# The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license. # See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. CPU device function slots: slot ax0 ax1 ax2 thr name desc 0-15 - - - - (reserved) (reserved) 16 - - - - getmaxidx rax = maximal index for a register frame 17 - - - - getrfusage rax = number of register frames active 18 - - - - getcuridx rax = index of the current register frame 19 - - - - leastavail rax = least index among inactive frames, -1 if none 20 i - - - isactive rax = is register frame #ax0 active? 21 i - - y activate activates register frame #ax0 (filling it with 0's) 22 i - - y deactivate deactivates register frame #ax0 (losing all its contents!) 23 i i - y copyframe copy contents of frame #ax1 into (active) frame #ax0 24 i i - y moveframe move frame #ax1 to (inactive) frame index #ax0 25 i - - - switchrf switch to register frame #ax0 26-31 - - - - (reserved) (reserved) 32 i - - - loadargs load registers ax0-ax7 from frame #ax0 33 i r - - loadreg rax = register #ax1 from frame #ax0 34-47 - - - - (reserved) (reserved) 48 i r i y storereg store ax2 into register #ax1 from frame #ax0 49-63 - - - - (reserved) (reserved) 64 i i - y idtadd mark E/I #ax0 as handled by register frame #ax1 65 i - - y idtdel mark E/I #ax0 as unhandled 66 i - - - idtquery rax = E/I #ax0 has handler? rdx = index of handling frame 67 i - - - idtdone signals that handler for E/I #ax0 is done handling 68+ - - - - (reserved) (reserved) Arguments: i immediate r register index (0=inv, 1=rip, etc...) Terminology: interrupt: asynchronous transfer of control to another RFRAME due to some device exception: general term for synchronous transfer of control to another RFRAME fault: hardware exception (slots 1-255) trap: software exception (slots 256-511) IDT slots: 0 a handler at this slot will receive all exceptions 1-255 hardware exceptions (see vm/except.h), OVERRIDES slot 0 256-511 software exceptions (TRAP instruction), OVERRIDES slot 0 512 a handler at this slot will receive all maskable hardware interrupts 513-767 maskable hardware interrupts (see ...), OVERRIDES slot 512 768 a handler in this slot will receive all non-maskable hardware interrupts 769-1022 non-maskable hardware interrupts (see ...), OVERRIDES slot 768 1023 Uncatchable exception, guarantees shutdown. Only throwable by supervisor via the CRASH instruction, or by the machine in case of irrecoverable failure A handler for some E/I must use the 'idtdone' iocall to show that it is done dealing with a certain E/I. If that same E/I happens again before that, the following happens: - if this E/I is a fault (hardware exception), but not #DBF, then a #DBF exception is thrown - if this E/I is #DBF (double fault), the system crashes ("triple fault") - if this E/I is a hardware interrupt, it is queued (*** XXX ***) When called, a handler will receive the number of the interrupt it is handling in RAX. (in particular, if exception #25 happens and there are no handler for it, the handler #0 that will be called will receive '25' in its RAX, not 0). This is the value that must be passed to the 'initdone' iocall. Clearing the interrupt flag prevents (and queues) maskable hardware interrupts Note: RFRAME #0 *cannot* handle interrupts, as a value of 0 in an IDT slot indicates than there are no handler for the corresponding exception/interrupt