defmodule Mobilizon.Web.ApplicationController do use Mobilizon.Web, :controller alias Mobilizon.Applications.Application alias Mobilizon.Service.Auth.Applications plug(:put_layout, false) import Mobilizon.Web.Gettext, only: [dgettext: 2] require Logger @doc """ Create an application """ @spec create_application(Plug.Conn.t(), map()) :: Plug.Conn.t() def create_application( conn, %{"name" => name, "redirect_uri" => redirect_uris, "scope" => scope} = args ) do ip = conn.remote_ip |> :inet.ntoa() |> to_string() case Hammer.check_rate( "create_application:#{ip}", 60_000, 10 ) do {:allow, _} -> case Applications.create( name, String.split(redirect_uris, "\n"), scope, Map.get(args, "website") ) do {:ok, %Application{} = app} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_resp_header("cache-control", "no-store") |> json( app |> Map.take([:name, :website, :client_id, :client_secret, :scope]) |> Map.put(:redirect_uri, app.redirect_uris) ) {:error, :invalid_scope} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(400) |> json(%{ "error" => "invalid_scope", "error_description" => dgettext( "errors", "The scope parameter is not a space separated list of valid scopes" ) }) {:error, error} -> Logger.error(inspect(error)) conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(500) |> json(%{ "error" => "server_error", "error_description" => dgettext( "errors", "Impossible to create application." ) }) end {:deny, _} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(429) |> json(%{ "error" => "slow_down", "error_description" => dgettext( "errors", "Too many requests" ) }) end end def create_application(conn, _args) do conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(400) |> json(%{ "error" => "invalid_request", "error_description" => dgettext( "errors", "All of name, scope and redirect_uri parameters are required to create an application" ) }) end @doc """ Authorize """ @spec authorize(Plug.Conn.t(), map()) :: Plug.Conn.t() def authorize( conn, _args ) do conn = fetch_query_params(conn) client_id = conn.query_params["client_id"] redirect_uri = conn.query_params["redirect_uri"] state = conn.query_params["state"] scope = conn.query_params["scope"] if is_binary(client_id) and is_binary(redirect_uri) and valid_uri?(redirect_uri) and is_binary(state) and is_binary(scope) do redirect(conn, to: Routes.page_path(conn, :authorize, client_id: client_id, redirect_uri: redirect_uri, scope: scope, state: state ) ) else if is_binary(redirect_uri) and valid_uri?(redirect_uri) do redirect(conn, external: append_parameters(redirect_uri, error: "invalid_request", error_description: dgettext( "errors", "You need to specify client_id, redirect_uri, scope and state to autorize an application" ) ) ) else send_resp( conn, 400, dgettext( "errors", "You need to provide a valid redirect_uri to autorize an application" ) ) end end end def device_code(conn, %{"client_id" => client_id, "scope" => scope}) do case Applications.register_device_code(client_id, scope) do {:ok, res} when is_map(res) -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_resp_header("cache-control", "no-store") |> json(res) {:error, :scope_not_included} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(400) |> json(%{ "error" => "invalid_scope", "error_description" => dgettext( "errors", "The given scope is not in the list of the app declared scopes" ) }) {:error, :application_not_found} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(400) |> json(%{ "error" => "invalid_client", "error_description" => dgettext( "errors", "No application was found with this client_id" ) }) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{} = err} -> Logger.error(inspect(err)) conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(500) |> json(%{ "error" => "server_error", "error_description" => dgettext( "errors", "Unable to produce device code" ) }) end end def device_code(conn, _args) do conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(400) |> json(%{ "error" => "invalid_request", "error_description" => dgettext( "errors", "You need to pass both client_id and scope as parameters to obtain a device code" ) }) end @spec generate_access_token(Plug.Conn.t(), map()) :: Plug.Conn.t() def generate_access_token(conn, %{ "client_id" => client_id, "client_secret" => client_secret, "code" => code, "redirect_uri" => redirect_uri, "scope" => scope, "grant_type" => "authorization_code" }) do case do_generate_access_token(client_id, client_secret, code, redirect_uri, scope) do {:ok, token} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_resp_header("cache-control", "no-store") |> json(token) {:error, code, msg} -> Logger.debug(msg) conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(400) |> json(%{ "error" => to_string(code), "error_description" => msg }) end end def generate_access_token(conn, %{ "client_id" => client_id, "device_code" => device_code, "grant_type" => "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code" }) do