import bge # Bibliothèque Blender Game Engine (UPBGE) from ct_lib import * # Bibliothèque CodeTower ############################################################################### # # @title: Waves for the CodeTower game # @project: CodeTower # @lang: fr,en # @authors: Philippe Roy # @copyright: Copyright (C) 2022 Philippe Roy # @license: GNU GPL # # This game is a tower defense coding game. The towers are driven with Python code. # # The file is the the waves definition # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # En: Threads management << DONT CHANGE THIS SECTION >> # Fr: Gestion des tâches (threads) << NE PAS MODIFIER CETTE SECTION >> ############################################################################### threads=[] scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene() def start(): scene.objects['Terrain']['thread_wave']=True thread_start(threads, "waves", waves) def stop(): thread_stop(threads, "waves") ############################################################################### # En: Waves commands # Fr: Commandes des vagues # # Spawn a minion : ct_minion (x, y, cat, level) # - x spwan position (integer) # - y spwan position (integer) # - cat : minion class (string) : # - Knight # - Barbarian # - Warrior # - Mage # - Rogue # - Orc # - Squelette # - level (1, 2 or 3) # # Time management (temporization) : ct_tempo(delay) # - delay : delay in seconds (integer) # # UI management : ct_map_text(text) # - text for the wave label # # ############################################################################### # Minion caracteristics : category (class), level, hp, speed, armor, bounty, lifes_damage # carac_minion={ # 'Knight-lv1' : ["Knight", 1 , 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 5,1], # 'Knight-lv2' : ["Knight", 2, 4.0, 1.0, 1.0, 20,1], # 'Knight-lv3' : ["Knight", 3, 8.0, 1.0, 2.0, 80,1]} def waves(): # Wave 1 ct_map_text("Wave 1") for i in range (15): ct_minion(14,3,"Knight",1) # ct_tempo_wave (1) ct_sleep (1) ct_tempo_wave (20) # # Wave 2 ct_map_text("Wave 2") for i in range (20): ct_minion(14,3,"Knight",1) ct_sleep (1) ct_sleep (2) # ct_tempo_wave (2) print ("Threads waves #", len(threads)-1, "are arrived -> close them.") # Thread closed << DONT CHANGE THIS LINE >> scene.objects['Terrain']['thread_wave']=False # End of cycle << DONT CHANGE THIS LINE >>