defmodule Mobilizon.Service.Geospatial.AddokTest do use ExVCR.Mock, adapter: ExVCR.Adapter.Hackney use Mobilizon.DataCase import Mock alias Mobilizon.Addresses.Address alias Mobilizon.Config alias Mobilizon.Service.Geospatial.Addok @http_options [ follow_redirect: true, ssl: [{:versions, [:"tlsv1.2"]}] ] setup do # Config.instance_user_agent/0 makes database calls so because of ownership connection # we need to define it like this instead of a constant # See {:ok, httpoison_headers: [ {"User-Agent", Config.instance_user_agent()} ]} end @endpoint get_in(Application.get_env(:mobilizon, Addok), [:endpoint]) @fake_endpoint "https://domain.tld" describe "search address" do test "produces a valid search address", %{httpoison_headers: httpoison_headers} do with_mock HTTPoison, get: fn _url, _headers, _options -> "{}" end do"10 Rue Jangot") assert_called( HTTPoison.get( "#{@endpoint}/search/?q=10%20Rue%20Jangot&limit=10", httpoison_headers, @http_options ) ) end end test "produces a valid search address with options", %{httpoison_headers: httpoison_headers} do with_mock HTTPoison, get: fn _url, _headers, _options -> "{}" end do"10 Rue Jangot", endpoint: @fake_endpoint, limit: 5, coords: %{lat: 49, lon: 12} ) assert_called( HTTPoison.get( "#{@fake_endpoint}/search/?q=10%20Rue%20Jangot&limit=5&lat=49&lon=12", httpoison_headers, @http_options ) ) end end test "returns a valid address from search" do use_cassette "geospatial/addok/search" do assert %Address{ country: "France", region: "69, Rhône, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes", locality: "Lyon", description: "10 Rue Jangot", postal_code: "69007", street: "10 Rue Jangot", geom: %Geo.Point{coordinates: {4.842569, 45.751718}, properties: %{}, srid: 4326} } =="10 rue Jangot") |> hd end end test "returns a valid address from reverse geocode" do use_cassette "geospatial/addok/geocode" do assert %Address{ country: "France", region: "69, Rhône, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes", locality: "Lyon", description: "10 Rue Jangot", postal_code: "69007", street: "10 Rue Jangot", geom: %Geo.Point{coordinates: {4.842569, 45.751718}, properties: %{}, srid: 4326} } == Addok.geocode(4.842569, 45.751718) |> hd end end end end