defmodule Mix.Tasks.Mobilizon.Maintenance.DetectSpam do @moduledoc """ Task to scan all profiles and events against spam detector and report them """ use Mix.Task alias Mobilizon.{Actors, Config, Events, Users} alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Events.Event alias Mobilizon.Service.AntiSpam import Mix.Tasks.Mobilizon.Common alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.Actions alias Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint alias Mobilizon.Web.Router.Helpers, as: Routes @shortdoc "Scan all profiles and events against spam detector and report them" @impl Mix.Task def run(options) do {options, [], []} = OptionParser.parse( options, strict: [ dry_run: :boolean, verbose: :boolean, forward_reports: :boolean, local_only: :boolean ], aliases: [ d: :dry_run, v: :verbose, f: :forward_reports, l: :local_only ] ) start_mobilizon() unless anti_spam().ready?() do shell_error("Akismet is missing an API key in the configuration") end anonymous_actor_id = Config.anonymous_actor_id() options |> Keyword.get(:local_only, false) |> profiles() |> Stream.flat_map(& &1) |> Stream.each(fn profile -> process_profile(profile, Keyword.put(options, :anonymous_actor_id, anonymous_actor_id)) end) |> options |> Keyword.get(:local_only, false) |> events() |> Stream.flat_map(& &1) |> Stream.each(fn event -> process_event(event, Keyword.put(options, :anonymous_actor_id, anonymous_actor_id)) end) |> end defp profiles(local_only) do shell_info("Starting scanning of profiles") Actors.stream_persons("", "", "", local_only || nil, false) end defp events(local_only) do shell_info("Starting scanning of events") Events.stream_events(local_only || nil) end defp process_profile( %Actor{preferred_username: preferred_username, summary: summary, user: user, id: id}, options ) do email = if(is_nil(user), do: nil, else: ip = if(is_nil(user), do: nil, else: user.current_sign_in_ip || user.last_sign_in_ip) case anti_spam().check_profile(preferred_username, summary, email, ip, nil) do res when res in [:spam, :discard] -> handle_spam_profile(preferred_username, id, options) :ham -> if verbose?(options) do shell_info("Profile #{preferred_username} is fine") end err -> shell_error(inspect(err)) end end defp process_event( %Event{ description: event_description, organizer_actor: organizer_actor, id: event_id, title: title, uuid: uuid }, options ) do {email, ip} = if organizer_actor.user_id do user = Users.get_user(organizer_actor.user_id) email = if(is_nil(user), do: nil, else: ip = if(is_nil(user), do: nil, else: user.current_sign_in_ip || user.last_sign_in_ip) {email, ip} else {nil, nil} end case anti_spam().check_event( event_description, organizer_actor.preferred_username, email, ip, nil ) do res when res in [:spam, :discard] -> handle_spam_event(event_id, title, uuid,, options) :ham -> if verbose?(options) do shell_info("Event #{title} is fine") end err -> shell_error(inspect(err)) end end defp handle_spam_profile(preferred_username, organizer_actor_id, options) do shell_info("Detected profile #{preferred_username} as spam") unless dry_run?(options) do report_spam_profile(preferred_username, organizer_actor_id, options) end end defp report_spam_profile(profile_preferred_username, organizer_actor_id, options) do shell_info("Reporting profile #{profile_preferred_username} as spam") Actions.Flag.flag( %{ reported_id: organizer_actor_id, reporter_id: Keyword.fetch!(options, :anonymous_actor_id), content: "This is an automatic report issued by Akismet" }, Keyword.get(options, :forward_reports, false) ) end defp handle_spam_event(event_id, event_title, event_uuid, organizer_actor_id, options) do shell_info( "Detected event #{event_title} as spam: #{Routes.page_url(Endpoint, :event, event_uuid)}" ) unless dry_run?(options) do report_spam_event(event_id, event_title, organizer_actor_id, options) end end defp report_spam_event(event_id, event_title, organizer_actor_id, options) do shell_info("Reporting event #{event_title} as spam") Actions.Flag.flag( %{ reported_id: organizer_actor_id, reporter_id: Keyword.fetch!(options, :anonymous_actor_id), event_id: event_id, content: "This is an automatic report issued by Akismet" }, Keyword.get(options, :forward_reports, false) ) end defp verbose?(options), do: Keyword.get(options, :verbose, false) defp dry_run?(options), do: Keyword.get(options, :dry_run, false) defp anti_spam, do: AntiSpam.service() end