//                           GNU GPL OS/K                                     //
//                                                                            //
//  Authors:    spectral`                                                     //
//              NeoX                                                          //
//                                                                            //
//  Desc:   ChangeLog #1                                                      //
//  From:   2018/12/06                                                        //
//  UpTo:   current                                                           //

2018/10/??  - Started talking about making our own OS
2018/11/??  - Name decided & creation of os-k.eu
2018/12/06  - Actually started project, began MBR, decided directories organization, created this file and others
2018/12/08  - MBR actually supports Long Mode Compatibility Verification
            - Added A20 line Enabling to MBR
2018/12/21  - Boot is now in two stages. First stage is 512B MBR code that loads second stage loader from FAT16.
              That second stage loader enables A20, switches into long mode and write colored text =D