; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. ; ; Main function ; main: call bswap_test call str_test call itoa_test call movzx_test bswap_test: mov rdx, 0x1122334455667788 bswap rax, rdx mov rdi, 0x1111222233334444 wswap rsx, rdi mov ax3, 0x1111111122222222 dswap ax0, ax3 ret ramdev_test: call MEM.GetMemOff mov rdx, rax call MEM.GetMemSize ret stosb_test: cld mov rcx, 11 mov rax, 33 mov rdi, .buf mov rsi, .buf rep stosb mov rbx, rdi sub rbx, rsi mov ax0, .buf mov ax1, 12 call print_n ret .str1 = "Hello World!\n" .buf = [32] movzx_test: enter 1 mov q[rsp], 0xFABC1234CCCCDDDD mov rax, b[rsp] mov rbx, w[rsp] mov rcx, l[rsp] mov rdx, q[rsp] movzx rsx, b[rsp] movzx rbi, w[rsp] movzx rdi, l[rsp] movzx rsi, q[rsp] leave ret itoa_test: mov ax0, .buf mov ax1, LONG_MIN mov ax2, 10 call itoa mov ax0, rax call print prn 10 mov ax0, .buf mov ax1, 0xfff85ffffffffff4 mov ax2, 16 call itoa mov ax0, rax call print ret .buf = [32] devtest: mov ax0, .buf devctl 0, 1 mov ax0, .buf call print iocall 0, 0 ret .buf = [32] str_test: mov ax0, .msg call print mov ax0, .buf1 mov ax1, .msg call strcpy prn 10 mov ax0, .buf1 call print mov ax0, .buf2 mov ax1, .msg mov ax2, 8 call strnzcpy prn 10 mov ax0, .buf2 mov ax1, 12 call print_n mov ax0, .msg mov ax1, .buf1 call strcmp mov rbx, rax mov ax0, .buf2 mov ax1, .msg call strcmp mov rsx, rax mov ax0, .msg call strlen ret .msg = "Hello World :)" .buf1 = [32] .buf2 = "!!!!!!!!!!!!!"