defmodule Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub.Utils do @moduledoc """ # Utils Various utils """ alias Mobilizon.Repo alias Mobilizon.Actors alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Events.Event alias Mobilizon.Events.Comment alias Mobilizon.Events alias Mobilizon.Activity alias MobilizonWeb alias Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub alias Ecto.{Changeset, UUID} require Logger def make_context(%Activity{data: %{"context" => context}}), do: context def make_context(_), do: generate_context_id() def make_json_ld_header do %{ "@context" => [ "", "", %{ "sc" => "", "Hashtag" => "as:Hashtag", "category" => "sc:category", "uuid" => "sc:identifier" } ] } end def make_date do DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.to_iso8601() end def generate_activity_id do generate_id("activities") end def generate_context_id do generate_id("contexts") end def generate_id(type) do "#{MobilizonWeb.Endpoint.url()}/#{type}/#{UUID.generate()}" end @doc """ Enqueues an activity for federation if it's local """ def maybe_federate(%Activity{local: true} = activity) do Logger.debug("Maybe federate an activity") priority = case["type"] do "Delete" -> 10 "Create" -> 1 _ -> 5 end Mobilizon.Service.Federator.enqueue(:publish, activity, priority) :ok end def maybe_federate(_), do: :ok def remote_actors(%{data: %{"to" => to} = data}) do to = to ++ (data["cc"] || []) to |> url -> Actors.get_actor_by_url(url) end) |> {status, actor} -> case status do :ok -> actor _ -> nil end end) |> &1) |> Enum.filter(fn actor -> actor && !is_nil(actor.domain) end) end @doc """ Adds an id and a published data if they aren't there, also adds it to an included object """ def lazy_put_activity_defaults(map) do if is_map(map["object"]) do object = lazy_put_object_defaults(map["object"]) %{map | "object" => object} else map end end @doc """ Adds an id and published date if they aren't there. """ def lazy_put_object_defaults(map) do Map.put_new_lazy(map, "published", &make_date/0) end @doc """ Inserts a full object if it is contained in an activity. """ def insert_full_object(object_data, local \\ false) @doc """ Inserts a full object if it is contained in an activity. """ def insert_full_object(%{"object" => %{"type" => type} = object_data}, local) when is_map(object_data) and type == "Event" and not local do with {:ok, _} <- Events.create_event(object_data) do :ok end end @doc """ Inserts a full object if it is contained in an activity. """ def insert_full_object(%{"object" => %{"type" => type} = object_data}, local) when is_map(object_data) and type == "Note" and not local do with {:ok, %Actor{id: actor_id}} <- Actors.get_or_fetch_by_url(object_data["actor"]) do data = %{ "text" => object_data["content"], "url" => object_data["id"], "actor_id" => actor_id, "in_reply_to_comment_id" => nil, "event_id" => nil, "uuid" => object_data["uuid"], "local" => local } # We fetch the parent object data = if Map.has_key?(object_data, "inReplyTo") && object_data["inReplyTo"] != nil && object_data["inReplyTo"] != "" do Logger.debug("Object has inReplyTo #{object_data["inReplyTo"]}") case ActivityPub.fetch_object_from_url(object_data["inReplyTo"]) do # Reply to an event (Comment) {:ok, %Event{id: id}} -> Logger.debug("Parent object is an event") data |> Map.put("event_id", id) # Reply to a comment (Comment) {:ok, %Comment{id: id} = comment} -> Logger.debug("Parent object is another comment") data |> Map.put("in_reply_to_comment_id", id) |> Map.put("origin_comment_id", comment |> Comment.get_thread_id()) # Anthing else is kind of a MP object -> Logger.debug("Parent object is something we don't handle") Logger.debug(inspect(object)) data end else Logger.debug("No parent object for this comment") data end with {:ok, _comment} <- Events.create_comment(data) do :ok else err -> Logger.error("Error while inserting a remote comment inside database") Logger.error(inspect(err)) {:error, err} end end end def insert_full_object(_, _), do: :ok #### Like-related helpers # @doc """ # Returns an existing like if a user already liked an object # """ # def get_existing_like(actor, %{data: %{"id" => id}}) do # query = # from( # activity in Activity, # where: fragment("(?)->>'actor' = ?",, ^actor), # # this is to use the index # where: # fragment( # "coalesce((?)->'object'->>'id', (?)->>'object') = ?", #, #, # ^id # ), # where: fragment("(?)