defmodule Mobilizon.Events do @moduledoc """ The Events context. """ import Ecto.Query import Mobilizon.Storage.Ecto alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Addresses.Address alias Mobilizon.Events.{Event, Comment, Participant} alias Mobilizon.Storage.{Page, Repo} alias Mobilizon.Users.User def data() do, query: &query/2) end def query(queryable, _params) do queryable end def get_public_events_for_actor(%Actor{id: actor_id} = _actor, page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) do query = from( e in Event, where: e.organizer_actor_id == ^actor_id and e.visibility in [^:public, ^:unlisted], order_by: [desc: :id], preload: [ :organizer_actor, :sessions, :tracks, :tags, :participants, :physical_address, :picture ] ) |> Page.paginate(page, limit) events = Repo.all(query) count_events = in Event, select: count(, where: e.organizer_actor_id == ^actor_id)) {:ok, events, count_events} end @doc """ Get an actor's eventual upcoming public event """ @spec get_actor_upcoming_public_event(Actor.t(), String.t()) :: Event.t() | nil def get_actor_upcoming_public_event(%Actor{id: actor_id} = _actor, not_event_uuid \\ nil) do query = from( e in Event, where: e.organizer_actor_id == ^actor_id and e.visibility in [^:public, ^:unlisted] and e.begins_on > ^DateTime.utc_now(), order_by: [asc: :begins_on], limit: 1, preload: [ :organizer_actor, :tags, :participants, :physical_address ] ) query = if is_nil(not_event_uuid), do: query, else: from(q in query, where: q.uuid != ^not_event_uuid) end def count_local_events do from( e in Event, select: count(, where: e.local == ^true and e.visibility in [^:public, ^:unlisted] ) ) end def count_local_comments do from( c in Comment, select: count(, where: c.local == ^true and c.visibility in [^:public, ^:unlisted] ) ) end import Geo.PostGIS @doc """ Find close events to coordinates Radius is in meters and defaults to 50km. """ @spec find_close_events(number(), number(), number(), number()) :: list(Event.t()) def find_close_events(lon, lat, radius \\ 50_000, srid \\ 4326) do with {:ok, point} <- Geo.WKT.decode("SRID=#{srid};POINT(#{lon} #{lat})") do Repo.all( from( e in Event, join: a in Address, on: == e.physical_address_id, where: e.visibility == ^:public and st_dwithin_in_meters(^point, a.geom, ^radius), preload: :organizer_actor ) ) end end @doc """ Gets a single event. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Event does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_event!(123) %Event{} iex> get_event!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_event!(id), do: Repo.get!(Event, id) @doc """ Gets a single event. """ def get_event(id) do case Repo.get(Event, id) do nil -> {:error, :event_not_found} event -> {:ok, event} end end @doc """ Gets an event by it's URL """ def get_event_by_url(url) do Repo.get_by(Event, url: url) end @doc """ Gets an event by it's URL """ def get_event_by_url!(url) do Repo.get_by!(Event, url: url) end # @doc """ # Gets an event by it's UUID # """ # @depreciated "Use get_event_full_by_uuid/3 instead" # def get_event_by_uuid(uuid) do # Repo.get_by(Event, uuid: uuid) # end @doc """ Gets a full event by it's UUID """ @spec get_event_full_by_uuid(String.t()) :: Event.t() def get_event_full_by_uuid(uuid) do from( e in Event, where: e.uuid == ^uuid and e.visibility in [^:public, ^:unlisted], preload: [ :organizer_actor, :sessions, :tracks, :tags, :participants, :physical_address, :picture ] ) |> end def get_cached_event_full_by_uuid(uuid) do Cachex.fetch(:activity_pub, "event_" <> uuid, fn "event_" <> uuid -> case get_event_full_by_uuid(uuid) do %Event{} = event -> {:commit, event} _ -> {:ignore, nil} end end) end @doc """ Gets a single event, with all associations loaded. """ def get_event_full!(id) do event = Repo.get!(Event, id) Repo.preload(event, [ :organizer_actor, :sessions, :tracks, :tags, :participants, :physical_address ]) end @doc """ Gets a single event, with all associations loaded. """ def get_event_full(id) do case Repo.get(Event, id) do %Event{} = event -> {:ok, Repo.preload(event, [ :organizer_actor, :sessions, :tracks, :tags, :participants, :physical_address, :picture ])} _err -> {:error, :event_not_found} end end @doc """ Gets an event by it's URL """ def get_event_full_by_url(url) do case from(e in Event, where: e.url == ^url and e.visibility in [^:public, ^:unlisted], preload: [ :organizer_actor, :sessions, :tracks, :tags, :participants, :physical_address ] ) ) do nil -> {:error, :event_not_found} event -> {:ok, event} end end @doc """ Gets an event by it's URL """ def get_event_full_by_url!