defmodule Mobilizon.Storage.Page do @moduledoc """ Module for pagination of queries. """ import Ecto.Query alias Mobilizon.Storage.Repo defstruct [ :total, :elements ] @type t(structure) :: %__MODULE__{ total: integer, elements: list(structure) } @doc """ Returns a Page struct for a query. `field` is use to define the field that will be used for the count aggregate, which should be the same as the field used for order_by See """ @spec build_page(Ecto.Queryable.t(), integer | nil, integer | nil, atom()) :: t(any) def build_page(query, page, limit, field \\ :id) do [total, elements] = [ fn -> Repo.aggregate(query, :count, field) end, fn -> Repo.all(paginate(query, page, limit)) end ] |> |>, 30_000)) %__MODULE__{total: total, elements: elements} end @doc """ Add limit and offset to the query. """ @spec paginate(Ecto.Queryable.t() | struct, integer | nil, integer | nil) :: Ecto.Query.t() def paginate(query, page \\ 1, size \\ 10) def paginate(query, page, _size) when is_nil(page), do: paginate(query) def paginate(query, page, size) when is_nil(size), do: paginate(query, page) def paginate(query, page, size) do from(query, limit: ^size, offset: ^((page - 1) * size)) end @doc """ Stream chunks of results from the given queryable. Unlike, this function does not keep a long running transaction open. Hence, consistency is not guarenteed in the presence of rows being deleted or sort criteria changing. ## Example Ecto.Query.from(u in Users, order_by: [asc: :created_at]) |> Repo.chunk(100) |> |> ## Source """ @spec chunk(Ecto.Queryable.t(), integer) :: Stream.t() def chunk(queryable, chunk_size) do chunk_stream = Stream.unfold(1, fn page_number -> page = queryable |> paginate(page_number, chunk_size) |> Repo.all() {page, page_number + 1} end) Stream.take_while(chunk_stream, fn [] -> false _ -> true end) end end