mirror of
synced 2023-08-25 14:03:10 +02:00
Made a much better vbprintf()
This commit is contained in:
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ $(KOBJDIR)/kernel/bput.o: $(KERNELDIR)/kernel/buf/bput.c $(KERNELDIR)/include/*/
$(KOBJDIR)/kernel/bprint.o: $(KERNELDIR)/kernel/buf/bprint.c $(KERNELDIR)/include/*/*.h
@$(KCC) $< -o $@
@echo ${CL2}[$@] ${CL}Compiled.${CL3}
$(KOBJDIR)/kernel/sched.o: $(KERNELDIR)/kernel/proc/sched.c $(KERNELDIR)/include/*/*.h
$(KOBJDIR)/kernel/sched.o: $(KERNELDIR)/kernel/ps/sched.c $(KERNELDIR)/include/*/*.h
@$(KCC) $< -o $@
@echo ${CL2}[$@] ${CL}Compiled.${CL3}
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ apt update && apt upgrade
apt install grub-pc dosfstools make nasm qemu
You also need to have the [x86-64 ELF gcc cross-compiler](https://www.os-k.eu/build-tools/cross-cc.tar.xz) in `/opt/cross-cc`.
You also need to have the [x86-64 ELF gcc cross-compiler](https://www.os-k.eu/build-tools/cross-cc.tar.xz) and its "bin" repertory in your PATH.
To compile, simply use at the root of this project :
@ -87,13 +87,7 @@ static error_t bdopadding(Buffer_t *buf, size_t width, size_t len,
return rc;
#define bdoconvrt(pref, type, vtype) do { \
type i_##type = (type)va_arg(ap, vtype); \
pref##toa(i_##type, s, base); \
} while (0)
// Increase fmt while parsing a modifier
#define fmtnext() do{fmt++;if(*fmt==0){rc=EINVAL;goto leave;}}while(0)
#define CONVBUFSIZE 100
// Actually does BPrintOnBuf's job; doesn't lock anything
@ -101,17 +95,16 @@ static error_t bdopadding(Buffer_t *buf, size_t width, size_t len,
error_t vbprintf(Buffer_t *buf, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
error_t rc = EOK;
int tmpwidth;
size_t width;
error_t rc = 0;
int width, prec, len;
char type;
uchar uch;
char *s;
// Conversion buffer
char convbuf[100];
size_t len;
char convbuf[CONVBUFSIZE];
// Flags
int plus, minus, space, zero, hash;
@ -135,251 +128,255 @@ error_t vbprintf(Buffer_t *buf, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
return EBADF;
// Progress in format string
while (*fmt && !rc) {
// We come back here after dealing with a modifier
// Deal with all non-'%' characters
for (; *fmt && *fmt != '%' ; fmt++) {
rc = bputc(buf, *fmt);
// Job's done / something bad happened
if (rc || !*fmt) goto leave;
// %[parameter][flags][width|*][.precision][length]type
// We aren't dealing with parameters and float stuff just yet
// Skip the '%'
// "%%" modifier
if (*fmt == '%') {
rc = bputc(buf, '%');
if (rc > 0) goto leave;
else {
// Deal with all non-'%' characters
if (*fmt != '%') {
rc = bputc(buf, *fmt);
goto loop;
// Reset everything
width = 0;
cap = sgn = 0;
l = h = hh = 0;
plus = minus = space = zero = hash = 0;
// %[parameter][flags][width|*][.precision|*][length]type
// We aren't dealing with parameters and floating stuff just yet
// Skip the '%'
// Flags field
while (1) {
if (*fmt == '#') hash++;
else if (*fmt == '0') zero++;
else if (*fmt == '+') plus++;
else if (*fmt == '-') minus++;
else if (*fmt == ' ') space++;
else break;
// "%%" modifier
if (*fmt == '%') {
rc = bputc(buf, '%');
// Reset everything
cap = sgn = 0;
l = h = hh = 0;
width = prec = 0;
plus = minus = space = zero = hash = 0;
// Width field
// A width field of zero is ignored
// Flags field
while (*fmt) {
if (*fmt == '#') { fmt++; hash++; }
else if (*fmt == '0') { fmt++; zero++; }