(url) do from(e in Event, where: e.url == ^url and e.visibility in [^:public, ^:unlisted], preload: [ :organizer_actor, :sessions, :tracks, :tags, :participants, :physical_address, :picture ] ) ) end @doc """ Returns the list of events. ## Examples iex> list_events() [%Event{}, ...] """ @spec list_events(integer(), integer(), atom(), atom()) :: list(Event.t()) def list_events( page \\ nil, limit \\ nil, sort \\ :begins_on, direction \\ :asc, unlisted \\ false, future \\ true ) do query = from( e in Event, preload: [:organizer_actor, :participants] ) |> Page.paginate(page, limit) |> sort(sort, direction) |> restrict_future_events(future) |> allow_unlisted(unlisted) Repo.all(query) end # Make sure we only show future events @spec restrict_future_events(Ecto.Query.t(), boolean()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp restrict_future_events(query, true), do: from(q in query, where: q.begins_on > ^DateTime.utc_now()) defp restrict_future_events(query, false), do: query # Make sure unlisted events don't show up where they're not allowed @spec allow_unlisted(Ecto.Query.t(), boolean()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp allow_unlisted(query, true), do: from(q in query, where: q.visibility in [^:public, ^:unlisted]) defp allow_unlisted(query, false), do: from(q in query, where: q.visibility == ^:public) @doc """ Find events by name """ def find_and_count_events_by_name(name, page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) def find_and_count_events_by_name(name, page, limit) do name = String.trim(name) query = from(e in Event, where: e.visibility == ^:public and fragment( "f_unaccent(?) %> f_unaccent(?)", e.title, ^name ), order_by: fragment( "word_similarity(?, ?) desc", e.title, ^name ), preload: [:organizer_actor] ) |> Page.paginate(page, limit) total = Task.async(fn -> Repo.aggregate(query, :count, :id) end) elements = Task.async(fn -> Repo.all(query) end) %{total: Task.await(total), elements: Task.await(elements)} end @doc """ Find events with the same tags """ @spec find_similar_events_by_common_tags(list(), integer()) :: {:ok, list(Event.t())} def find_similar_events_by_common_tags(tags, limit \\ 2) do tags_ids =, & & query = from(e in Event, distinct: e.uuid, join: te in "events_tags", on: == te.event_id, where: e.begins_on > ^DateTime.utc_now(), where: e.visibility in [^:public, ^:unlisted], where: te.tag_id in ^tags_ids, order_by: [asc: e.begins_on], limit: ^limit ) Repo.all(query) end @doc """ Creates a event. ## Examples iex> create_event(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Event{}} iex> create_event(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_event(attrs \\ %{}) do with %Event{} = event <- do_create_event(attrs), {:ok, %Participant{} = _participant} <- %Participant{} |> Participant.changeset(%{ actor_id: event.organizer_actor_id, role: :creator, event_id: }) |> Repo.insert() do {:ok, event} end end defp do_create_event(attrs) do with {:ok, %Event{} = event} <- %Event{} |> Event.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert(), %Event{} = event <- event |> Repo.preload([:tags, :organizer_actor, :physical_address, :picture]), {:has_tags, true, _} <- {:has_tags, Map.has_key?(attrs, "tags"), event} do event |> Ecto.Changeset.change() |> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:tags, attrs["tags"]) |> Repo.update() else {:has_tags, false, event} -> event error -> error end end @doc """ Updates a event. ## Examples iex> update_event(event, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Event{}} iex> update_event(event, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_event(%Event{} = event, attrs) do event |> Repo.preload(:tags) |> Event.update_changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a Event. ## Examples iex> delete_event(event) {:ok, %Event{}} iex> delete_event(event) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_event(%Event{} = event) do Repo.delete(event) end @doc """ Deletes a Event. Raises an exception if it fails. """ def delete_event!(%Event{} = event) do Repo.delete!