# The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license. # See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. Instruction encoding: 15 0 15 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ││└────────────┘ │└───┘└───┘└───┘ ││ INSTR. │ CND FT1 FT2 ││ │ LM R M No more words L LOCK prefix R REP prefix FT1 First operand format FT2 Second operand format Values for COND: 00000 (none) 00001 .C 00010 .O 00011 .Z .E 00100 .S 00101 .P 00110 .A 00111 .AE 01000 .B 01001 .BE 01010 .G 01011 .GE 01100 .L 01101 .LE 01110 .CXZ 01111 (reserved) Highest (6th) bit of COND indicates negation Fx values: 00000 (none) 00001 reg 00010 imm64 xxx00 [imm64] xxx01 [reg+reg] code(reg)|code(reg) xxx10 [reg+reg+imm16] code(reg)|code(reg) imm16 xxx11 [reg+reg*imm16+imm16] code(reg)|code(reg) imm16 imm16 Where xxx is: 001 8-bit access 010 16-bit access 011 32-bit access 100 64-bit access