
def handle_result(args: List[str], result: 'ResultDict',
target_window_id: WindowId, boss: Boss) -> None:
if 'copy' in result: