; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. DefaultExceptionHandler: mov esp, EXCT0_STACK mov ax1, nx0 bzr nx0, DefaultTrapHandler.handle_Shutdown bltu 11, nx0, .unknown mov esi, .err_ukn lea ax0, b[esi + nx0 * 32] call ScreenOfDeath .unknown: call ScreenOfDeath, .err_ukn crash .err_ukn = "Unknown exception number\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" .err_udf = "Undefined behaviour exception\0\0" .err_ill = "Illformed instruction exception" .err_acc = "Invalid memory access exception" .err_sys = "Supervisor-only instruct. used\0" .err_dbf = "Double fault exception~~~~~~~~\0" .err_imp = "Feat. not implemented exception" .err_ali = "Misalignmed address exception\0\0" .err_brk = "BREAK key (Ctrl+C) exception\0\0\0" .err_ovf = "Overflow flag raised exception\0" .err_div = "Division by zero exception\0\0\0\0\0"