Some tests on ATA driver

This commit is contained in:
Adrien Bourmault 2019-05-23 14:50:05 +02:00
parent f3b7b85da8
commit 4ff65f57d0
8 changed files with 89 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ KernSources = kernel/ke/cpuid.c kernel/mm/paging.c \
kernel/ke/rtc.c kernel/io/keyb.c \
kernel/io/spkr.c kernel/po/shtdwn.c \
kernel/sh/shell.c kernel/sh/shcmds.c \
kernel/sh/musage.c kernel/io/ata.c
KernObj=$(patsubst %.c,$(KOBJDIR)/%.o,$(KernSources))
KernDep=$(patsubst %.c,$(KOBJDIR)/%.d,$(KernSources))
@ -168,6 +168,15 @@ $(KOBJDIR)/kernel/ke/idt.o: $(KALEIDDIR)/kernel/ke/idt.c \
@rm -f $@.1 $@.2
@echo ${CL2}[$@] ${CL}Compiled.${CL3}
$(KOBJDIR)/kernel/ke/cpuid.o: $(KALEIDDIR)/kernel/ke/cpuid.c \
$(KALEIDDIR)/kernel/ke/cpuf.asm | $(KOBJDIR)
@mkdir -p $(shell dirname $@)
@$(ASM) $(ASMFLAGS) $(KALEIDDIR)/kernel/ke/cpuf.asm -o $@.1
@$(KCC_MATHS) $< -o $@.2
@$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -r $@.1 $@.2 -o $@
@rm -f $@.1 $@.2
@echo ${CL2}[$@] ${CL}Compiled.${CL3}
$(KOBJDIR)/kernel/mm/paging.o: $(KALEIDDIR)/kernel/mm/paging.c \
$(KALEIDDIR)/kernel/mm/paging.asm | $(KOBJDIR)
@mkdir -p $(shell dirname $@)
@ -186,11 +195,11 @@ $(KOBJDIR)/kernel/mm/gdt.o: $(KALEIDDIR)/kernel/mm/gdt.c \
@rm -f $@.1 $@.2
@echo ${CL2}[$@] ${CL}Compiled.${CL3}
$(KOBJDIR)/kernel/ke/cpuid.o: $(KALEIDDIR)/kernel/ke/cpuid.c \
$(KALEIDDIR)/kernel/ke/cpuf.asm | $(KOBJDIR)
$(KOBJDIR)/kernel/io/ata.o: $(KALEIDDIR)/kernel/io/ata.c \
$(KALEIDDIR)/kernel/io/ata.asm | $(KOBJDIR)
@mkdir -p $(shell dirname $@)
@$(ASM) $(ASMFLAGS) $(KALEIDDIR)/kernel/ke/cpuf.asm -o $@.1
@$(KCC_MATHS) $< -o $@.2
@$(ASM) $(ASMFLAGS) $(KALEIDDIR)/kernel/io/ata.asm -o $@.1
@$(KCC) $< -o $@.2
@$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -r $@.1 $@.2 -o $@
@rm -f $@.1 $@.2
@echo ${CL2}[$@] ${CL}Compiled.${CL3}

View File

@ -158,6 +158,12 @@ extern void MmLoadGdt(GdtPtr_t *gdtPtr, ushort tssOffset);
extern void MmStoreGdt(void);
void MmInitPaging(void);
void MmReloadPaging(void);
void MmActivatePageHandler(void);
// Returns the address of the stack guard pages

View File

@ -24,9 +24,6 @@
#include "init.h"
void MmInitPaging(void);
void MmActivatePageHandler(void);
// Entry point of the Kaleid kernel

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
#include <mm/mm.h>
#include <io/vga.h>
#include <ke/cpuid.h>
#include <io/ata.h>
// info.c
extern void BtDoSanityChecks(uint mbMagic);

View File

@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
; along with OS/K. If not, see <>. ;
global IoReadATA
extern KernLog
[BITS 64]
;; BPB
@ -47,18 +50,14 @@
%define fatTypeLabel bp+0x36 ; File system type
Bootdrv db 0
ended db "[End of Sector]", 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0D, 0x0
buffer: times 513 db "_", 0
; x64/LM ATA Reading function ;
; bl : number of sectors to read XXX ;
; bh : the first sector to read ;
; rsi : number of sectors to read XXX ;
; rdx : the first sector to read ;
; Technical infos about the ports (Intel Doc):
@ -99,11 +98,10 @@ ata_read:
; 32h write long with retry
; 33h write long without retry
push rax
push rbx
push rcx
push rdx
push rdi
mov bh, dl
mov dx, si
mov bl, dl
mov dx, 0x1f6 ; Drive and head port
mov al, 0x0a0 ; Drive 0, head 0
out dx,al
@ -135,18 +133,7 @@ still_going:
;is ready.
mov cx, 512/2 ; One sector /2 because it copies words
mov rdi, QWORD buffer
mov dx, 0x1f0 ; Data port - data comes in and out of here.
rep insw
pop rdi
mov bl, 0x0F
mov rdi, QWORD buffer
call KernLog
mov bl, 0x0A
mov rdi, ended
call KernLog
pop rdx
pop rcx
pop rbx
pop rax

