
129 lines
2.1 KiB

; The OS/K Team licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
argbuf.size := 256
argbuf = [argbuf.size]
argv0 = [argbuf.size]
argv1pos = 0
stdin_echoing = 1
ps1 = "C:\\> "
mov rcx, STRLEN_MAX
mov rdx, ps1
prns.rep.nz rdx
; empty argbuf
mov rcx, argbuf.size
mov rdx, argbuf
stosb.rep rdx, 0
; iterator through argbuf
xor rcx, rcx
; Fill .buf with user input
scan rax
b.z rax, 0, .input_loop
; backspace character?
b.nz rax, 8, .handle_input
; anything to delete?
b.z rcx, 0, .input_loop
; delete it
dec rcx
add rdx, rcx, argbuf
mov b[rdx], 0
; update screen
cmp b[stdin_echoing], 1
prn.z 8
jmp .input_loop
cmp b[stdin_echoing], 1
prn.z rax
b.z rax, 10, .extract_argv0
; when max line length is reached,
; force a newline
b.z rcx, argbuf.size, .extract_argv0
; add character to buffer and increase iterator (rcx)
add rdx, rcx, argbuf
mov b[rdx], rax
inc rcx
; another one
jmp .input_loop
; did we read anything at all?
; if not, just go back to waiting input
b.z rcx, 0, .print_prompt
; find first whitespace or null-terminator
mov rcx, argbuf.size
mov rdx, argbuf
scasb.rep.nz rdx, ' '
; argv1 exists? if so, save its position
; (to do)
; empty argv0
mov rcx, argbuf.size
mov rax, argv0
stosb.rep rax, 0
; extract argv0
sub rcx, rdx, argbuf
mov rdx, argbuf
mov rax, argv0
movsb.rep rax, rdx
.builtin_dir = "dir"
mov ax0, argv0
mov ax1, .builtin_dir
call strcmp
b.z rax, 0, .handle_DIR
; fallthrough
; fallthrough
mov rcx, STRLEN_MAX
mov rdx, argv0
prns.rep.nz rdx
mov rdx, .errmsg
prns.rep.nz rdx
jmp .print_prompt
.errmsg = " : command not found\n"
; call builtins
call builtins.dir
jmp .print_prompt