else if (*fmt == '+') { fmt++; plus++; }
else if (*fmt == '-') { fmt++; minus++; }
else if (*fmt == ' ') { fmt++; space++; }
// Next field
else break;
// '*' means we should extract it from the argument list
if (*fmt == '*') {
tmpwidth = va_arg(ap, int);
// Width & precision fields
// A width field of zero is ignored
// Extracts either width or precision
#define bextractwp(name) \
do { \
if (*fmt == '*') { \
fmt++; \
name = va_arg(ap, int); \
} else { \
while (isdigit(*fmt) && name < CONVBUFSIZE) { \
name = 10 * name + (*fmt - '0'); \
fmt++; \
} \
} \
} while (0)
// Extract width
// A width below 0 activates the "minus" flag
if (tmpwidth < 0) {
width = -tmpwidth;
if (width < 0) {
width = -width;
} else {
width = tmpwidth;
} else {
// Extract width field from fmt
while (isdigit(*fmt) && width < sizeof(convbuf)-10) {
width = 10 * width + (*fmt - '0');
// Extract precision
if (*fmt == '.') {
if (width > sizeof(convbuf)) {
rc = EINVAL;
goto leave;
// Make sure they're not too big
if (width > CONVBUFSIZE || prec > CONVBUFSIZE) {
rc = EINVAL;
// Length field
// Precision field
// Ignored until floats are implemented
// TODO before floats: %.XXXs
while (*fmt) {
if (*fmt == 'l' || *fmt == 'z' || *fmt == 't') {
else if (*fmt == 'h') {
// Next field
else break;
// Length field
while (1) {
if (*fmt == 'l' || *fmt == 'z') l++;
else if (*fmt == 'h') h++;
else break;
// Consistency check
assert(!(l > 0 && h > 0));
assert(!(l > 2 || h > 1));
// Consistency check
assert(!(l > 0 && h > 0));
assert(!(l > 2 || h > 2));
// The type field
type = *fmt++;
// The type field
type = *fmt++;
// Characters
if (type == 'c') {
uch = (uchar)va_arg(ap, int);
bputc(buf, uch);
// Characters
if (type == 'c') {
uch = (uchar)va_arg(ap, int);
bputc(buf, uch);
goto loop;
// Strings
else if (type == 's') {
s = va_arg(ap, char *);
// Strings
else if (type == 's') {
s = va_arg(ap, char *);
if (s == NULL) s = "(null)";
if (s == NULL) s = "(null)";
// For strings, the precision field gives the maximum
// amount of characters to be read from the stream
// Zero/nonspecified precision means unlimited amount
if (prec == 0) prec = INT_MAX;
for (; *s && prec-- ; s++) {
rc = bputc(buf, (uchar)*s);
// Decimal, unsigned decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary numbers
else if (type == 'd' || type == 'i') { base = 10; sgn = 1; }
else if (type == 'X') { base = 16; cap = 1; }
else if (type == 'x') { base = 16; }
else if (type == 'u') { base = 10; }
else if (type == 'o') { base = 8; }
else if (type == 'b') { base = 2; }
// Pointers: %p = %#012lx
// (48-bit pointers have width 12 at least)
else if (type == 'p') {
type = 'x'; base = 16; zero++; hash++; l++;
if (width < 12) width = 12;
// Unknown/unsupported modifier
// Note: a '\0' after length field falls here
else {
rc = EINVAL;
// Numerical conversions
// We use s to iterate convbuf
s = convbuf;
// FIXME: this works, but is ugly as hell
#define bdoconvrt(pref, type, vtype) \
do { \
type i_##type = (type)va_arg(ap, vtype); \
pref##toa(i_##type, s, base); \
} while (0)
if (!l) {
if (sgn) {
if (h == 0) bdoconvrt(i, int, int);
if (h == 1) bdoconvrt(i, short, int);
} else {
if (h == 0) bdoconvrt(u, uint, uint);
if (h == 1) bdoconvrt(u, ushort, uint);
else {
if (sgn) bdoconvrt(l, long, long);
else bdoconvrt(ul, ulong, ulong);
// Implement flags and %X, and prints
