""" ******************************************************************************** * CNIRevelator * * * * Desc: Application launcher download stuff * * * * Copyright © 2018-2019 Adrien Bourmault (neox95) * * * * This file is part of CNIRevelator. * * * * CNIRevelator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * any later version. * * * * CNIRevelator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY*without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with CNIRevelator. If not, see . * ******************************************************************************** """ import base64, hashlib import os from pypac import PACSession from requests.auth import HTTPProxyAuth from Crypto import Random from Crypto.Cipher import AES from requests import Session from time import time import critical # critical.py import logger # logger.py import globs # globs.py import ihm # ihm.py import lang # lang.py class AESCipher(object): def __init__(self, key): self.bs = 32 self.key = hashlib.sha256(key.encode()).digest() def encrypt(self, raw): raw = self._pad(raw) iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size) cipher = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) return base64.b64encode(iv + cipher.encrypt(raw)) def decrypt(self, enc): enc = base64.b64decode(enc) iv = enc[:AES.block_size] cipher = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) return self._unpad(cipher.decrypt(enc[AES.block_size:])).decode('utf-8') def _pad(self, s): return s + (self.bs - len(s) % self.bs) * chr(self.bs - len(s) % self.bs) @staticmethod def _unpad(s): return s[:-ord(s[len(s) - 1:])] class newcredentials: def __init__(self): logfile = logger.logCur self.login = '' self.password = '' self.valid = False self.readInTheBooks = False self.trying = 0 while True: session = PACSession(proxy_auth=(HTTPProxyAuth(self.login, self.password))) self.trying += 1 try: sessionAnswer = session.get('https://www.google.com') except Exception as e: logfile.printdbg('Network Error : ' + str(e)) sessionAnswer = '' logfile.printdbg("Session Answer : " + str(sessionAnswer)) if str(sessionAnswer) == '': logfile.printdbg('Successfully connected to the Internet !') self.sessionHandler = session self.valid = True return if str(sessionAnswer) != '' and self.trying > 2: # because sometimes the proxy does not return an error (especially if we do not provide either credentials) logfile.printerr('Network Error, or need a proxy !') return if self.trying > 4: logfile.printerr('Invalid credentials : access denied, a maximum of 3 trials have been raised !') return logfile.printdbg('Invalid credentials : access denied') # Deleting the root of Evil if needed if self.readInTheBooks: os.remove(globs.CNIRConfig) logfile.printdbg("Deleting the root of Evil") try: with open(globs.CNIRConfig, 'rb') as (configFile): self.readInTheBooks = True # Decrypt the config file AESObj = AESCipher(globs.CNIRCryptoKey) try: # Reading it reading = AESObj.decrypt(configFile.read()) # Parsing it if reading != '||': if reading.find('||') != -1: # TADAAA self.login, self.password = reading.split('||')[0:2] else: # UPS logfile.printerr('Cryptokey is bad !') return except Exception as e: raise IOError(str(e)) except FileNotFoundError: logfile.printdbg('We will ask for credentials then') launcherWindow = ihm.launcherWindowCur # Parameters for the password invite invite = ihm.LoginDialog(launcherWindow) invite.transient(launcherWindow) invite.grab_set() launcherWindow.wait_window(invite) # Getting the credentials self.login = invite.login self.password = invite.key AESObj = AESCipher(globs.CNIRCryptoKey) try: os.mkdir(globs.CNIRFolder + '\\config') except: pass with open(globs.CNIRConfig, 'wb+') as (configFile): logfile.printdbg('Saving credentials in encrypted config file') configFile.write(AESObj.encrypt(self.login + '||' + self.password)) return class newdownload: def __init__(self, credentials, urlFile, destinationFile, title): self.urlFile = urlFile self.destinationFile = destinationFile self.session = credentials.sessionHandler self.title = title logfile = logger.logCur launcherWindow = ihm.launcherWindowCur logfile.printdbg('Requesting download of {}'.format(urlFile)) self.handler = self.session.get(self.urlFile, stream=True, headers={'Connection' : 'close', "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Pragma": "no-cache"}) self.handler.raise_for_status() self.filesize = int(self.handler.headers['Content-length']) self.chunksize = int(self.filesize / 7) self.count = 0 def download(self): logfile = logger.logCur launcherWindow = ihm.launcherWindowCur url = self.urlFile filename = self.destinationFile title = self.title reducedFilename = filename.split("\\")[-1] launcherWindow.printmsg('{} {}'.format(lang.all[globs.CNIRlang]["Downloading"], title)) logfile.printdbg('{} {}'.format("Downloading", reducedFilename)) try: os.remove(filename) except: pass with open(filename, 'wb') as fh: for chunk in self.handler.iter_content(chunk_size=self.chunksize): fh.write(chunk) self.count = os.path.getsize(self.destinationFile) Percent = self.count / self.filesize * 100 launcherWindow.progressBar.stop() launcherWindow.progressBar.configure(mode='determinate', value=(int(Percent)), maximum=100) launcherWindow.printmsg('{} {}'.format(lang.all[globs.CNIRlang]["Downloading"], title) + ' : {:4.2f} %'.format(Percent)) launcherWindow.progressBar.configure(mode='indeterminate', value=0, maximum=20) launcherWindow.progressBar.start() logfile.printdbg('{} {}'.format(lang.all[globs.CNIRlang]["Successful retrieved"], filename)) return filename