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import bge # Bibliothèque Blender Game Engine (UPBGE)
from ct_lib import * # Bibliothèque CodeTower
# ct_cmd.py
# @title: Commands for the CodeTower game
# @project: CodeTower
# @lang: fr,en
# @authors: Philippe Roy <philippe.roy@ac-grenoble.fr>
# @copyright: Copyright (C) 2022 Philippe Roy
# @license: GNU GPL
# En: This game is a tower defense coding game. The towers are driven by Python code.
# Fr: Ce simulateur est un jeu du type tower defense où les tours sont à piloter par la programmation Python.
purple = (0.202, 0.114, 0.521,1)
turquoise = (0.051, 0.270, 0.279,1)
magenta = (0.799, 0.005, 0.314,1)
orange = (0.799, 0.130, 0.063,1)
yellow = (0.799, 0.617, 0.021, 1)
green = (0.246, 0.687, 0.078, 1)
red = (0.799, 0.031, 0.038, 1)
blue = (0.127, 0.456, 1.000, 1)
# En: Threads management << DONT CHANGE THIS SECTION >>
# Fr: Gestion des tâches (threads) << NE PAS MODIFIER CETTE SECTION >>
scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
def start():
def stop():
def end():
ct_sleep (2)
print ("Commands thread is arrived.")
# En: Tower commands
# Fr: Commandes des tours
# Build a tower : ct_build (x, y, category, name, color, style)
# - x position (integer)
# - y position (integer)
# - category (string) : "Archer tower", "Mage tower" or "Barrack" (not implemented)
# - name (string)
# - color (RGB model) : purple, turquoise, magenta, orange, yellow, green, red or [R, G, B, 1]
# - style : square or round and version (A,B or C), exemple : 'square-A'
# - Return boolean flag
# - True : builded
# - False : not builded
# - Exemple : ct_build(1,1, "Archer tower", "Tower #1",yellow,"round-A")
# Remove a tower : ct_remove (x, y)
# - x position (integer)
# - y position (integer)
# Get your level : ct_level ()
# - Return your level (integer)
# Time management (temporization) : ct_sleep (delay)
# - delay : delay in seconds (float)
def commands():
while True:
if ct_level ()==1:
ct_build(4,5, "Archer tower", "Tower #1",yellow,"round-A")
if ct_level ()==2:
ct_build(3,-1, "Archer tower", "Tower #2",red,"round-A")
if ct_level ()==3:
ct_build(5,4, "Mage tower", "Tower #3",blue,"square-A")
# En: Externals calls << DONT CHANGE THIS SECTION >>
# Fr: Appels externes << NE PAS MODIFIER CETTE SECTION >>
if __name__=='start':
if __name__=='stop':