// The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include // // Stack manipulation instructions // IMPL_START_1(push) { rsp -= 8; writemem(ctx, v1, rsp, 8); } IMPL_END; IMPL_START_1(pop) { v1 = readmem(ctx, rsp, 8); rsp += 8; } IMPL_OUT; IMPL_START_1(call) { rsp -= 8; writemem(ctx, rip, rsp, 8); JUMP(v1); } IMPL_END; IMPL_START_0(ret) { rip = readmem(ctx, rsp, 8); rsp += 8; } IMPL_END; IMPL_START_0(enter) { writemem(ctx, rbp, rsp - 8, 8); rbp = rsp - 8; rsp -= (p1->val + 1) * 8; } IMPL_END; IMPL_START_0(leave) { rsp = rbp + 8; rbp = readmem(ctx, rbp, 8); } IMPL_END;