import { config, createLocalVue, mount } from "@vue/test-utils"; import ReportCard from "@/components/Report/ReportCard.vue"; import Buefy from "buefy"; import { ActorType } from "@/types/enums"; const localVue = createLocalVue(); localVue.use(Buefy); config.mocks.$t = (key: string): string => key; const reportData = { id: "1", content: "My content", insertedAt: "2020-12-02T09:01:20.873Z", reporter: { preferredUsername: "author", domain: null, name: "Reporter of Things", type: ActorType.PERSON, }, reported: { preferredUsername: "my-awesome-group", domain: null, name: "My Awesome Group", }, }; const generateWrapper = (customReportData: Record = {}) => { return mount(ReportCard, { localVue, propsData: { report: { ...reportData, ...customReportData }, }, }); }; describe("ReportCard", () => { it("renders report card with basic informations", () => { const wrapper = generateWrapper(); expect(wrapper.find(".media-content .title").text()).toBe( ); expect(wrapper.find(".media-content .subtitle").text()).toBe( `@${reportData.reported.preferredUsername}` ); expect(wrapper.find(".is-one-quarter-desktop span").text()).toBe( `Reported by {reporter}` ); }); it("renders report card with with a remote reporter", () => { const wrapper = generateWrapper({ reporter: { domain: "somewhere.else", type: ActorType.APPLICATION }, }); expect(wrapper.find(".is-one-quarter-desktop span").text()).toBe( "Reported by someone on {domain}" ); }); });