FROM elixir:1.15 as build SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"] ENV MIX_ENV prod # ENV LANG en_US.UTF-8 ARG APP_ASSET # Fix qemu segfault on arm64 # See and ARG ERL_FLAGS="" ENV ERL_FLAGS=$ERL_FLAGS # Set the right versions ENV ELIXIR_VERSION latest ENV ERLANG_VERSION latest ENV NODE_VERSION 18 # Install system dependencies RUN apt-get update -yq && apt-get install -yq build-essential cmake postgresql-client git curl gnupg unzip exiftool webp imagemagick gifsicle RUN apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* # # Install Node & yarn # RUN curl -sL | bash && apt-get install nodejs -yq # RUN npm install -g yarn # Install build tools RUN source /root/.bashrc && \ mix local.rebar --force && \ mix local.hex -if-missing --force RUN mkdir /mobilizon COPY ./ /mobilizon WORKDIR /mobilizon # # Build front-end # RUN yarn --cwd "js" install --frozen-lockfile # RUN yarn --cwd "js" run build # Elixir release RUN source /root/.bashrc && \ mix deps.get --only prod && \ mix compile && \ mix phx.digest.clean --all && \ mix phx.digest && \ mix release --path release/mobilizon && \ cd release/mobilizon && \ ln -s lib/mobilizon-*/priv priv && \ cd ../../ # Make a release archive RUN tar -zcf /mobilizon/${APP_ASSET} -C release mobilizon