case Applications.generate_access_token_for_device_flow(client_id, device_code) do {:ok, res} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_resp_header("cache-control", "no-store") |> json(res) {:error, :incorrect_device_code} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(400) |> json(%{ "error" => "invalid_grant", "error_description" => dgettext( "errors", "The client_id provided or the device_code associated is invalid" ) }) {:error, :pending, interval} -> case Hammer.check_rate( "generate_device_access_token:#{client_id}:#{device_code}", interval * 1_000, 1 ) do {:allow, _} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(400) |> json(%{ "error" => "authorization_pending", "error_description" => dgettext( "errors", "The authorization request is still pending" ) }) {:deny, _} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(400) |> json(%{ "error" => "slow_down", "error_description" => dgettext( "errors", "Please slow down the rate of your requests" ) }) end {:error, :access_denied} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(400) |> json(%{ "error" => "access_denied", "error_description" => dgettext( "errors", "The user rejected the requested authorization" ) }) {:error, :expired} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(400) |> json(%{ "error" => "expired_token", "error_description" => dgettext( "errors", "The given device_code has expired" ) }) end end def generate_access_token(conn, %{ "refresh_token" => refresh_token, "grant_type" => "refresh_token", "client_id" => client_id, "client_secret" => client_secret }) do case Applications.refresh_tokens(refresh_token, client_id, client_secret) do {:ok, res} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_resp_header("cache-control", "no-store") |> json(res) {:error, :invalid_client_credentials} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(400) |> json(%{ "error" => "invalid_client", "error_description" => dgettext("errors", "Invalid client credentials provided") }) {:error, :invalid_refresh_token} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(400) |> json(%{ "error" => "invalid_grant", "error_description" => dgettext("errors", "Invalid refresh token provided") }) {:error, err} when is_atom(err) -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(500) |> json(%{ "error" => "server_error", "error_description" => to_string(err) }) end end def generate_access_token(conn, _args) do conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(400) |> json(%{ "error" => "invalid_request", "error_description" => dgettext( "errors", "Incorrect parameters sent. You need to provide at least the grant_type and client_id parameters, depending on the grant type being used." ) }) end def revoke_token(conn, %{"token" => token} = _args) do case Applications.revoke_token(token) do {:ok, _res} -> send_resp(conn, 200, "") {:error, _, _, _} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(500) |> json(%{ "error" => "server_error", "error_description" => dgettext("errors", "Unable to revoke token") }) {:error, :token_not_found} -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_status(:not_found) |> json(%{ "error" => "invalid_request", "error_description" => dgettext("errors", "Token not found") }) end end @spec do_generate_access_token(String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: {:ok, Applications.access_token_details()} | {:error, atom(), String.t()} defp do_generate_access_token(client_id, client_secret, code, redirect_uri, scope) do case Applications.generate_access_token( client_id, client_secret, code, redirect_uri, scope ) do {:ok, token} -> {:ok, token} {:error, :application_not_found} -> {:error, :invalid_request, dgettext("errors", "No application was found with this client_id")} {:error, :redirect_uri_not_in_allowed} -> {:error, :invalid_request, dgettext("errors", "This redirect URI is not allowed")} {:error, :invalid_or_expired} -> {:error, :invalid_grant, dgettext("errors", "The provided code is invalid or expired")} {:error, :provided_code_does_not_match} -> {:error, :invalid_grant, dgettext("errors", "The provided client_id does not match the provided code")} {:error, :invalid_client_secret} -> {:error, :invalid_client, dgettext("errors", "The provided client_secret is invalid")} {:error, :scope_not_included} -> {:error, :invalid_scope, dgettext( "errors", "The provided scope is invalid or not included in the app declared scopes" )} end end defp valid_uri?(url) do uri = URI.parse(url) uri.scheme != nil and ( =~ "." or == "localhost") end @spec append_parameters(String.t(), Enum.t()) :: String.t() defp append_parameters(uri_str, parameters) do query_parameters = URI.encode_query(parameters) case URI.parse(uri_str) do %URI{query: nil} = uri -> uri |> URI.merge(%URI{query: query_parameters}) |> URI.to_string() uri -> "#{URI.to_string(uri)}&#{query_parameters}" end end end