
62 lines
1.1 KiB

; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
; try without appending ".com"
mov eax, Sys.OpenFile
mov ax0, argv0
trap 0
; we good?
blte zero, eax, .do_exec
; nope, append ".com" and try again
mov esi, argv0
sub ecx, argbuf.size, 5
scasb esi, zero ; find null-term
mov b[esi], '.' ; ".com"
mov b[esi+1], 'c'
mov b[esi+2], 'o'
mov b[esi+3], 'm'
nul b[esi+4]
; try again
mov eax, Sys.OpenFile
mov ax0, argv0
trap 0
; we good?
blte 0, eax, .do_exec
nul b[esi] ; erase ".com"
jmp .exec_not_found
; load file into memory
mov ax0, eax
mov ax1, FILE_LOADP
mov ax2, FILE_MAXSZ
mov eax, Sys.ReadFile
trap 0
; save load address
mov ecx, eax
; close file
mov eax, Sys.CloseFile
trap 0
; read anything?
bltz ecx, .couldnt_read
jecxz .empty_file
; all good, let's go
mov eax, Sys.ExecuteInFrame
mov ax0, FILE_LOADP
mov ax1, 5
trap 0
; unreachable
jmp abort