View File

@ -24,6 +24,17 @@
#include "shell.h"
int ShAtoi(char* str)
int res = 0;
for (int i = 0; str[i] != 0; ++i)
res = res * 10 + str[i] - '0';
return res;
error_t CmdArgs(int argc, char **argv, char *cmdline)
int i;
@ -114,6 +125,31 @@ error_t CmdDie(int argc, char **argv, char *cmdline)
return EOK;
error_t CmdDumpATASect(int argc, char **argv, char *cmdline)
char sector[513] = {0};
int sectNumber = ShAtoi(argv[1]);
if (!sectNumber) {
KernLog("Bad argument\n\n");
return EINVAL;
KernLog("Sector number: %d\n", sectNumber);
IoReadATA(sector, 1, sectNumber);
for (int i = 0; i < 513; i++) {
if (isprint(sector[i]))
KernLog("%c", sector[i]);
KernLog(" ");
return EOK;
error_t CmdHelp(int argc, char **argv, char *cmdline)
uint i, count = 0;
@ -235,28 +271,28 @@ error_t CmdVersion(int argc, char **argv, char *cmdline)
Command_t cmdtable[] =
{ "args", CmdArgs, "Print command line" },
{ "beep", CmdBeep, "Make a beep" },
{ "cls", CmdClear, "Clears standard output" },
{ "color", CmdColor, "Change shell text color" },
{ "cpuid", CmdCpuid, "Request a cpuid info." },
{ "date", CmdDate, "Print date" },
{ "die", CmdDie, "Die painfully" },
{ "help", CmdHelp, "Show this message" },
{ "mmap", CmdMemMap, "Show memory map" },
{ "musage", CmdMemUsage, "Show memory statistics" },
{ "pfault", CmdPF, "Provoke a PF. Usage : pfault <address>" },
{ "pstest", CmdPsTest, "Scheduler test routine" },
{ "exit", CmdQuit, "Initiate shutdown" },
{ "quit", CmdQuit, "Alias for 'exit'" },
{ "rpag", CmdReloadPage, "Reload the pages directory" },
{ "shell", CmdShell, "Start a new shell (nested)", },
{ "stkov", CmdStackOverflow, "Provoke a stack overflow" },
{ "stkun", CmdStackUnderflow, "Provoke a stack underflow" },
{ "march", CmdStarWars, "Play the Imperial March"},
{ "time", CmdTime, "Print time" },
{ "test", CmdTime, "Undocumented (various tests)" },
{ "ver", CmdVersion, "Version and legal infos" },
{ "args", CmdArgs, "Print command line" },
{ "beep", CmdBeep, "Make a beep" },
{ "cls", CmdClear, "Clears standard output" },
{ "color", CmdColor, "Change shell text color" },
{ "cpuid", CmdCpuid, "Request a cpuid info." },
{ "date", CmdDate, "Print date" },
{ "die", CmdDie, "Die painfully" },
{ "dmpsec", CmdDumpATASect, "Dump an ATA sector on screen" },
{ "help", CmdHelp, "Show this message" },
{ "mmap", CmdMemMap, "Show memory map" },
{ "musage", CmdMemUsage, "Show memory statistics" },
{ "pfault", CmdPF, "Provoke a PF. Usage: pfault <address>"},
{ "pstest", CmdPsTest, "Scheduler test routine" },
{ "exit", CmdQuit, "Initiate shutdown" },
{ "quit", CmdQuit, "Alias for 'exit'" },
{ "rpag", CmdReloadPage, "Reload the pages directory" },
{ "shell", CmdShell, "Start a new shell (nested)", },
{ "stkov", CmdStackOverflow, "Provoke a stack overflow" },
{ "stkun", CmdStackUnderflow, "Provoke a stack underflow" },
{ "march", CmdStarWars, "Play the Imperial March" },
{ "time", CmdTime, "Print time" },
{ "ver", CmdVersion, "Version and legal infos" },

View File

@ -35,13 +35,10 @@
#include <io/vga.h>
#include <po/shtdwn.h>
#include <ke/cpuid.h>
#include <io/ata.h>
void IoScrollDown(void);
void IoScrollUp(void);
void KeStartShell(void);
void pstest(void);
void MmInitPaging(void);
void MmReloadPaging(void);
extern int shcol;
extern int shargc;

View File

@ -45,4 +45,3 @@ _ATOI_IMPL(atoul, ulong, strtoul)
#error "What am I supposed to declare?"