// Capital letter digits
if (base > 10 && cap) {
for (; *s ; s++)
if (islower(*s)) *s = toupper(*s);
// We use this "opportunity" to compute the length of s
len = s - convbuf;
// Reset s
s = convbuf;
// Compute s's length
// It will always fit in an int
else len = (int)strlen(s);
// Adjust width
if (sgn && (plus || space)) width--;
else if (hash) width -= (base==8 ? 1 : ((base==2||base==16) ? 2 : 0));
// When padding with spaces, we pad before +/-'s etc
if (!minus && !zero && width > len)
bdopadding(buf, width, len, ' ');
// Deal with signs and the hash flag
if (*s == '-') { rc = bputc(buf, '-'); s++, len--; }
else if (sgn && plus) rc = bputc(buf, '+');
else if (sgn && space) rc = bputc(buf, ' ');
else bprinthash(buf, base, cap);
// Deal with padding by zeroes
// The 'minus' flag makes no sense with the 'zero' one
if (zero && width > len)
bdopadding(buf, width, len, '0');
// Output the actual number
for (; !rc && *s ; s++) {
rc = bputc(buf, (uchar)*s);
if (rc > 0) goto leave;
goto loop;
// 'minus' padding, only with spaces
if (minus && !zero && width > len)
bdopadding(buf, width, base, ' ');
// Carry on to next modifier
// Assert rc for debugging purposes
// Decimal, unsigned decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary numbers
else if (type == 'd' || type == 'i') { base = 10; sgn = 1; }
else if (type == 'X') { base = 16; cap = 1; }
else if (type == 'x') { base = 16; }
else if (type == 'u') { base = 10; }
else if (type == 'o') { base = 8; }
else if (type == 'b') { base = 2; }
// Pointers: %p = %#012x
// (48-bit pointers have width 12 at least)
else if (type == 'p') {
type = 'x'; base = 16; zero++; hash++; l++;
if (width < 12) width = 12;
// Unknown/unsupported modifier
else {
rc = EINVAL;
goto leave;
// Numerical conversions
// We re-use s to iterate convbuf
s = convbuf;
if (!l) {
if (sgn) {
if (h == 0) bdoconvrt(i, int, int);
if (h == 1) bdoconvrt(i, short, int);
if (h == 2) bdoconvrt(i, char, int);
} else {
if (h == 0) bdoconvrt(u, uint, uint);
if (h == 1) bdoconvrt(u, ushort, uint);
if (h == 2) bdoconvrt(u, uchar, uint);
else {
if (sgn) bdoconvrt(l, long, long);
else bdoconvrt(ul, ulong, ulong);
// Implement flags and %X, and prints
// Capital letter digits
if (base > 10 && cap) {
for (; *s ; s++)
if (islower(*s)) *s = toupper(*s);
// We use this "opportunity" to compute the length of s
len = s - convbuf;
// Reset s
s = convbuf;
else len = strlen(s);
// Adjust width
if (sgn && (plus || space)) width--;
else if (hash) width -= (base==8 ? 1 : ((base==2||base==16) ? 2 : 0));
// When padding with spaces, we pad before +/-'s etc
if (!minus && !zero && width > len)
bdopadding(buf, width, len, ' ');
// Deal with signs and the hash flag
if (*s == '-') { rc = bputc(buf, '-'); s++, len--; }
else if (sgn && plus) rc = bputc(buf, '+');
else if (sgn && space) rc = bputc(buf, ' ');
else bprinthash(buf, base, cap);
// Deal with padding by zeroes
// The 'minus' flag makes no sense with the 'zero' one
if (zero && width > len)
bdopadding(buf, width, len, '0');
// Output the actual number
for (; !rc && *s ; s++) {
rc = bputc(buf, (uchar)*s);
// 'minus' padding, only with spaces
if (minus && !zero && width > len)
bdopadding(buf, width, base, ' ');
if (rc > 0) goto leave;
// Continue parsing fmt
goto loop;
return rc;
return rc;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user