defmodule MobilizonWeb.Resolvers.Event do alias Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub def list_events(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:ok, Mobilizon.Events.list_events()} end def find_event(_parent, %{uuid: uuid}, _resolution) do case Mobilizon.Events.get_event_full_by_uuid(uuid) do nil -> {:error, "Event with UUID #{uuid} not found"} event -> {:ok, event} end end def list_participants_for_event(_parent, %{uuid: uuid}, _resolution) do {:ok, Mobilizon.Events.list_participants_for_event(uuid)} end @doc """ Search events by title """ def search_events(_parent, %{search: search, page: page, limit: limit}, _resolution) do {:ok, Mobilizon.Events.find_events_by_name(search, page, limit)} end @doc """ Search events and actors by title """ def search_events_and_actors(_parent, %{search: search, page: page, limit: limit}, _resolution) do search = String.strip(search) found = case String.contains?(search, "@") do true -> with {:ok, actor} <- ActivityPub.find_or_make_actor_from_nickname(search) do actor else {:error, _err} -> nil end _ -> Mobilizon.Events.find_events_by_name(search, page, limit) ++ Mobilizon.Actors.find_actors_by_username_or_name(search, page, limit) end require Logger Logger.debug(inspect(found)) {:ok, found} end @doc """ List participants for event (through an event request) """ def list_participants_for_event(%{uuid: uuid}, _args, _resolution) do {:ok, Mobilizon.Events.list_participants_for_event(uuid)} end def create_event(_parent, args, %{context: %{current_user: user}}) do Mobilizon.Events.create_event(args) end def create_event(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:error, "You need to be logged-in to create events"} end end