# Portions of this file are derived from Pleroma: # Copyright © 2017-2018 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only # Upstream: https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/blob/develop/lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/common.ex defmodule Mix.Tasks.Mobilizon.Common do @moduledoc """ Common functions to be reused in mix tasks """ require Logger @env Application.compile_env(:mobilizon, :env) @spec start_mobilizon :: any() def start_mobilizon do if mix_task?(), do: Mix.Task.run("app.config") unless System.get_env("DEBUG") || @env == :test do Logger.configure(level: loglevel()) end Application.put_env(:phoenix, :serve_endpoints, false, persistent: true) {:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:mobilizon) end @spec get_option(Keyword.t(), atom(), String.t(), String.t() | nil, String.t() | nil) :: any() def get_option(options, opt, prompt, defval \\ nil, defname \\ nil) do Keyword.get(options, opt) || shell_prompt(prompt, defval, defname) end @spec shell_prompt(String.t(), String.t() | nil, String.t() | nil) :: String.t() def shell_prompt(prompt, defval \\ nil, defname \\ nil) do prompt_message = "#{prompt} [#{defname || defval}] " input = if mix_shell?(), do: Mix.shell().prompt(prompt_message), else: :io.get_line(prompt_message) case input do "\n" -> case defval do nil -> shell_prompt(prompt, defval, defname) defval -> defval end input -> String.trim(input) end end @spec shell_yes?(String.t()) :: boolean() def shell_yes?(message) do if mix_shell?(), do: Mix.shell().yes?(message), else: shell_prompt(message, "Continue?") in ~w(Yn Y y) end @spec shell_info(String.t()) :: :ok def shell_info(message) do if mix_shell?(), do: Mix.shell().info(message), else: IO.puts(message) end @spec shell_error(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: nil | no_return def shell_error(message, options \\ []) do if mix_shell?() do Mix.shell().error(message) else IO.puts(:stderr, message) end shutdown(options) end def shutdown(options \\ []) do if @env != :test do exit({:shutdown, Keyword.get(options, :error_code, 1)}) end end @doc "Performs a safe check whether `Mix.shell/0` is available (does not raise if Mix is not loaded)" @spec mix_shell? :: boolean def mix_shell?, do: :erlang.function_exported(Mix, :shell, 0) @spec mix_task? :: boolean def mix_task?, do: :erlang.function_exported(Mix.Task, :run, 1) @spec escape_sh_path(String.t()) :: String.t() def escape_sh_path(path) do ~S(') <> String.replace(path, ~S('), ~S(\')) <> ~S(') end @type task_module :: atom @doc """ Gets the shortdoc for the given task `module`. Returns the shortdoc or `nil`. """ @spec shortdoc(task_module) :: String.t() | nil def shortdoc(module) when is_atom(module) do case List.keyfind(module.__info__(:attributes), :shortdoc, 0) do {:shortdoc, [shortdoc]} -> shortdoc _ -> nil end end @spec show_subtasks_for_module(module()) :: :ok def show_subtasks_for_module(module_name) do tasks = list_subtasks_for_module(module_name) max = Enum.reduce(tasks, 0, fn {name, _doc}, acc -> max(byte_size(name), acc) end) Enum.each(tasks, fn {name, doc} -> shell_info("#{String.pad_trailing(name, max + 2)} # #{doc}") end) end @spec list_subtasks_for_module(module()) :: list({String.t(), String.t()}) def list_subtasks_for_module(module_name) do Application.load(:mobilizon) {:ok, modules} = :application.get_key(:mobilizon, :modules) module_name = to_string(module_name) modules |> Enum.filter(fn module -> String.starts_with?(to_string(module), to_string(module_name)) && to_string(module) != to_string(module_name) end) |> Enum.map(&format_module/1) end @spec format_module(module()) :: {String.t(), String.t() | nil} defp format_module(module) do {format_name(to_string(module)), shortdoc(module)} end @spec format_name(String.t()) :: String.t() defp format_name("Elixir.Mix.Tasks.Mobilizon." <> task_name) do String.downcase(task_name) end @loglevels [ :emergency, :alert, :critical, :error, :warning, :notice, :info, :debug ] defp loglevel do loglevel_env = System.get_env("MOBILIZON_LOGLEVEL", "error") if loglevel_env in Enum.map(@loglevels, &to_string/1) do String.to_existing_atom(loglevel_env) else :error end end end