(event) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking event changes. ## Examples iex> change_event(event) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Event{}} """ def change_event(%Event{} = event) do Event.changeset(event, %{}) end alias Mobilizon.Events.Tag @doc """ Returns the list of tags. ## Examples iex> list_tags() [%Tag{}, ...] """ def list_tags(page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) do Repo.all( Tag |> Page.paginate(page, limit) ) end @doc """ Returns the list of tags for an event. ## Examples iex> list_tags_for_event(id) [%Participant{}, ...] """ def list_tags_for_event(id, page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) do Repo.all( from( t in Tag, join: e in "events_tags", on: == e.tag_id, where: e.event_id == ^id ) |> Page.paginate(page, limit) ) end @doc """ Gets a single tag. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Tag does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_tag!(123) %Tag{} iex> get_tag!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_tag!(id), do: Repo.get!(Tag, id) def get_tag(id), do: Repo.get(Tag, id) @doc """ Get an existing tag or create one """ @spec get_or_create_tag(map()) :: {:ok, Tag.t()} | {:error, any()} def get_or_create_tag(tag) do "#" <> title = tag["name"] case Repo.get_by(Tag, title: title) do %Tag{} = tag -> {:ok, tag} nil -> create_tag(%{"title" => title}) end end @doc """ Creates a tag. ## Examples iex> create_tag(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Tag{}} iex> create_tag(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_tag(attrs \\ %{}) do %Tag{} |> Tag.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a tag. ## Examples iex> update_tag(tag, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Tag{}} iex> update_tag(tag, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_tag(%Tag{} = tag, attrs) do tag |> Tag.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a Tag. ## Examples iex> delete_tag(tag) {:ok, %Tag{}} iex> delete_tag(tag) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_tag(%Tag{} = tag) do Repo.delete(tag) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking tag changes. ## Examples iex> change_tag(tag) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Tag{}} """ def change_tag(%Tag{} = tag) do Tag.changeset(tag, %{}) end alias Mobilizon.Events.TagRelation @doc """ Create a relation between two tags """ @spec create_tag_relation(map()) :: {:ok, TagRelation.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()} def create_tag_relation(attrs \\ {}) do %TagRelation{} |> TagRelation.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert(conflict_target: [:tag_id, :link_id], on_conflict: [inc: [weight: 1]]) end @doc """ Remove a tag relation """ def delete_tag_relation(%TagRelation{} = tag_relation) do Repo.delete(tag_relation) end @doc """ Returns whether two tags are linked or not """ def are_tags_linked(%Tag{id: tag1_id}, %Tag{id: tag2_id}) do case from(tr in TagRelation, where: tr.tag_id == ^min(tag1_id, tag2_id) and tr.link_id == ^max(tag1_id, tag2_id) ) |> do %TagRelation{} -> true _ -> false end end @doc """ Returns the tags neighbors for a given tag We can't rely on the single many_to_many relation since we also want tags that link to our tag, not just tags linked by this one The SQL query looks like this: ```sql SELECT * FROM tags t RIGHT JOIN ( SELECT weight, link_id AS id FROM tag_relations t2 WHERE tag_id = 1 UNION ALL SELECT tag_id AS id, weight FROM tag_relations t2 WHERE link_id = 1 ) tr ON = ORDER BY tr.weight DESC; ``` """ def tag_neighbors(%Tag{id: id}, relation_minimum \\ 1, limit \\ 10) do query2 = from(tr in TagRelation, select: %{id: tr.tag_id, weight: tr.weight}, where: tr.link_id == ^id ) query = from(tr in TagRelation, select: %{id: tr.link_id, weight: tr.weight}, union_all: ^query2, where: tr.tag_id == ^id ) final_query = from(t in Tag, right_join: q in subquery(query), on: [id:], where: q.weight >= ^relation_minimum, limit: ^limit, order_by: [desc: q.weight] ) Repo.all(final_query) end alias Mobilizon.Events.Participant @doc """ Returns the list of participants. ## Examples iex> list_participants() [%Participant{}, ...] """ def list_participants do Repo.all(Participant) end @doc """ Returns the list of participants for an event. Default behaviour is to not return :not_approved participants ## Examples iex> list_participants_for_event(some_uuid) [%Participant{}, ...] """ def list_participants_for_event(uuid, page \\ nil, limit \\ nil, include_not_improved \\ false) def list_participants_for_event(uuid, page, limit, false) do query = do_list_participants_for_event(uuid, page, limit) query = from(p in query, where: p.role != ^:not_approved) Repo.all(query) end def list_participants_for_event(uuid, page, limit, true) do query = do_list_participants_for_event(uuid, page, limit) Repo.all(query) end defp do_list_participants_for_event(uuid, page, limit) do