defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Schema.Events.ParticipantType do @moduledoc """ Schema representation for Participant. """ use Absinthe.Schema.Notation import Absinthe.Resolution.Helpers, only: [dataloader: 1] alias Mobilizon.{Actors, Events} alias Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.Participant @desc "Represents a participant to an event" object :participant do meta(:authorize, :all) field(:id, :id, description: "The participation ID") field( :event, :event, resolve: dataloader(Events), description: "The event which the actor participates in" ) field( :actor, :actor, resolve: dataloader(Actors), description: "The actor that participates to the event" ) field(:role, :participant_role_enum, description: "The role of this actor at this event") field(:metadata, :participant_metadata, description: "The metadata associated to this participant" ) field(:inserted_at, :datetime, description: "The datetime this participant was created") end @desc """ Metadata about a participant """ object :participant_metadata do meta(:authorize, :all) field(:cancellation_token, :string, description: "The eventual token to leave an event when user is anonymous" ) field(:message, :string, description: "The eventual message the participant left") field(:locale, :string, description: "The participant's locale") end @desc """ A paginated list of participants """ object :paginated_participant_list do meta(:authorize, :user) field(:elements, list_of(:participant), description: "A list of participants") field(:total, :integer, description: "The total number of participants in the list") end object :participant_export do meta(:authorize, :user) field(:path, :string, description: "The path to the exported file") field(:format, :export_format_enum, description: "The path to the exported file") end @desc """ The possible values for a participant role """ enum :participant_role_enum do value(:not_approved, description: "The participant has not been approved") value(:not_confirmed, description: "The participant has not confirmed their participation") value(:participant, description: "The participant is a regular participant") value(:moderator, description: "The participant is an event moderator") value(:administrator, description: "The participant is an event administrator") value(:creator, description: "The participant is an event creator") value(:rejected, description: "The participant has been rejected from this event") end enum :export_format_enum do value(:csv, description: "CSV format") value(:pdf, description: "PDF format") value(:ods, description: "ODS format") end @desc "Represents a deleted participant" object :deleted_participant do meta(:authorize, :all) field(:id, :id, description: "The participant ID") field(:event, :deleted_object, description: "The participant's event") field(:actor, :deleted_object, description: "The participant's actor") end object :participant_mutations do @desc "Join an event" field :join_event, :participant do arg(:event_id, non_null(:id), description: "The event ID that is joined") arg(:actor_id, non_null(:id), description: "The actor ID for the participant") arg(:email, :string, description: "The anonymous participant's email") arg(:message, :string, description: "The anonymous participant's message") arg(:locale, :string, description: "The anonymous participant's locale") arg(:timezone, :timezone, description: "The anonymous participant's timezone") middleware(Rajska.QueryAuthorization, permit: :all, rule: :"write:participation") resolve(&Participant.actor_join_event/3) end @desc "Leave an event" field :leave_event, :deleted_participant do arg(:event_id, non_null(:id), description: "The event ID the participant left") arg(:actor_id, non_null(:id), description: "The actor ID for the participant") arg(:token, :string, description: "The anonymous participant participation token") middleware(Rajska.QueryAuthorization, permit: :all, rule: :"write:participation") resolve(&Participant.actor_leave_event/3) end @desc "Update a participation" field :update_participation, :participant do arg(:id, non_null(:id), description: "The participant ID") arg(:role, non_null(:participant_role_enum), description: "The participant new role") middleware(Rajska.QueryAuthorization, permit: :user, scope: Mobilizon.Events.Participant, rule: :"write:participation" ) resolve(&Participant.update_participation/3) end @desc "Confirm a participation" field :confirm_participation, :participant do arg(:confirmation_token, non_null(:string), description: "The participation token") middleware(Rajska.QueryAuthorization, permit: :all, rule: :"write:participation") resolve(&Participant.confirm_participation_from_token/3) end @desc "Export the event participants as a file" field :export_event_participants, :participant_export do arg(:event_id, non_null(:id), description: "The ID from the event for which to export participants" ) arg(:roles, list_of(:participant_role_enum), default_value: [], description: "The participant roles to include" ) arg(:format, :export_format_enum, description: "The format in which to return the file") middleware(Rajska.QueryAuthorization, permit: :user, scope: Mobilizon.Events.Event, rule: :"read:event:participants:export", args: %{id: :event_id} ) resolve(&Participant.export_event_participants/3) end end end