# OS/K (OS on Kaleid) | ![FSF Logo](https://www.os-k.eu/GPLLOGO.png) | This program is free software, released under the terms of the [GNU GPL](COPYING) version 3 or later as published by the Free Software Foundation | |----------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------| ### Fully free operating system from scratch (WIP) For changelog, see [ChangeLog](ChangeLog) For structure of the sources, see [ProjectTree](ProjectTree) For our IRC channel, see `#os.k-devel` on [Freenode](https://webchat.freenode.net) Note that every file within OS/K is written using spaces for tabulation, with each tabulation being 4 spaces long. #### Compile from sources To compile this project from sources, you must first install the dependencies : ``` sudo apt update && apt upgrade apt install grub-pc-bin dosfstools make nasm qemu tree parted udisks2 ``` To compile, simply use at the root of this project : ``` make ``` The OS/K cross-compiler will automatically be installed. To compile and test, simply use at the root of this project : ``` make test ``` #### Compile the cross-compiler from sources To compile the cross-compiler from sources, you must first install the dependencies : ``` sudo apt install build-essential bison flex libgmp3-dev libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev texinfo ``` Then use the `compile-cross-cc` option : ``` make compile-cross-cc=yes ``` Note : Depending on your connection, it may take some time to download the GCC and Binutils sources. In addition, compiling may require a lot of resources. #### Screenshot ![OS/K Started](https://wiki.osdev.org/File:OS-on-kaleid.png)