; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. __sysmain: jmp start include "crt/crt.k" ; ; Special addresses ; DOSKRNL_CODE := 0x100000 ; 1MB (code) DOSKRNL_STACK := 0x120000 ; + 128KB TRAP0_STACK := 0x124000 ; + 16KB INTR0_STACK := 0x128000 ; + 16KB EXCT0_STACK := 0x12B000 ; + 16KB CMDCOM_LOADP := 0x140000 ; 1MB + 256KB CMDCOM_MAXSZ := 0x80000 ; 512KB ; ; Entry point ; start: mov rsp, DOSKRNL_STACK xor rbp, rbp call main crash ; ; Disk Operating System ; include "sys/drv/cpudev.k" include "sys/drv/memdev.k" include "sys/drv/diskdev.k" include "sys/intr/common.k" include "sys/intr/trap0.k" include "sys/main.k"