from( p in Participant, join: e in Event, on: p.event_id ==, where: e.uuid == ^uuid, preload: [:actor] ) |> Page.paginate(page, limit) end @doc """ Returns the list of participations for an actor. Default behaviour is to not return :not_approved participants ## Examples iex> list_participants_for_actor(%Actor{}) [%Participant{}, ...] """ def list_event_participations_for_actor(%Actor{id: id}, page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) do Repo.all( from( e in Event, join: p in Participant, join: a in Actor, on: p.actor_id ==, on: p.event_id ==, where: == ^id and p.role != ^:not_approved, preload: [:picture, :tags] ) |> Page.paginate(page, limit) ) end @doc """ Returns the list of organizers participants for an event. ## Examples iex> list_organizers_participants_for_event(id) [%Participant{role: :creator}, ...] """ def list_organizers_participants_for_event(id, page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) do Repo.all( from( p in Participant, where: p.event_id == ^id and p.role == ^:creator, preload: [:actor] ) |> Page.paginate(page, limit) ) end @doc """ Gets a single participant. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Participant does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_participant!(123) %Participant{} iex> get_participant!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_participant!(event_id, actor_id) do Repo.get_by!(Participant, event_id: event_id, actor_id: actor_id) end @doc """ Get a single participant """ def get_participant(event_id, actor_id) do case Repo.get_by(Participant, event_id: event_id, actor_id: actor_id) do nil -> {:error, :participant_not_found} participant -> {:ok, participant} end end def get_participant_by_url(url) do from(p in Participant, where: p.url == ^url, preload: [:actor, :event] ) ) end @doc """ Creates a participant. ## Examples iex> create_participant(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Participant{}} iex> create_participant(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_participant(attrs \\ %{}) do with {:ok, %Participant{} = participant} <- %Participant{} |> Participant.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() do {:ok, Repo.preload(participant, [:event, :actor])} end end @doc """ Updates a participant. ## Examples iex> update_participant(participant, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Participant{}} iex> update_participant(participant, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_participant(%Participant{} = participant, attrs) do participant |> Participant.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a Participant. ## Examples iex> delete_participant(participant) {:ok, %Participant{}} iex> delete_participant(participant) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_participant(%Participant{} = participant) do Repo.delete(participant) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking participant changes. ## Examples iex> change_participant(participant) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Participant{}} """ def change_participant(%Participant{} = participant) do Participant.changeset(participant, %{}) end @doc """ Get the default participant role depending on the event join options """ def get_default_participant_role(%Event{} = event) do case event.join_options do # Participant :free -> :participant # Not approved _ -> :not_approved end end @doc """ List event participation requests for an actor """ @spec list_requests_for_actor(Actor.t()) :: list(Participant.t()) def list_requests_for_actor(%Actor{id: actor_id}) do Repo.all(from(p in Participant, where: p.actor_id == ^actor_id and p.role == ^:not_approved)) end alias Mobilizon.Events.Session @doc """ Returns the list of sessions. ## Examples iex> list_sessions() [%Session{}, ...] """ def list_sessions do Repo.all(Session) end @doc """ Returns the list of sessions for an event """ @spec list_sessions_for_event(Event.t()) :: list(Session.t()) def list_sessions_for_event(%Event{id: event_id}) do Repo.all( from( s in Session, join: e in Event, on: s.event_id ==, where: == ^event_id ) ) end @doc """ Gets a single session. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Session does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_session!(123) %Session{} iex> get_session!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_session!(id), do: Repo.get!(Session, id) @doc """ Creates a session. ## Examples iex> create_session(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Session{}} iex> create_session(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_session(attrs \\ %{}) do %Session{} |> Session.