; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. argbuf.size := 256 argbuf = [argbuf.size] argv0 = [argbuf.size] argv1pos = 0 stdin_echoing = 1 prompt = [32] main: mov rsi, prompt mov b[rsi+0], 'C' mov b[rsi+1], ':' mov b[rsi+2], '\' mov b[rsi+3], '>' mov b[rsi+4], ' ' .print_prompt: call print, prompt ; empty argbuf mov rcx, argbuf.size mov rdx, argbuf stosb.rep rdx, zero ; iterator through argbuf mov rcx, zero mov q[argv1pos], zero .input_loop: pause pause pause ; Fill .buf with user input scan rax jmp.axz .input_loop ; backspace character? b.nz rax, 8, .handle_input ; anything to delete? jmp.cxz .input_loop ; no ; yes, delete it dec rcx, 1 add rdx, rcx, argbuf mov b[rdx], zero ; update screen cmp b[stdin_echoing], 1 prn.z 8 jmp .input_loop .handle_input: cmp b[stdin_echoing], 1 prn.z rax b.z rax, 10, .extract_argv0 ; when max line length is reached, ; force a newline b.z rcx, argbuf.size, .extract_argv0 ; add character to buffer and increase iterator (rcx) add rdx, rcx, argbuf mov b[rdx], rax inc rcx, 1 ; another one jmp .input_loop .extract_argv0: ; did we read anything at all? ; if not, just go back to waiting input jmp.cxz .print_prompt ; find first whitespace or null-terminator mov rcx, argbuf.size mov rdx, argbuf scasb.rep.nz rdx, ' ' ; argv1 exists? if so, save its position mov rsi, rdx .next_space: mov rcx, b[rsi] jmp.cxz .do_extract ; skip spaces cmp rcx, ' ' inc.z rsi, 1 jmp.z .next_space ; if we're here, we found a ; non-zero non-space character mov q[argv1pos], rsi ; fallthrough .do_extract: ; empty argv0 mov rcx, argbuf.size mov rax, argv0 stosb.rep rax, zero ; how much do we copy? sub rcx, rdx, argbuf jmp.cxz .detect_builtin dec rcx, 1 mov rdi, argbuf mov rsi, argv0 .copy_loop: mov b[rsi], b[rdi] inc rdi, 1 inc rsi, 1 loop .copy_loop .detect_builtin: .builtin_cls = "cls" call strcmp, argv0, .builtin_cls jmp.axz .handle_CLS .builtin_date = "date" call strcmp, argv0, .builtin_date jmp.axz .handle_DATE .builtin_dir = "dir" call strcmp, argv0, .builtin_dir jmp.axz .handle_DIR .builtin_dump = "dump" call strcmp, argv0, .builtin_dump jmp.axz .handle_DUMP .builtin_echo = "echo" call strcmp, argv0, .builtin_echo jmp.axz .handle_ECHO .builtin_erase = "erase" call strcmp, argv0, .builtin_erase jmp.axz .handle_ERASE .builtin_exit = "exit" call strcmp, argv0, .builtin_exit jmp.axz .handle_EXIT .builtin_help = "help" call strcmp, argv0, .builtin_help jmp.axz .handle_HELP .builtin_halt = "halt" call strcmp, argv0, .builtin_halt jmp.axz .handle_HALT .builtin_make = "make" call strcmp, argv0, .builtin_make jmp.axz .handle_MAKE .builtin_print = "print" call strcmp, argv0, .builtin_print jmp.axz .handle_PRINT .builtin_prompt = "prompt" call strcmp, argv0, .builtin_prompt jmp.axz .handle_PROMPT .builtin_remove = "remove" call strcmp, argv0, .builtin_remove jmp.axz .handle_REMOVE .builtin_time = "time" call strcmp, argv0, .builtin_time jmp.axz .handle_TIME .builtin_vers = "vers" call strcmp, argv0, .builtin_vers jmp.axz .handle_VERS jmp .command_not_found ; ; call builtins ; .handle_CLS: prn PRN_CLEAR jmp .print_prompt .handle_DATE: call GetTimeUTC push b[rax+3] mov rcx, b[rax+4] inc rcx, 1 push rcx push w[rax+6] call printf, .datefmt inc rsp, 40 jmp .print_prompt .datefmt = "%d/%d/%d\n" .handle_DIR: call builtins.dir jmp .print_prompt .handle_DUMP: dump jmp .print_prompt .handle_ECHO: mov rdx, q[argv1pos] jmp.dxz .echo.end mov rcx, argbuf.size prns.rep.nz rdx .echo.end: prn 10 jmp .print_prompt .handle_ERASE: mov rax, Sys.RemoveFile mov