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; ;
; Authors: spectral` ;
; NeoX ;
; ;
; Desc: Bootsector for OS/K INCLUDED FUNCTIONS ;
; (x86_64 architecture only) ;
; Read file clusters, starting at the given cluster,;
; expects FAT to be loaded into the disk buffer. ;
; Please note that this may allocate up to 128KB ;
; of ram. ;
; ;
; Expects: AX = Starting cluster ;
; ES:DI = Location to load clusters ;
; ;
; Returns: None ;
; ;
push es
xor bh, bh
xor dx, dx
push ax ; Get the cluster start = (cluster - 2) * sectorsPerCluster + UserData
sub ax, 2 ; Subtract 2
mov bl, byte [sectorsPerCluster] ; Sectors per cluster is a byte value
mul bx ; multiply (cluster - 2) * sectorsPerCluster
add ax, word [UserData] ; add the UserData
xor ch, ch
mov cl, byte [sectorsPerCluster] ; Sectors to read
2018-12-24 18:13:58 +01:00
call read_sectors ; Read the sectors
pop ax ; Current cluster number
xor dx, dx
;; Calculate next sector for FAT16 (cluster * 2)
mov bx, 2 ; Multiply the cluster by two (cluster is in ax)
mul bx
;; Load sector in RAM
push ds
push si
mov si, BUFFER_SEG
mov ds, si ; Temporarly set ds:si to the FAT buffer
mov si, BUFFER_OFF
add si, ax ; Point to the next cluster in the FAT entry
mov ax, word [ds:si] ; Load ax to the next cluster in FAT
pop si
pop ds
;; Next
cmp ax, 0xfff8 ; Check if we are at the end of the file?
jae .done
add di, 512 ; Add to the pointer offset
jnc .cluster_loop
;; Correct the buffer because an error will occur if the buffer in memory
mov dx, es ; overlaps a 64k page boundry, when di overflows
add dh, 0x10 ; it will trigger the carry flag, so correct
mov es, dx ; extra segment by 0x1000
jmp .cluster_loop ; Load the next file cluster
pop es
; Read sectors starting at a given sector by ;
; the given times and load into a buffer. Please ;
; note that this may allocate up to 128KB of ram. ;
; ;
; Expects: AX = Starting sector ;
; CX = Number of sectors to read ;
; ES:DI = Location to load sectors ;
; ;
; Returns: None ;
; ;
push es
mov bx, di ; Convert es:di to es:bx for int 13h
push ax
push cx
xor dx, dx
div word [sectorsPerTrack] ; Divide the lba (value in ax) by sectorsPerTrack
mov cx, dx ; Save the absolute sector value
inc cx
xor dx, dx ; Divide by the number of heads
div word [heads] ; to get absolute head and track values
mov dh, dl ; Move the absolute head into dh
mov ch, al ; Low 8 bits of absolute track
shl ah, 1 ; High 2 bits of absolute track
shl ah, 1
shl ah, 1
shl ah, 1
shl ah, 1
shl ah, 1
or cl, ah ; Now cx is set with respective track and sector numbers
mov dl, byte [Bootdrv] ; Set correct Bootdrv for int 13h
mov di, 5 ; Try five times to read the sector because i love 5
mov ax, 0x0201 ; Read Sectors func of int 13h, read one sector
int 0x13 ; Call int 13h (BIOS disk I/O)
jnc .read_ok ; If no carry set, the sector has been read
xor ah, ah ; Reset Bootdrv func of int 13h
int 0x13 ; Call int 13h (BIOS disk I/O)
dec di ; Decrease read attempt counter
jnz .attempt_read ; Try to read the sector again
mov si, DiskError ; Error reading the disk :/
call print
jmp reboot
pop cx
pop ax
inc ax ; Increase the next sector to read
add bx, word [bytesPerSector] ; Add to the buffer address for the next sector
jnc .next_sector
;; Fixing buffer because an error will occur if the buffer in memory
mov dx, es ; overlaps a 64k page boundry, when bx overflows
add dh, 0x10 ; it will trigger the carry flag, so correct
mov es, dx ; es segment by 0x1000
loop .sector_loop
pop es
; Print out a simple string. ;
; ;
; Expects: DS:SI = String to print ;
; ;
; Returns: None ;
; ;
lodsb ; Load byte from ds:si to al
or al, al ; If al is empty stop looping
jz .done ; Done looping and return
mov ah, 0x0e ; Teletype output
int 0x10 ; Video interupt
jmp print ; Loop untill string is null
xor ax, ax
int 0x16 ; Get a single keypress
mov ah, 0x0e ; Teletype output
mov al, 0x0d ; Carriage return
int 0x10 ; Video interupt
mov al, 0x0a ; Line feed
int 0x10 ; Video interupt
mov al, 0x0a ; Line feed
int 0x10 ; Video interupt
xor ax, ax
int 0x19 ; Reboot the system