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a session. ## Examples iex> update_session(session, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Session{}} iex> update_session(session, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_session(%Session{} = session, attrs) do session |> Session.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a Session. ## Examples iex> delete_session(session) {:ok, %Session{}} iex> delete_session(session) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_session(%Session{} = session) do Repo.delete(session) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking session changes. ## Examples iex> change_session(session) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Session{}} """ def change_session(%Session{} = session) do Session.changeset(session, %{}) end alias Mobilizon.Events.Track @doc """ Returns the list of tracks. ## Examples iex> list_tracks() [%Track{}, ...] """ def list_tracks do Repo.all(Track) end @doc """ Returns the list of sessions for a track """ @spec list_sessions_for_track(Track.t()) :: list(Session.t()) def list_sessions_for_track(%Track{id: track_id}) do Repo.all(from(s in Session, where: s.track_id == ^track_id)) end @doc """ Gets a single track. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Track does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_track!(123) %Track{} iex> get_track!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_track!(id), do: Repo.get!(Track, id) @doc """ Creates a track. ## Examples iex> create_track(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Track{}} iex> create_track(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_track(attrs \\ %{}) do %Track{} |> Track.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a track. ## Examples iex> update_track(track, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Track{}} iex> update_track(track, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_track(%Track{} = track, attrs) do track |> Track.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a Track. ## Examples iex> delete_track(track) {:ok, %Track{}} iex> delete_track(track) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_track(%Track{} = track) do Repo.delete(track) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking track changes. ## Examples iex> change_track(track) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Track{}} """ def change_track(%Track{} = track) do Track.changeset(track, %{}) end alias Mobilizon.Events.Comment @doc """ Returns the list of public comments. ## Examples iex> list_comments() [%Comment{}, ...] """ def list_comments do Repo.all(from(c in Comment, where: c.visibility == ^:public)) end def get_public_comments_for_actor(%Actor{id: actor_id}, page \\ nil, limit \\ nil) do query = from( c in Comment, where: c.actor_id == ^actor_id and c.visibility in [^:public, ^:unlisted], order_by: [desc: :id], preload: [ :actor, :in_reply_to_comment, :origin_comment, :event ] ) |> Page.paginate(page, limit) comments = Repo.all(query) count_comments = in Comment, select: count(, where: c.actor_id == ^actor_id)) {:ok, comments, count_comments} end @doc """ Gets a single comment. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Comment does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_comment!(123) %Comment{} iex> get_comment!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_comment!(id), do: Repo.get!(Comment, id) # @doc """ # Gets a single comment from it's UUID # """ # @spec get_comment_from_uuid(String.t) :: {:ok, Comment.t} | {:error, nil} # def get_comment_from_uuid(uuid), do: Repo.get_by(Comment, uuid: uuid) # @doc """ # Gets a single comment by it's UUID. # Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Comment does not exist. # ## Examples # iex> get_comment_from_uuid!("123AFV13") # %Comment{} # iex> get_comment_from_uuid!("20R9HKDJHF") # ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) # """ # @spec get_comment_from_uuid(String.t) :: Comment.t # def get_comment_from_uuid!(uuid), do: Repo.get_by!(Comment, uuid: uuid) def get_comment_full_from_uuid(uuid) do with %Comment{} = comment <- Repo.get_by!(Comment, uuid: uuid) do Repo.preload(comment, [:actor, :attributed_to, :in_reply_to_comment]) end end def get_cached_comment_full_by_uuid(uuid) do Cachex.fetch(:activity_pub, "comment_" <> uuid, fn "comment_" <> uuid -> case get_comment_full_from_uuid(uuid) do %Comment{} = comment -> {:commit, comment} _ -> {:ignore, nil} end end) end def get_comment_from_url(url), do: Repo.get_by(Comment, url: url) def get_comment_from_url!