forked from bortzmeyer/GaBuZoMeu
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77 lines
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import qualified Test.HUnit as HUnit
import qualified System.IO as IO
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Parsec
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified Text.Regex as RE
import qualified System.Directory as Dir
import Registry.Grammar
import Registry.Types
import Registry.Registry
brokenDir = "./broken-registries"
correctDir = "./correct-registries"
invalidDir = "./invalid-registries"
validDir = "./valid-registries"
data RegistryText = Registry {filename::FilePath, filecontents::String}
buildTestCaseSyn :: Bool -> RegistryText -> HUnit.Test
buildTestCaseSyn True reg =
HUnit.TestCase (HUnit.assertBool ("Should be syntactically OK (" ++ (filename reg) ++ ")")
(checkOK (parse (filecontents reg))))
buildTestCaseSyn False reg =
HUnit.TestCase (HUnit.assertBool ("Should be syntactically wrong (" ++ (filename reg) ++ ")")
(not (checkOK (parse (filecontents reg)))))
buildTestCaseSem :: Bool -> RegistryText -> HUnit.Test
buildTestCaseSem True reg =
let registry = parse (filecontents reg) in
HUnit.TestCase (HUnit.assertBool ("Should be valid (" ++ (filename reg) ++ ")")
(checkOK (registry) &&
checkOK (semanticCheck (registryOf registry))))
buildTestCaseSem False reg =
let registry = parse (filecontents reg) in
HUnit.TestCase (HUnit.assertBool ("Should be invalid (" ++ (filename reg) ++ ")")
(checkOK (registry) &&
not (checkOK (semanticCheck (registryOf registry)))))
endsWith :: String -> String -> Bool
endsWith s1 s2 = Maybe.isJust (RE.matchRegex (RE.mkRegex (s2 ++ "$")) s1)
-- TODO: use mapM instead
foreach :: (Monad m) => [a1] -> (a1 -> m a) -> m [a]
foreach [] func = do
return []
foreach x func = do
newHead <- func (head x)
newTail <- foreach (tail x) func
return (newHead : newTail)
contentOf :: FilePath -> IO RegistryText
contentOf f = do
content <- IO.readFile f
return (Registry f content)
addDir d f = d ++ "/" ++ f
filesOf :: FilePath -> IO [RegistryText]
filesOf d = do
files <- Dir.getDirectoryContents d
foreach (map (addDir d) (filter (\n -> n /= "." && n /= ".." && (not (endsWith n "~")))
main = do
brokenFiles <- filesOf brokenDir
let testsBroken = map (buildTestCaseSyn False) brokenFiles
invalidFiles <- filesOf invalidDir
let testsInvalid = map (buildTestCaseSem False) invalidFiles
correctFiles <- filesOf correctDir
let testsCorrect = map (buildTestCaseSyn True) correctFiles
validFiles <- filesOf validDir
let testsValid = map (buildTestCaseSem True) validFiles
HUnit.runTestTT (HUnit.TestList (testsBroken ++ testsInvalid ++
testsCorrect ++ testsValid))