->>'type' = 'Like'", # ) # # # end def make_event_data( %Event{title: title, organizer_actor: actor, uuid: uuid}, to \\ [""] ) do %{ "type" => "Event", "to" => to, "title" => title, "actor" => actor.url, "uuid" => uuid, "id" => "#{MobilizonWeb.Endpoint.url()}/events/#{uuid}" } end @doc """ Make an AP comment object from an existing `Comment` structure. """ def make_comment_data( %Comment{ text: text, actor: actor, uuid: uuid, in_reply_to_comment: reply_to, event: event }, to \\ [""] ) do object = %{ "type" => "Note", "to" => to, "content" => text, "actor" => actor.url, "uuid" => uuid, "id" => "#{MobilizonWeb.Endpoint.url()}/comments/#{uuid}" } if reply_to do object |> Map.put("inReplyTo", reply_to.url || event.url) else object end end def make_comment_data( actor, to, content_html, # attachments, inReplyTo \\ nil, # tags, _cw \\ nil, cc \\ [] ) do Logger.debug("Making comment data") uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate() object = %{ "type" => "Note", "to" => to, "cc" => cc, "content" => content_html, # "summary" => cw, # "attachment" => attachments, "actor" => actor, "id" => "#{MobilizonWeb.Endpoint.url()}/comments/#{uuid}", "uuid" => uuid # "tag" => tags |> {_, tag} -> tag end) |> Enum.uniq() } if inReplyTo do object |> Map.put("inReplyTo", inReplyTo) else object end end def make_like_data(%Actor{url: url} = actor, %{data: %{"id" => id}} = object, activity_id) do data = %{ "type" => "Like", "actor" => url, "object" => id, "to" => [actor.follower_address,["actor"]], "cc" => [""], "context" =>["context"] } if activity_id, do: Map.put(data, "id", activity_id), else: data end def update_element_in_object(property, element, object) do with new_data <- |> Map.put("#{property}_count", length(element)) |> Map.put("#{property}s", element), changeset <- Changeset.change(object, data: new_data), {:ok, object} <- Repo.update(changeset) do {:ok, object} end end # def update_likes_in_object(likes, object) do # update_element_in_object("like", likes, object) # end # # def add_like_to_object(%Activity{data: %{"actor" => actor}}, object) do # with likes <- [actor |["likes"] || []] |> Enum.uniq() do # update_likes_in_object(likes, object) # end # end # # def remove_like_from_object(%Activity{data: %{"actor" => actor}}, object) do # with likes <- (["likes"] || []) |> List.delete(actor) do # update_likes_in_object(likes, object) # end # end #### Follow-related helpers @doc """ Makes a follow activity data for the given follower and followed """ def make_follow_data(%Actor{url: follower_id}, %Actor{url: followed_id}, activity_id) do Logger.debug("Make follow data") data = %{ "type" => "Follow", "actor" => follower_id, "to" => [followed_id], "cc" => [""], "object" => followed_id } Logger.debug(inspect(data)) if activity_id, do: Map.put(data, "id", "#{MobilizonWeb.Endpoint.url()}/follow/#{activity_id}/activity"), else: data end #### Announce-related helpers @doc """ Make announce activity data for the given actor and object """ def make_announce_data( %Actor{url: url} = user, %Event{id: id} = object, activity_id ) do data = %{ "type" => "Announce", "actor" => url, "object" => id, "to" => [user.follower_address,["actor"]], "cc" => [""], "context" =>["context"] } if activity_id, do: Map.put(data, "id", activity_id), else: data end def add_announce_to_object(%Activity{data: %{"actor" => actor}}, object) do with announcements <- [actor |["announcements"] || []] |> Enum.uniq() do update_element_in_object("announcement", announcements, object) end end #### Unfollow-related helpers def make_unfollow_data(follower, followed, follow_activity) do %{ "type" => "Undo", "actor" => follower.url, "to" => [followed.url], "object" =>["id"] } end #### Create-related helpers def make_create_data(params, additional \\ %{}) do published = params.published || make_date() %{ "type" => "Create", "to" => |> Enum.uniq(), "actor" =>, "object" => params.object, "published" => published } |> Map.merge(additional) end @doc """ Converts PEM encoded keys to a public key representation """ def pem_to_public_key(pem) do [key_code] = :public_key.pem_decode(pem) key = :public_key.pem_entry_decode(key_code) case key do {:RSAPrivateKey, _, modulus, exponent, _, _, _, _, _, _, _} -> {:RSAPublicKey, modulus, exponent} {:RSAPublicKey, modulus, exponent} -> {:RSAPublicKey, modulus, exponent} end end @doc """ Converts PEM encoded keys to a private key representation """ def pem_to_private_key(pem) do [private_key_code] = :public_key.pem_decode(pem) :public_key.pem_entry_decode(private_key_code) end @doc """ Converts PEM encoded keys to a PEM public key representation """ def pem_to_public_key_pem(pem) do public_key = pem_to_public_key(pem) public_key = :public_key.pem_entry_encode(:RSAPublicKey, public_key) :public_key.pem_encode([public_key]) end end