(url), do: Repo.get_by!(Comment, url: url) def get_comment_full_from_url(url) do case from(c in Comment, where: c.url == ^url, preload: [:actor, :in_reply_to_comment]) ) do nil -> {:error, :comment_not_found} comment -> {:ok, comment} end end def get_comment_full_from_url!(url) do with %Comment{} = comment <- Repo.get_by!(Comment, url: url) do Repo.preload(comment, [:actor, :in_reply_to_comment]) end end @doc """ Get all comments by an actor and a list of ids """ def get_all_comments_by_actor_and_ids(actor_id, comment_ids \\ []) def get_all_comments_by_actor_and_ids(_actor_id, []), do: [] def get_all_comments_by_actor_and_ids(actor_id, comment_ids) do Comment |> where([c], in ^comment_ids) |> where([c], c.actor_id == ^actor_id) |> Repo.all() end @doc """ Creates a comment. ## Examples iex> create_comment(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Comment{}} iex> create_comment(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_comment(attrs \\ %{}) do with {:ok, %Comment{} = comment} <- %Comment{} |> Comment.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert(), %Comment{} = comment <- Repo.preload(comment, [:actor, :in_reply_to_comment]) do {:ok, comment} end end @doc """ Updates a comment. ## Examples iex> update_comment(comment, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Comment{}} iex> update_comment(comment, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_comment(%Comment{} = comment, attrs) do comment |> Comment.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a Comment. ## Examples iex> delete_comment(comment) {:ok, %Comment{}} iex> delete_comment(comment) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_comment(%Comment{} = comment) do Repo.delete(comment) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking comment changes. ## Examples iex> change_comment(comment) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Comment{}} """ def change_comment(%Comment{} = comment) do Comment.changeset(comment, %{}) end alias Mobilizon.Events.FeedToken @doc """ Gets a single feed token. ## Examples iex> get_feed_token("123") {:ok, %FeedToken{}} iex> get_feed_token("456") {:error, nil} """ def get_feed_token(token) do from(ftk in FeedToken, where: ftk.token == ^token, preload: [:actor, :user]) |> end @doc """ Gets a single feed token. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the FeedToken does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_feed_token!(123) %FeedToken{} iex> get_feed_token!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_feed_token!(token) do from( tk in FeedToken, where: tk.token == ^token, preload: [:actor, :user] ) |>!() end @doc """ Get feed tokens for an user """ @spec get_feed_tokens(User.t()) :: list(FeedTokens.t()) def get_feed_tokens(%User{id: id}) do from( tk in FeedToken, where: tk.user_id == ^id, preload: [:actor, :user] ) |> Repo.all() end @doc """ Get feed tokens for an actor """ @spec get_feed_tokens(Actor.t()) :: list(FeedTokens.t()) def get_feed_tokens(%Actor{id: id, domain: nil}) do from( tk in FeedToken, where: tk.actor_id == ^id, preload: [:actor, :user] ) |> Repo.all() end @doc """ Creates a feed token. ## Examples iex> create_feed_token(%{field: value}) {:ok, %FeedToken{}} iex> create_feed_token(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_feed_token(attrs \\ %{}) do attrs = Map.put(attrs, "token", Ecto.UUID.generate()) %FeedToken{} |> FeedToken.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a feed token. ## Examples iex> update_feed_token(feed_token, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %FeedToken{}} iex> update_feed_token(feed_token, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_feed_token(%FeedToken{} = feed_token, attrs) do feed_token |> FeedToken.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a FeedToken. ## Examples iex> delete_feed_token(feed_token) {:ok, %FeedToken{}} iex> delete_feed_token(feed_token) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_feed_token(%FeedToken{} = feed_token) do Repo.delete(feed_token) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking feed_token changes. ## Examples iex> change_feed_token(feed_token) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %FeedToken{}} """ def change_feed_token(%FeedToken{} = feed_token) do FeedToken.changeset(feed_token, %{}) end end