forked from bortzmeyer/GaBuZoMeu
55 lines
1.8 KiB
55 lines
1.8 KiB
import qualified Grammar
import qualified Registry.Registry as Registry
import qualified Test.HUnit as HUnit
import qualified System.IO
import qualified Text.Regex as Regex
wfTagsFile = "./well-formed-tags.txt"
brokenTagsFile = "./broken-tags.txt"
validTagsFile = "./valid-tags.txt"
invalidTagsFile = "./invalid-tags.txt"
registryfile = "./language-subtag-registry"
languageTag = Grammar.tag
getTag line =
let fields = Regex.splitRegex (Regex.mkRegex " +") line in
fields !! 0
shouldBeWellFormed tag =
HUnit.TestCase (HUnit.assertBool (tag ++ " should be well-formed")
(Grammar.testTag tag == True))
shouldBeBroken tag =
HUnit.TestCase (HUnit.assertBool (tag ++ " should *not* be well-formed")
(Grammar.testTag tag == False))
shouldBeValid reg tag =
HUnit.TestCase (HUnit.assertBool (tag ++ " should be valid")
(Registry.testTag reg tag == True))
shouldBeInvalid reg tag =
HUnit.TestCase (HUnit.assertBool (tag ++ " should *not* be valid")
(Registry.testTag reg tag == False))
tagsFromFile filename = do
myContents <- System.IO.readFile filename
let myLines = lines myContents
return (map getTag myLines)
main = do
brokenTags <- tagsFromFile brokenTagsFile
wfTags <- tagsFromFile wfTagsFile
theregistry <- Registry.readRegistry registryfile
invalidTags <- tagsFromFile invalidTagsFile
validTags <- tagsFromFile validTagsFile
let tests = HUnit.TestList (map shouldBeBroken (brokenTags) ++
map shouldBeWellFormed (wfTags) ++
map (shouldBeValid theregistry) (validTags) ++
map (shouldBeInvalid theregistry) (invalidTags))
HUnit.runTestTT tests