; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. CPUDEV := 0 RFS.GetMaxIdx: iocall CPUDEV, 16 ret RFS.GetUsage: iocall CPUDEV, 17 ret RFS.GetCurIdx: iocall CPUDEV, 18 ret RFS.GetLeastAvail: iocall CPUDEV, 19 ret RFS.IsFrameActive: iocall CPUDEV, 20 ret RFS.ActivateFrame: iocall CPUDEV, 21 ret RFS.CopyFrame: iocall CPUDEV, 22 ret RFS.MoveFrame: iocall CPUDEV, 23 ret RFS.LoadArgs: iocall CPUDEV, 32 ret RFS.LoadReg: iocall CPUDEV, 33 ret RFS.StoreReg: iocall CPUDEV, 48 ret IDT.AddHandler: iocall CPUDEV, 64 ret IDT.DelHandler: iocall CPUDEV, 65 ret IDT.QueryHandler: iocall CPUDEV, 66