;=----------------------------------------------------------------------------=; ; GNU GPL OS/K ; ; ; ; Authors: spectral` ; ; NeoX ; ; ; ; Desc: Basic Read Only ATA Long mode Driver ; ; (x86_64 architecture only) ; ;=----------------------------------------------------------------------------=; [BITS 64] ;; BPB %define OEMName bp+0x03 ; Disk label %define bytesPerSector bp+0x0b ; Bytes per sector %define sectorsPerCluster bp+0x0d ; Sectors per cluster %define reservedSectors bp+0x0e ; Reserved sectors %define fats bp+0x10 ; Number of fats %define rootDirEntries bp+0x11 ; Number of entries in root dir %define sectors bp+0x13 ; Logical sectors %define mediaType bp+0x15 ; Media descriptor byte %define fatSectors bp+0x16 ; Sectors per FAT %define sectorsPerTrack bp+0x18 ; Sectors per track %define heads bp+0x1a ; Number of sides/heads %define hiddenSectors bp+0x1c ; Hidden sectors %define hugeSectors bp+0x20 ; LBA sectors %define biosBootdrvNum bp+0x24 ; Bootdrv number %define reserved bp+0x25 ; This is not used %define bootSignature bp+0x26 ; Bootdrv signature %define volumeId bp+0x27 ; Volume ID %define volumeLabel bp+0x2b ; Volume Label %define fatTypeLabel bp+0x36 ; File system type ;; GLOBAL DATA Bootdrv db 0 ended db "[End of Sector]", 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0D, 0x0 buffer: times 513 db "_" ;; TEXT ata_read: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; x64/LM ATA Reading function ; ; bl : number of sectors to read XXX ; ; bh : the first sector to read ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Technical infos about the ports (Intel Doc): ; ; Port Access Mode Misc ; ; 1f0 r/w Data register, the bytes of the disk itself ; 1f1 r Error register that can be handled ; 1f2 r/w Sector count, how many sectors to read ; 1f3 r/w Sector number, the actual sector wanted ; 1f4 r/w Cylinder low, cylinders is 0-1024 ; 1f5 r/w Cylinder high, this makes up the rest of the 1024 ; 1f6 r/w Drive/head ; bit 7 = 1 ; bit 6 = 0 ; bit 5 = 1 ; bit 4 = 0 drive 0 select ; = 1 drive 1 select ; bit 3-0 head select bits ; 1f7 r Status register ; bit 7 = 1 controller is executing a command ; bit 6 = 1 drive is ready ; bit 5 = 1 write fault ; bit 4 = 1 seek complete ; bit 3 = 1 sector buffer requires servicing ; bit 2 = 1 disk data read corrected ; bit 1 = 1 index - set to 1 each revolution ; bit 0 = 1 previous command ended in an error ; 1f7 w Command register ; commands: ; 50h format track ; 20h read sectors with retry ; 21h read sectors without retry ; 22h read long with retry ; 23h read long without retry ; 30h write sectors with retry ; 31h write sectors without retry ; 32h write long with retry ; 33h write long without retry ; push rax push rbx push rcx push rdx push rdi mov dx, 0x1f6 ; Drive and head port mov al, 0x0a0 ; Drive 0, head 0 out dx,al mov dx, 0x1f2 ; Sector count port mov al, bl ; Read bl(s) sector out dx, al mov dx, 0x1f3 ; Sector number port mov al, bh ; Read from sector n°bh out dx, al mov dx, 0x1f4 ; Cylinder low port mov al, 0 ; Cylinder 0 out dx, al mov dx, 0x1f5 ; Cylinder high port mov al, 0 ; The rest of the cylinder 0 out dx, al mov dx, 0x1f7 ; Command port mov al, 0x20 ; Read with retry. out dx, al still_going: in al, dx test al, 8 ; This means the sector buffer requires ;servicing. jz still_going ; Don't continue until the sector buffer ;is ready. mov cx, 512/2 ; One sector /2 because it copies words mov rdi, QWORD buffer mov dx, 0x1f0 ; Data port - data comes in and out of here. rep insw pop rdi %ifdef DEBUG mov bl, 0x0F mov esi, buffer call dump mov bl, 0x0A mov esi, ended call write add qword [NextTRAM], 120 ; Cursor moving : 1120 = 80 * 2 * 7 lignes %else mov bl, 0x0A mov esi, Pass call write %endif pop rdx pop rcx pop rbx pop rax ret