;=----------------------------------------------------------------------------=; ; GNU GPL OS/K ; ; ; ; Authors: spectral` ; ; NeoX ; ; ; ; Desc: Basic Colored VGA Terminal Long mode Driver ; ; (x86_64 architecture only) ; ;=----------------------------------------------------------------------------=; ;;VIDEO %define TRAM 0x0B8000 ; [T]ext[RAM] %define VRAM 0x0A0000 ; [V]ideo[RAM] ;; GLOBAL DATA VGA_HEIGHT dq 0 VIDEO_MODE dw 0 VIDEO_MODE32 dw 0 VGA_HEIGHT32 dw 0 NextTRAM dq 0x0B8000 ; Last position of cursor VIDEO_MODE64 dq 0 VGA_HEIGHT64 dq 0 VGA_X dq 0 ;; TEXT [BITS 64] clear: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; x64/LM Clear Text Screen Function ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; mov qword [NextTRAM], TRAM mov edi, TRAM push rsi push rdi push rcx mov ah, 0 mov al, 0 mov rcx, 0x4000 ; traditionnal value rep stosw ; fill screen with al while cx > 0 pop rcx pop rsi pop rdi ret write: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; x64/LM Text Printing Functions ; ; bl : color code ; ; esi : string address ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; mov edi, [NextTRAM] ; TRAM ADDRESS push rsi push rdi .pLoop: lodsb cmp al, 0 ; while @al, i.e. while we're not hitting '\0' je .pEnd cmp al, 0x0A ; LF je .lf cmp al, 0x0D ; CR je .cr stosb ; text subpixel mov al, bl stosb ; color subpixel add qword [NextTRAM], 0x2 ; Cursor moving add qword [VGA_X], 0x2 ; coord + 2 because 2 subpixels jmp .pLoop .pEnd: pop rdi pop rsi ret .lf: mov rax, [VGA_HEIGHT64] add [NextTRAM], rax ; Cursor moving add [NextTRAM], rax add edi, eax ; Address moving add edi, eax jmp .pLoop .cr: push rax mov rax, qword [VGA_X] sub qword [NextTRAM], rax ; pos = X + Y * VGA_HEIGHT64. Donc pos - X = début de ligne sub edi, edx mov qword [VGA_X], 0 pop rax jmp .pLoop .scroll: ; XXX I don't think I'll implement this, but never know...; jmp .pLoop dump: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; x64/LM Dump 512 bytes of a buffer ; ; bl : color code ; ; esi : buffer address ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; mov edi, [NextTRAM] ; TRAM ADDRESS push rsi push rdi push rcx mov rcx, 512 .pLoop: lodsb stosb ; text subpixel mov al, bl stosb ; color subpixel loop .pLoop pop rcx pop rdi pop rsi add qword [NextTRAM], 1000 ; Cursor moving : 1120 = 80 * 2 * 7 lignes ret