# Portions of this file are derived from Pleroma: # Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only # Upstream: https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/blob/develop/lib/pleroma/formatter.ex defmodule Mobilizon.Service.Formatter do @moduledoc """ Formats input text to structured data, extracts mentions and hashtags. """ alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.Actor, as: ActivityPubActor alias Mobilizon.Service.Formatter.HTML alias Phoenix.HTML.Tag alias Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint # https://github.com/rrrene/credo/issues/912 # credo:disable-for-next-line Credo.Check.Readability.MaxLineLength @link_regex ~r"((?:http(s)?:\/\/)?[\w.-]+(?:\.[\w\.-]+)+[\w\-\._~%:/?#[\]@!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=.]+)|[0-9a-z+\-\.]+:[0-9a-z$-_.+!*'(),]+"ui @markdown_characters_regex ~r/(`|\*|_|{|}|[|]|\(|\)|#|\+|-|\.|!)/ @spec escape_mention_handler(String.t(), String.t(), any(), any()) :: String.t() defp escape_mention_handler("@" <> nickname = mention, buffer, _, _) do case ActivityPubActor.find_or_make_actor_from_nickname(nickname) do {:ok, %Actor{}} -> # escape markdown characters with `\\` # (we don't want something like @user__name to be parsed by markdown) String.replace(mention, @markdown_characters_regex, "\\\\\\1") {:error, _err} -> buffer end end @spec mention_handler(String.t(), String.t(), any(), map()) :: {String.t(), map()} def mention_handler("@" <> nickname, buffer, _opts, acc) do case ActivityPubActor.find_or_make_actor_from_nickname(nickname) do # %Actor{preferred_username: preferred_username} = actor -> # link = "<span class='h-card mention'>@<span>#{preferred_username}</span></span>" # # {link, %{acc | mentions: MapSet.put(acc.mentions, {"@" <> nickname, actor})}} {:ok, %Actor{type: :Person, id: id, preferred_username: preferred_username} = actor} -> # link = # "<span class='h-card mention' data-user='#{id}'>@<span>#{preferred_username}</span></span>" link = Tag.content_tag( :span, [ "@", Tag.content_tag( :span, preferred_username ) ], "data-user": id, class: "h-card mention" ) |> Phoenix.HTML.safe_to_string() {link, %{acc | mentions: MapSet.put(acc.mentions, {"@" <> nickname, actor})}} # Ignore every other actor type mentions for now {:ok, %Actor{}} -> {buffer, acc} {:error, _} -> {buffer, acc} end end @spec hashtag_handler(String.t(), String.t(), any(), map()) :: {String.t(), map()} def hashtag_handler("#" <> tag = tag_text, _buffer, _opts, acc) do tag = String.downcase(tag) url = "#{Endpoint.url()}/tag/#{tag}" link = Tag.content_tag(:a, tag_text, class: "hashtag", "data-tag": tag, href: url, rel: "tag ugc" ) |> Phoenix.HTML.safe_to_string() {link, %{acc | tags: MapSet.put(acc.tags, {tag_text, tag})}} end @doc """ Parses a text and replace plain text links with HTML. Returns a tuple with a result text, mentions, and hashtags. """ @spec linkify(String.t(), keyword()) :: {String.t(), [{String.t(), Actor.t()}], [{String.t(), String.t()}]} def linkify(text, options \\ []) do options = linkify_opts() ++ options acc = %{mentions: MapSet.new(), tags: MapSet.new()} {text, %{mentions: mentions, tags: tags}} = Linkify.link_map(text, acc, options) {text, MapSet.to_list(mentions), MapSet.to_list(tags)} end @doc """ Escapes a special characters in mention names. """ @spec mentions_escape(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() def mentions_escape(text, options \\ []) do options = Keyword.merge(options, mention: true, url: false, mention_handler: &escape_mention_handler/4 ) Linkify.link(text, options) end @spec html_escape( {text :: String.t(), mentions :: list(), hashtags :: list()}, type :: String.t() ) :: {String.t(), list(), list()} @spec html_escape(text :: String.t(), type :: String.t()) :: String.t() def html_escape({text, mentions, hashtags}, type) do {html_escape(text, type), mentions, hashtags} end def html_escape(text, "text/html") do with {:ok, content} <- HTML.filter_tags(text) do content end end def html_escape(text, "text/plain") do @link_regex |> Regex.split(text, include_captures: true) |> Enum.map_every(2, fn chunk -> {:safe, part} = Phoenix.HTML.html_escape(chunk) part end) |> Enum.join("") end @spec truncate(String.t(), non_neg_integer(), String.t()) :: String.t() def truncate(text, max_length \\ 200, omission \\ "...") do # Remove trailing whitespace text = Regex.replace(~r/([^ \t\r\n])([ \t]+$)/u, text, "\\g{1}") if String.length(text) < max_length do text else length_with_omission = max_length - String.length(omission) String.slice(text, 0, length_with_omission) <> omission end end @spec linkify_opts :: Keyword.t() defp linkify_opts do Mobilizon.Config.get(__MODULE__) ++ [ hashtag: true, hashtag_handler: &__MODULE__.hashtag_handler/4, mention: true, mention_handler: &__MODULE__.mention_handler/4 ] end end