ax0, q[argv1pos] b.z ax0, zero, .need_params trap 0 b.l rax, zero, .couldnt_remove jmp .handle_MAKE ; re-create it back .handle_EXIT: mov rax, Sys.Shutdown trap 0 jmp .print_prompt .handle_HALT: mov rax, Sys.EnterHaltMode trap 0 jmp .print_prompt .handle_MAKE: mov rax, Sys.CreateFile mov ax0, q[argv1pos] b.z ax0, zero, .need_params trap 0 b.l rax, zero, .couldnt_open jmp .print_prompt .handle_PRINT: mov rax, Sys.OpenFile mov ax0, q[argv1pos] b.z ax0, zero, .need_params trap 0 b.l rax, zero, .file_not_found mov ax0, rax mov ax1, FILE_LOADP mov ax2, FILE_MAXSZ mov rax, Sys.ReadFile trap 0 mov rcx, rax mov rax, Sys.CloseFile trap 0 b.l rcx, zero, .couldnt_read jmp.cxz .empty_file mov rdx, FILE_LOADP prns.rep rdx jmp .print_prompt .handle_PROMPT: mov ax0, prompt mov ax1, q[argv1pos] b.z ax1, zero, .need_params call strcpy jmp .print_prompt .handle_REMOVE: mov rax, Sys.RemoveFile mov ax0, q[argv1pos] b.z ax0, zero, .need_params trap 0 b.l rax, zero, .couldnt_remove jmp .print_prompt .handle_TIME: call GetTimeUTC push b[rax] push b[rax+1] push b[rax+2] call printf, .timefmt inc rsp, 24 jmp .print_prompt .timefmt = "%d:%d:%d\n" .handle_VERS: call print, cmd.versionstr prn 10 jmp .print_prompt .handle_HELP: call print, .helpmsg call print, .helpmsg.cls call print, .helpmsg.date call print, .helpmsg.dir call print, .helpmsg.dump call print, .helpmsg.echo call print, .helpmsg.erase call print, .helpmsg.exit call print, .helpmsg.help call print, .helpmsg.halt call print, .helpmsg.make call print, .helpmsg.print call print, .helpmsg.prompt call print, .helpmsg.remove call print, .helpmsg.time call print, .helpmsg.ver jmp .print_prompt .helpmsg = "The following commands are built-in:\n" .helpmsg.cls = " CLS Clear screen\n" .helpmsg.date = " DATE Display current date\n" .helpmsg.dir = " DIR Print contents of current directory\n" .helpmsg.dump = " DUMP Toggles debug instruction dumping\n" .helpmsg.echo = " ECHO Write arguments to standard output\n" .helpmsg.erase = " ERASE Clear a file, making it blank\n" .helpmsg.exit = " EXIT Initiate machine shutdown\n" .helpmsg.help = " HELP Display these messages\n" .helpmsg.halt = " HALT Put processor in halt mode\n" .helpmsg.make = " MAKE Create an empty file\n" .helpmsg.print = " PRINT Display contents of text file\n" .helpmsg.prompt = " PROMPT Change the command line prompt\n" .helpmsg.remove = " REMOVE Delete a file (permanently)\n" .helpmsg.time = " TIME Display current time of day\n" .helpmsg.ver = " VERS Display current COMMAND.COM version\n" .command_not_found: call print, argv0 call print, .cnf_errmsg jmp .print_prompt .cnf_errmsg = ": command not found\n" .file_not_found: push q[argv1pos] push argv0 call printf, .fnf_errmsg inc rsp, 16 jmp .print_prompt .fnf_errmsg = "%s: %s: file not found\n" .empty_file: push q[argv1pos] push argv0 call printf, .ef_errmsg inc rsp, 16 jmp .print_prompt .ef_errmsg = "%s: %s: file was empty\n" .couldnt_open: push q[argv1pos] push argv0 call printf, .cno_errmsg inc rsp, 16 jmp .print_prompt .cno_errmsg = "%s: %s: an error occured while opening file\n" .couldnt_remove: push q[argv1pos] push argv0 call printf, .cne_errmsg inc rsp, 16 jmp .print_prompt .cne_errmsg = "%s: %s: an error occured while removing file\n" .couldnt_read: push q[argv1pos] push argv0 call printf, .cnr_errmsg inc rsp, 16 jmp .print_prompt .cnr_errmsg = "%s: %s: an error occured while reading file\n" .need_params: call print, argv0 call print, .np_errmsg jmp .print_prompt .np_errmsg = ": need more parameters\n"