// The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include #define ABS(x) ((short)(x) < 0 ? -x : x) char *cond_suffixes[] = { "-", "c", "o", "z", "s", "p", "be", "l", "le", "axz", "bxz", "cxz", "?" }; void dump_acc(ctx_t *ctx, acc_t *p); void dump_instr(ctx_t *ctx, instr_t *in, acc_t *p1, acc_t *p2, acc_t *p3, bool lock, bool rep) { uint cond = ctx->cond; trace("0x%lX:\t", rpc); if (lock) trace("lock"); trace("%s", in->name); if (rep) trace(".rep"); if (cond) { trace("."); if (cond & (1 << 4)) { trace("n"); } assert((cond & ~(1 << 4)) <= sizeof(cond_suffixes)/sizeof(char *)); trace("%s", cond_suffixes[cond & ~(1 << 4)]); } if (!rep && cond != ((1 << 4) | CD_CXZ)) trace("\t\t"); else trace("\t"); if (p1) dump_acc(ctx, p1); if (p2) { trace(", "); dump_acc(ctx, p2); } if (p3) { trace(", "); dump_acc(ctx, p3); } trace("\n"); } void dump_acc(ctx_t *ctx, acc_t *p) { uint mfmt; sym_t *sym; if (p->type == A_REG) trace("%s", ctx->r[p->reg].name); else if (p->type == A_IMM64) { if (p->val < 0xA) trace("%lu", p->val); else { sym = find_sym_by_addr(p->val); if (sym) trace("$%s(0x%lX)", sym->name, sym->addr); else trace("0x%lX", p->val); } } else { trace("%c[", getmempref(p->mlen)); mfmt = p->type & AM_MFMT_MASK; if (mfmt == AM_IMM64) trace("0x%lX]", p->addr); else if (mfmt == AM_RR) { if (p->reg1 && p->reg2) trace("%s+%s]", ctx->r[p->reg1].name, ctx->r[p->reg2].name); else trace("%s]", ctx->r[p->reg1 ? p->reg1 : p->reg2].name); } else if (mfmt == AM_RRI) { if (p->reg1 && p->reg2) trace("%s+%s%c%hd]", ctx->r[p->reg1].name, ctx->r[p->reg2].name, ((short)p->imm2 < 0 ? '-' : '+'), ABS(p->imm2)); else trace("%s%c%hd]", ctx->r[p->reg1 ? p->reg1 : p->reg2].name, ((short)p->imm2 < 0 ? '-' : '+'), ABS(p->imm2)); } else if (mfmt == AM_RRII) { if (p->reg1) trace("%s+%s*%hd%c%hd]", ctx->r[p->reg1].name, ctx->r[p->reg2].name, p->imm1, ((short)p->imm2 < 0 ? '-' : '+'), ABS(p->imm2)); else trace("%s*%hd%c%hd]", ctx->r[p->reg2].name, p->imm1, ((short)p->imm2 < 0 ? '-' : '+'), ABS(p->imm2)); } } }