defmodule Mobilizon.Factory do @moduledoc """ Factory for fixtures with ExMachina """ # with Ecto use ExMachina.Ecto, repo: Mobilizon.Repo alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias MobilizonWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes alias MobilizonWeb.Endpoint alias MobilizonWeb.Upload def user_factory do %Mobilizon.Users.User{ password_hash: "Jane Smith", email: sequence(:email, &"email-#{&1}"), role: :user, confirmed_at: DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.truncate(:second), confirmation_sent_at: nil, confirmation_token: nil } end def actor_factory do key = :public_key.generate_key({:rsa, 2048, 65_537}) entry = :public_key.pem_entry_encode(:RSAPrivateKey, key) pem = [entry] |> :public_key.pem_encode() |> String.trim_trailing() preferred_username = sequence("thomas") %Mobilizon.Actors.Actor{ preferred_username: preferred_username, domain: nil, followers: [], followings: [], keys: pem, type: :Person, avatar: build(:file, name: "Avatar"), banner: build(:file, name: "Banner"), url: Actor.build_url(preferred_username, :page), followers_url: Actor.build_url(preferred_username, :followers), following_url: Actor.build_url(preferred_username, :following), outbox_url: Actor.build_url(preferred_username, :outbox), user: nil } end def group_factory do struct!( actor_factory(), %{ type: :Group } ) end def follower_factory do %Mobilizon.Actors.Follower{ target_actor: build(:actor), actor: build(:actor) } end def tag_factory do %Mobilizon.Events.Tag{ title: "MyTag", slug: sequence("MyTag") } end def tag_relation_factory do %Mobilizon.Events.TagRelation{ tag: build(:tag), link: build(:tag) } end def address_factory do %Mobilizon.Addresses.Address{ description: sequence("MyAddress"), geom: %Geo.Point{coordinates: {45.75, 4.85}, srid: 4326}, floor: "Myfloor", country: "My Country", locality: "My Locality", region: "My Region", postal_code: "My Postal Code", street: "My Street Address" } end def comment_factory do uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate() %Mobilizon.Events.Comment{ text: "My Comment", actor: build(:actor), event: build(:event), uuid: uuid, in_reply_to_comment: nil, url: Routes.page_url(Endpoint, :comment, uuid) } end def event_factory do actor = build(:actor) start = Timex.shift(DateTime.utc_now(), hours: 2) uuid = Ecto.UUID.generate() %Mobilizon.Events.Event{ title: sequence("Ceci est un événement"), description: "Ceci est une description avec une première phrase assez longue, puis sur une seconde ligne", begins_on: start, ends_on: Timex.shift(start, hours: 2), organizer_actor: actor, category: sequence("something"), physical_address: build(:address), visibility: :public, tags: build_list(3, :tag), url: Routes.page_url(Endpoint, :event, uuid), uuid: uuid } end def participant_factory do %Mobilizon.Events.Participant{ event: build(:event), actor: build(:actor), role: :creator } end def session_factory do %Mobilizon.Events.Session{ title: sequence("MySession"), event: build(:event), track: build(:track) } end def track_factory do %Mobilizon.Events.Track{ name: sequence("MyTrack"), event: build(:event) } end def bot_factory do %Mobilizon.Actors.Bot{ source: "https://mysource.tld/feed.ics", type: "ics", user: build(:user), actor: build(:actor) } end def member_factory do %Mobilizon.Actors.Member{ parent: build(:actor), actor: build(:actor), role: :not_approved } end def feed_token_factory do user = build(:user) %Mobilizon.Events.FeedToken{ user: user, actor: build(:actor, user: user), token: Ecto.UUID.generate() } end def file_factory do File.cp!("test/fixtures/image.jpg", "test/fixtures/image_tmp.jpg") file = %Plug.Upload{ content_type: "image/jpg", path: Path.absname("test/fixtures/image_tmp.jpg"), filename: "image.jpg" } {:ok, data} = %{ "url" => [%{"href" => url, "mediaType" => "image/jpeg"}], "size" => 13_227, "type" => "Image" } = data %Mobilizon.Media.File{ name: "My Picture", url: url, content_type: "image/png", size: 13_120 } end def picture_factory do %Mobilizon.Media.Picture{ file: build(:file), actor: build(:actor) } end end