defmodule Mix.Tasks.GenerateConfig do use Mix.Task @moduledoc """ Generate a new config ## Usage ``mix generate_config`` This mix task is interactive, and will overwrite the environment file present at ``.env.production``. Inspired from Pleroma own generate_config task """ def run(_) do IO.puts("Answer a few questions to generate a new config\n") override = if File.exists?(".env.production") do confirm("You already have an .env.production file, do you want to override it?") else nil end if override == true do IO.puts("\n--- THIS WILL OVERWRITE YOUR .env.production file! ---\n") end if override != false do domain = string_required("What is your domain name? (e.g. ") name = string_required("What is the name of your instance? (e.g. Framameet): ") email = email("What's your admin email address: ") if confirm("Is everything okay?") do do_generate(domain, name, email) else IO.puts("\nYou cancelled installation\n") end else IO.puts("\nYou cancelled installation\n") end end defp do_generate(domain, name, email) do secret = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(64) |> Base.encode64() |> binary_part(0, 64) # Try to avoid issues with some special caracters using url_encode64() dbpass = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(64) |> Base.url_encode64() |> binary_part(0, 64) resultSql = EEx.eval_file("support/postgresql/setup_db.psql", database_password: dbpass) result = EEx.eval_file( ".env.production.sample", instance_domain: domain, instance_name: name, instance_email: email, instance_secret: secret, database_password: dbpass ) IO.puts("\nWriting config to .env.production.\n\nCheck it and configure your database.") File.write(".env.production", result) IO.puts(""" \nWriting setup_db.psql, please run it as postgres superuser, i.e.: sudo su postgres -c 'psql -f setup_db.psql'\n You may delete the setup_db.psql file once it has been executed. """) File.write("setup_db.psql", resultSql) end # Taken from ex_prompt @spec confirm(String.t()) :: boolean() defp confirm(prompt) do answer = String.trim(prompt) |> Kernel.<>(" [Yn] ") |> string() |> String.downcase() cond do answer in ~w(yes y) -> true answer in ~w(no n) -> false true -> confirm(prompt) end end # Taken from ex_prompt @spec string(String.t()) :: String.t() defp string(prompt) do case IO.gets(prompt) do :eof -> "" {:error, _reason} -> "" str -> String.trim_trailing(str) end end # Taken from ex_prompt @spec string_required(String.t()) :: String.t() defp string_required(prompt) do case string(prompt) do "" -> string_required(prompt) str -> str end end @spec email(String.t(), boolean()) :: String.t() defp email(prompt, required \\ true) do email_value = case required do true -> string_required(prompt) _ -> string(prompt) end case Mobilizon.Service.EmailChecker.valid?(email_value) do false -> email(prompt, required) _ -> email_value end end end